Resident Evil: Activate The Magneto Gene At The Start

Chapter 27 All The Soldiers Were Stunned, Is The Collective Body Stroke Okay?

As Alice gave Matt an antidote, Matt recovered quickly.

"It can't be delayed any longer, you have to leave now."

Chu Feng knew that the Umbrella Company itself had its own army, and the longer it dragged on here, the worse it would be for them.

Although Chu Feng has the ability to kill, he does not want to cause too many killings.

If it wasn't for the fear that those researchers would go out and attract soldiers, Chu Feng would not have made such a decisive move just now.

Seeing that Matt was all right, he naturally hoped to leave here early.


Alice closed the box and nodded.


Chu Feng took the lead and walked quickly towards the door.

Alice, Chad and Matt followed Chu Feng.

The door has been surrounded by a long sealed passage, Chu Feng and others can only go all the way out along the pipe.

Not long after, Chu Feng and others came to the exit.


Chu Feng grabbed the sealing zipper of the exit and pulled it hard.

The sealed pipe is opened directly.

The strong sunlight shone on everyone's faces, making it difficult for everyone who had been in the dark for a long time to adapt.

They finally came out alive, it's really not easy!


Before everyone could be happy, a large wave of guns was aimed directly at them.

There were a lot of cars parked outside, and a wave of troops hid directly behind the cars and aimed their guns at Chu Feng and the others.

"Damn, how did I forget the camera."

Chu Feng saw that the outside was already in full preparation, and then he remembered that there are hidden cameras in the house.

What they just did must have been discovered.

"Put down your weapons, your mission is over, in order to avoid the spread of infection, please cooperate with our inspection. If it is confirmed that you are all right, I will let you go, please don't resist."

Kane held a small speaker and shouted to Chu Feng and others.

At this moment, he still didn't believe that their secret Nemesis plan would be known to Chu Feng and others.

In order to obtain in vivo research, he still hopes to capture Chu Feng and them alive.

It would be even more perfect if they could fool Chu Feng and the others.

"How to do?"

Looking at so many special soldiers and saying that it is for their own good, the ghosts believe it.

But it's definitely not easy to leave.

"You can get as close as possible to me later, grab the car and run."

Chu Feng reminded in a low voice.

He also understood that there were too many soldiers, and most of them were mercenaries who had been killed.

If he has enough rest, he can still fight.

But he was fighting so many crawlers one after another, and he was mentally exhausted and should not fight recklessly.

Better to be able to grab a military vehicle and leave.


Everyone nodded slightly, indicating that they understood.

"Kane, don't pretend, you just want to use us as a nemesis experiment, do you really think we are stupid?"

Facing Kane's pretended to persuade him to surrender, Chu Feng didn't believe it at all, and directly pierced his true purpose.

"What!? How could you possibly know?"

The moment Chu Feng's words came out, Kane's body trembled, his eyes widened, and he looked at Chu Feng's face in shock and disbelief.

He didn't understand who this Oriental was, and why Chu Feng knew about this plan that only the top of the umbrella knew.

Say it directly.

This is impossible!

Who is he?


Seeing that Kane was shocked by his words, Chu Feng threw the long sword directly at Kane without any hesitation.

The long sword turned into a cold glow and stabbed Kane straight.

If this sword is stabbed, Kane will surely die.

Then Kane came back to his senses, but it was too late to hide.

"Sir, be careful!"

A soldier next to Kane responded quickly and blocked directly in front of Kane.


The long sword pierced the soldier's chest directly.

"It's a pity, almost."

Chu Feng didn't expect that there were soldiers who blocked Kane's knife in his sneak attack, and it was impossible to kill him again.


"Damn, fire, fire me!"

Kane didn't expect that Chu Feng was deliberately trying to scare him, and wanted to take the opportunity to kill him and behead him, and was scared out of a cold sweat.

It was really dangerous just now, if it wasn't for the quick reaction of his subordinates, he would have been killed by now.

Under the circumstance that he was killed, Chu Feng and the others could have escaped while taking advantage of the chaos.

Without any hesitation, he directly ordered to fire.

These people are too dangerous to kill.

The big deal is to take their cell clone experiment body.

"Bang bang bang!"

"Da da da!"

Kane's order was issued, and the surrounding soldiers did not hesitate to fire at Chu Feng.

Bullets spun out of the soldiers' guns as if they didn't want money, and shot them at Chu Feng.

In an instant, countless bullets rushed towards him.

Under such a terrifying attack, even an elephant can become a plug in an instant, let alone a human being.

Under such terrifying firepower, if it is an ordinary person, there is almost nothing to do except close your eyes and wait for death.

However, unfortunately, they met Chu Feng who had the gene of Magneto.


The Magneto gene in Chu Feng's body was activated, and the electromagnetic force field unfolded, protecting the surroundings.

After the densely shot bullets entered Chu Feng's electromagnetic force field, they were directly affected by Chu Feng's electromagnetic force field and shifted.

"Ding Ding Ding!"

At this moment, Chu Feng and others stood there like artifact of human body stroke, surrounded by countless bullets lasing, but none of them could hit them.

"What!? This, this is impossible!"

"My gun is broken? I clearly aimed at the enemy, why can't it hit?"

"It's not just you! We can't hit either!"

"God! It's impossible, why? What happened? Could it be that he was blessed by God?"

"God! So many people, so many guns, so many bullets, how many ordinary people can't be hit?"

"It's crazy, it's crazy, it's either I'm crazy, or the world is crazy, it's impossible, absolutely impossible."


At this moment, the surrounding mercenaries, security guards or test personnel are all stupid.

All of them opened their mouths wide and their eyes widened, looking at Chu Feng with shock and disbelief.

They had seen something weird, but it was the first time they had seen something as weird as today.

A small army can fire on several ordinary people at the same time, and with this firepower, an elephant can instantly become a hornet's nest.

what's the result? Even a single bullet failed to hit Chu Feng.

Not to mention Chu Feng, even the people around Chu Feng failed to hit.

Countless bullets even drew their silhouettes on the wall behind Chu Feng and others.

Collective body strokes, how is this possible?

Could it be that Chu Feng and the others are protected by God? Otherwise, how to explain the sudden misalignment of so many people's firearms?

Are they crazy? Or is the world crazy?

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