Reset of The Apocalypse

Chapter 67: :Early termination

Biquge, the fastest update to restart the latest chapter of the last days!

What was captured in the surveillance screen is a huge square.

There are countless human bodies stacked on the square. From the perspective of clothing, they are all actual evolutionaries of the military camp. At the moment, they are lying on the ground like straw, and the dark blood flows along the grooves of the marble slab to the side of the square In the ditch, the blood is thick, like a **** blood pool!

All the staff in the monitoring room were ignorant.

This **** picture deeply stimulated their hearts like a nightmare. After a long time, the supervisor in charge of this monitoring area took the lead to recover, and an indescribable anger burst into his heart, shouting: "What do you think? Yeah, blind, so many people have died, only to realize now! "

Everyone shuddered and dared not to answer.

The middle-aged supervisor looked sullen and said, "Large your dog's eyes for Lao Tzu. If someone else dies, you will be buried with you!"

Everyone was so terrified that the body shivered slightly, and quickly picked up the spirit of 120.

After the reprimand, the supervisor came out of the door, pulled out a communicator, dialed the next number, and after a while, the other end was connected. He quickly said: "Is it Secretary Zhang, I have something urgent to report to Commander He. "

"Wait a moment."

"Hello, Xiao Wang, what's urgent?"

Hearing the voice of He Sling at the end of the communication, the director's face was ugly and he quickly said: "The scenes just monitored and monitored ... our people died a lot."

The voice on the other end of the communicator was silent for a while, then murmured: "How much is dead?"

The supervisor hesitated and whispered: "Roughly estimated, there should be ... four or five hundred."

"What!" The tone in the communicator suddenly increased by several decibels, and the head of the supervisor seemed to be able to imagine the anger of Commander He standing up from his seat.

"You said, what's going on, are you sure you read it right?" After a few moments, Commander He asked with an angry voice.

The supervisor immediately said everything he knew.


Area c-8.

Lin Chao glanced at the time. Thirty minutes passed, and no one came. The rest of the evolutionists of the He School were either too far away, and had not rushed over, or realized that this was a trap and flinched.

It ’s not difficult to detect it. If a team has detection equipment such as a telescope, you can easily see the situation here, or have some peculiar special capabilities, such as [super vision], [air], [blood sucking 】 Ability, etc., can perceive the situation here.

Lin Chao stood up, restored the light above the square to its original state, and immediately turned away from this **** square and flew towards the suburbs outside the city.

puff! puff!

He galloped along the street, like a black cheetah. The saber in his hand crossed a cold light, slashing all the rotting corpses along the way, leaving a **** desolate street behind him.

Half an hour later, Lin Chao came to the outskirts of the city. He killed six or seven thousand carrion corpses along the way. With such a brilliant result, he should get the first place, and then continue to hunt. For him It ’s just a waste of time. The time limit for this actual combat investigation is 24 hours. Today, it ’s only less than eight hours. The rest of the time, Lin Chao is ready to sneak into the suburbs to see if he can meet the powerful mutant beast.

Just as he was about to leave, the communicator suddenly shook.

Lin Chao frowned slightly, turned on the communicator, and immediately heard a loud voice from inside: "The actual combat assessment is terminated, all the soldiers stay in place, waiting for the Air Force to respond!"

Lin Chao raised his eyebrows. Although he expected that most of the people would die, the assessment would end early, but he did not expect to come so fast. He could only give up his intention to enter the suburbs for hunting, jump to the top of a nearby building, and wait for the helicopter Come to answer.


Return to the open space of the s-class military camp in the base.

Everyone came out from the helicopter and lined up on the open ground. After the helicopter left, all the talents suddenly found that only half of the people here were less than half!

"Instructor, what about the rest?" Someone asked.

The Major General's instructor's face was somber and said: "There was an accident in actual combat, the rest of them ... were dead!"


The commotion in the crowd immediately became silent.

How long does it take to enter c-8 area? There is an Air Force rescue at any time, coupled with satellite monitoring at all times, it stands to reason that the mortality rate will be extremely low, but now in just seven or eight hours, but most of the people have died?

Soon, careful people discovered that these dead people were almost all of Hepai's people, but Xupai's people only damaged a few, and there was almost no damage to the whole.

"Instructor, how did they die?" A Hepai soldier said in a deep voice.

Xu Pai's Lao Tang and others all looked at the Major General instructor curiously. Although they knew this news, they were very surprised, but at the same time they were curious how these people died.

"The reason is still under investigation." The major instructor shook his head and said, "You all go to rest, the actual combat results will be counted tomorrow."

"No need to investigate, it must be the ghost they did!" A person from the He school pointed at Lao Tang and other people from the Xu school, and his face was angry.


"They have almost no losses. It's so weird, they must have done it secretly!"

All Hepai people immediately pointed their finger at Xupai people.

"Fart! I haven't seen them at all, who knows how they died!"

"That's right, maybe I don't need to worry about exercise at ordinary times, and I was bitten to death by the carrion."

"Don't be ashamed, the dead people depend on us."

Lao Tang and others were furious and argued with them, and they were full of confidence, because they all knew that they hadn't met any of the Hepai people at all, let alone injuring them.

You Qian in the crowd, Heiyue and Fan Xiangyu, could not help but set their eyes on Lin Chao. When he saw his calm expression, he immediately determined that this was the culprit.

About the s-class barracks, the wind quickly leaked out. In the remaining four ordinary human barracks a, b, c, and d, the soldiers talked secretly, and among them the imaginative people vividly described a A super monster, how to swallow hundreds of evolvers, to bring that monster to life, as if it were seen with his own eyes. And some people with complex hearts and partial conspiracy theories point out that the matter is inside, and the head of the analysis is right, as if this is really the case.

Information Section.

In the monitoring room, the supervisor and several staff members under He Ling are watching the pictures on the square back and forth. They have seen dry eyes and sore eyes, but no clues have been found. The corpses on the square are like What appeared suddenly did not show any signs.

"I suspect that someone may have special capabilities that can interfere with satellite signals."

"Well, there are no large monsters in the vicinity of the surveillance, and ordinary rotting corpses or mutant beasts can never kill so many people. After a forensic investigation, most of the wounds of these people were killed by sabers, indicating that they killed them. , A man in the army. "

"It's going to do this, it must be those who are against the Party of Xu."

"However, according to the surveillance in other areas, when the incident occurred, everyone else was in another area, and all of them appeared in the surveillance. Only a few people entered the building to hunt, and there was no proof of presence."

"and many more!"

Suddenly, a young man stared at the surveillance screen.

"What's wrong?" The others couldn't help looking away.

"Look, look, there is another person in this area, and it is Xu Pai. His helicopter landed here, and he disappeared at the time of the incident, and when he finally appeared, he entered a In the building, although he came out of the building when he appeared again, during this time, he is likely to block the satellite monitoring and go to commit crimes. "

"This person ... I remember a newcomer, just him? Can it be done?"

"Although it is unbelievable, from the present point of view, he is the most suspicious, and, I remember Zeng Feng and they arranged for eight people to fly with him in a helicopter, but he was still alive, but those eight people were dead. Does it feel weird? "

Hearing this person's analysis, other people were shocked and immediately felt that this newcomer had the potential to commit crimes!


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