Reset of The Apocalypse

Vol 10 Chapter 851: : It ’s up to you

Biquge, the fastest update to restart the latest chapter of the last days!

The Thunder King saw him speaking solemnly, and could not help but take away the contempt in his heart. He could become the King of God. Naturally, he would not have any eyesight. Although this giant wall in front of him did not make him feel a dangerous breath, but since A Trass emphasized so repeatedly that he would not be alert and secretly alert.

The crowd had just flown over the giant wall, and a transparent barrier appeared in vain, blocking the crowd from the outside.

Atlas was stunned, thinking that this is the Star City's protective cover, the breath of several of them did not converge, most of them were detected by the Star City defense system, blocked outside, he had to say to Thunder King and others: "You are here Wait, I will say hello first. "

The Thunder King glanced at the barrier, and there was a trace of doubt in his heart, saying: "No, I can smash this thing with a slap. Is this the defense system here?"

Atlas knew his thoughts and said, "This defense system only serves as a symbolic defense. In fact, there are no monsters and rotting bodies on the surface anymore, so I dare to run here without permission, even for the unruly birds. Birds and beasts are far away from the star city, and they dare not even fly over the star field. "

Thunder King frowned slightly, he was not stupid, even if no one came to attack, as an important place like the central capital, how can the defense strength be poor? But he didn't say much, and at the same time, he was very curious. What was it like to make this founding emperor so fearful?

Atlas had a Star City identity card, and easily passed through the protective cover. Just before going to the inner city, he saw that the protective cover disappeared. He froze for a moment, and immediately knew that the Star City people were aware of their situation and immediately turned back. : "Come with me." Lead the way ahead and fly to the inner city.

Thunder King and others followed.

Entering the giant wall of the inner city, the prosperity of the inner city once again made the thunder king and other people's eyelids jump, showing a bit of envy and amazement, even though they were the capital of the gods' country in their heart, they were not so prosperous and the air was not so fresh , This surface is really rich in resources!

Atlas led several people to the highest star tower. This time he brought outsiders. Instead of entering directly from the balcony, he landed under the star tower and took the thunder king and others to the building and took the elevator. , Straight up to the meeting room of the top 300-story star tower.

This star tower is a tall building comparable to the Burj Khalifa even in the old era. It rises rapidly in the elevator, and the ground under the foot is getting farther and farther. Through the transparent aviation bulletproof glass of the elevator, you can see the people walking on the street like the size of ants. Soon, a few people came to the top floor, the elevator opened, and a pretty lady secretary was standing in front of the elevator and smiled to Atlas: "I have seen the lord, and Fan has been waiting for a long time."

Atlas nodded slightly, led the Thunder King and others into the No. 1 meeting room, just opened the door, and saw that the meeting room was full of people. There were a lot of high-level people who had previously met here. The beautiful figure above nodded slightly and said, "The people responsible for this sabotage incident are mainly the actions of my people. I will bring them over and let the leader Fan dispose!"

Fan Xiangyu glanced at the figures behind him. From the pointed long ears, she knew that they were all Atlantis. When she saw the middle-aged middle-aged man in the front, her eyelids jumped, but her face did not change. , Calmly said: "Introduce us."

Atlas nodded slightly and said to the Thunder King: "You guys will introduce yourself. By the way, this is the leader of Fan Xiangyu and the acting leader of Star City."

The Thunder King looked around and raised his eyebrows slightly, saying: "These people are the strongest of the indigenous people on this surface?"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone in the conference room had a slight change of face. Although the other party spoke Atlantis, they were all high-level Star City. A story watch with hands is already the minimum equipment, from Thunder King In the tone of the voice, you can hear obvious doubts, even disdain.

However, Fan Xiangyu remained unchanged and said to Atlas: "Is this the Lord God?"

Atlas glared at the Thunder King and said to Fan Xiang: "He is a King of Gods and his temper is a little rushed, please don't mind."

God King? !

Everyone on the scene has been reviewing the relic materials for a long time, and knows more or less about some prehistoric events, and clearly knows where the **** king is in humans. That is definitely the strongest person standing at the top of the food chain!

"God King?" Fan Xiangyu's eyelids jumped slightly, but his expression was still calm, saying: "I said why the tone is so big, I didn't expect that God King would also become a funeral dog."

The Thunder King ’s face changed, and two cold electricity shots in his eyes. This was a substantial purple electric awn. Everyone in the entire meeting room felt a slight tingling of the skin, and there seemed to be current passing by. At the same time, the large On the screen, the picture suddenly went dark, and the power disappeared.

In addition, all the computers and machinery in the entire Star Tower building stopped running.

For a time, the entire floor of the Star Tower was in chaos, and some people went to start the backup power supply, but it was still ineffective.

Some of the supervisors on these floors are the carrion corpses dominated by Fan Xiangyu. What these people see will be conveyed to Fan Xiangyu's eyes at any time, looking at the chaotic building, Fan Xiangyu's face is gloomy. In the operation center of the Star City, a large amount of information is passed back from the outside every minute, where it is processed, recorded, and filed. If the Star Tower stops operating, the entire Star City and even the entire Star Domain will fall into chaos!

Atlas sensed the surrounding energy field, his face changed, and he yelled angrily: "What are you doing!"

Seeing his angry look, Thunder King flashed blood on his face, but he finally endured it with a somber face: "Your Majesty, these natives are not worth your refuge!"

Atlas said angrily: "Do you want to kill the people you brought ?!"

"Death?" King Thunder sneered, looking at everyone sitting, "Just by them?"

Atlas looked ugly, just about to continue speaking, and suddenly Fan Xiangyu's calm voice sounded: "I think humans should really learn to respect seniors, at least, seniors always know a little more than you." She looked away. With the Thunder King, said: "Your Majesty Atlas, should be regarded as your ancestors, so rude to your ancestors, is this the virtue of Atlantis?"

The Thunder King sneered: "It's ridiculous, the weak people still talk about virtue, and you are the only ones who are weak. You can only say about virtue. My respect for His Majesty Atlas is in my heart. Discuss Ben Wang? "A whole body of armor flashed with current, full of destruction. (To be continued.)

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