Reset of The Apocalypse

Vol 10 Chapter 565: : One person coming [second more]

Biquge, the fastest update to restart the latest chapter of the last days!

West Lake, an old-time attraction. [Phoenix \ / huang \ / Please search for updates soon]

Leiyin Temple, Santan Yingyue, Broken Bridge and other well-known scenic spots, once a very prosperous place, are now also very lively, in front of accommodation hotels, mountain forests, and roadside specialty stores on nearby streets , Wandering stiff and twisted figure.

There is an unbearable strong smell in the air, and there is a strong sour smell in the smelly smell, which makes the stomach roll and smell.

The wavy West Lake sometimes lifted a whale-like giant tail, flapping white water splashes, and moored on the lake for tourists to take a boat ride on the lake, either flipped, or broken into two pieces, like Was interrupted by something.

On the surface, the phenomena here are all “natural”.

But no one knows that there is a huge, magnificent artificial construction base at the bottom of the deep mud at the bottom of the lake. Why use the adjective "piece" because this lake base is not a single base, but three or four towering pyramids arranged together with transparent pipes leading to each other. The most incredible thing is that the base is all around The lake water, with all kinds of fish still roaming inside, is very small in size, exactly the same as in the old era, all of which have not been mutated!

It looks like the West Lake is divided into upper and lower halves, separated by mud in the middle, but underneath is an underwater base.

On the entrance of each channel at each base of the pyramid, there is a pattern of oriental dragons, which is the exclusive symbol of the Pangu organization!

In the middle of the four pyramids, one of the most majestic and highest.

On the top floor, in a spacious conference room of hundreds of square meters, a silver-white alloy is everywhere, walls, tables, chairs, including staircase handrails, filled with the cold luster of metal, without too much equipment, it seems empty and deserted warm.

"President!" A dark-haired teenager with glasses looked at the noble figure above the conference table. This is their leader, but they used to call him "the dean" and used to say, "After three days, Star City hasn't moved. It must haven't found our place yet. Red Moon has repaired the Marmare Undersea Tunnel, Choosing a place in Europe, as long as you give an order, we can immediately withdraw. "

"Europe is regarded as a baggage by the Swedish Wolf Clan in Northern Europe. Although it has not yet been fully controlled, many bases have obeyed the Wolf Clan ’s dispatch, and now the Wolf Clan ’s power is not weaker than that of our Asian Eastern Alliance and Asian Alliance. It ’s a base, with a population of millions. If we go in the past, this group of wolf dogs will definitely smell. When the foundation is unstable, it ’s a bit difficult to cope with. ”The other girl with lilac hair was indifferent, and the expression on her face was age No match at all. Full of maturity and wisdom, he said: "The most feared thing is that they notified our location to the Star City, and the cross-state pursuit of killings is not difficult to do in the style of the God of War."

Her voice fell, and the remaining six people all frowned slightly, which was indeed a big problem.

If there are outsiders here, it will be extremely surprised, this almost destroyed Star City. In order to unify the super organizations in Asia, the senior leaders were all very young, more accurately, immature, among them the youngest. It seems that he is only about eleven or twelve, with an extremely cold expression, and the oldest is only more than twenty, and will never be more than twenty-five.

"What does Lord Yu think?" Suddenly, another young man wearing earrings asked coldly.

Everyone looked at the leader ahead.

This is a young man in his early twenties. The figure is long, the sword eyebrows are starry, and Jun Meizhong reveals the noble temperament. He gently hits the desktop with his hand indifferently. Seeing everyone coming, he slowly said: "Master Yu is not convenient to shoot in person. It has fallen, and the strength of the God of War has exceeded the limit of the Fifth Period, comparable to the top strong of the first generation of giants. "

Seeing everyone's slightly discolored expression, he calmly said: "Let Hongyue operate secretly in Europe, we don't need to move in the past, Star City has not yet grasped our position, we are dark, they are bright, let's take a look first How does he deal with the existence of the Asian Union, if we are killed by that existence, we do n’t have to worry about anything. "

"However, in case Star City has grasped our position and is secretly deploying the attack?" The dark-haired young boy wearing glasses frowned, "Wouldn't this be a passive situation?"

"No." The girl with purple hair shook her head slowly, and said, "The green feather group was retreated to Division 3, if they have any strong sense of ability, they will only find the third branch. And there is already an empty department, filled with explosives, and a hydrogen bomb, as long as they dare to break in, how many deaths come, even the "God of War" is no exception. "

"Division No. 3 is the only place that may be exposed. If Star City is ready to take action, the undercover arranged in Star City will notify the Second Division, which will then pass it to us in person at the" Monthly Meeting "."

Others were slightly silent.

Being able to kill Lin Chao was naturally the most satisfactory result, but there was no movement for three days. They had little hope from the "probability", which made them feel stumped. Star City clearly has such terrible combat power as Lin Chao. However, the Scouting Department ’s garbage was dying, but it did n’t even track the King ’s Beast, even one of the top perception domain abilities. If they knew this already, they would n’t retreat so covertly, and they deliberately exposed a trace. The exposure is too obvious, the other party will not be fooled.

I didn't expect to be clever at the end but was mistaken.

"You can sacrifice a high-level undercover, take the opportunity to summon, and deliberately expose the third branch." At this time, the young man wearing earrings suddenly said.

"When I say this, I'm angry. All the departments on the bright side of the Star City have all listened to Fan Xiangyu's choice, and they can't penetrate each other. The several undercovers we sent in were finally mixed up with the high-level, and one of them became a minister. I haven't touched any secrets of Star City, including the information of the six giant cannons on the inner wall, which is **** it! "Another young man with strong physique said angrily.

"There must be big secrets in this Lin Chao body, including the Star City, and the woman named Fan Xiangyu. According to the investigation by the Intelligence Department, she had caused many monsters and carrion hatred not long ago, and almost died, including the last monster attack. City, the source of the disaster seems to be due to her. Although the minister did not detect any secrets, he still returned a useful message that Fan Xiangyu had some mysterious troops in his hands. According to the information currently available, She is most likely a carrion dominator! "The purple-haired girl said calmly.

The people looked at each other, shocked.

"This is good news." The dark-haired teenager with glasses said excitedly: "Whether it is true or not, as long as it spreads, it will cause riots!"


"We can ..."

Suddenly, a piercing alarm sounded, interrupting the person who was about to speak. Everyone's face changed, and they looked up at the alarm at the door of the meeting room.

The highest alarm sounded directly without notification, which shows that there is something very urgent.

"What's the matter!" The young leader in front quickly opened the communicator in his hand and said calmly.

A woman dressed as a secretary appeared on the wrist communicator and hurriedly said: "The dean, Lin Chao, who has just detected the star city, has come to the West Lake and is diving into the bottom of the lake. He has found our headquarters location!"


Everyone in the conference room changed their faces.

"You said, he found our position?" The young leader's pupils contracted deeply, revealing deep anger. After a second of pause, he said quickly: "You immediately prepare the various departments to defend and open all attack systems ... Ah yes, how many people did he come? "

The secretary woman froze: "Just, just him."


Continue to ask for recommended votes, today can break 500 votes, 50 votes short. (To be continued.)

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