Resident Evil: Activate The Magneto Gene At The Start

Chapter 133 Shocked! Surgery without a knife!


Chu Feng said bluntly.

"Uh! After talking for a long time, you are not a doctor.

"You don't come to disrupt the situation, okay! How can you do surgery without a ventilator?"

Herschel felt that this Chu Feng was unreliable, but this Chu Feng was even more unreliable than he thought.

He wasn't even a doctor.

No wonder Chu Feng would say that the operation does not require a ventilator.

This is simply a mess.

"Rick, do you believe me?"

Chu Feng ignored that Heschel, the villa is his, but the son is Rick's.

If Rick believed him, he would save Carl.

After all, Karl was also a member of his squad anyway.

Of course, if Rick doesn't believe him, go ahead and find a ventilator.

Then surrounded by zombies, Sean shot Otis in order to get back the ventilator that Chu Feng thought was useless, and put him down as a bait.

He doesn't care about this.

"When, of course."


Rick thought that Chu Feng had saved the lives of all of them many times. He really couldn't say it if he didn't believe it.

However, he trusted Chu Feng's combat power, and he really didn't have that confidence in Chu Feng's medical skills.

"Come on, the letter is right, since that's the case, let's start the operation"!"

The longer Carl's injury drags on, the more dangerous it will be. Since you believe it, let's stop talking nonsense and start the operation!

"What!? You're just crazy, once he's under general anesthesia, he can't breathe on his own and needs a ventilator.

Young man, do you know what you are doing?"

When Herschel saw that Chu Feng really wanted to perform surgery on Carl, he still did it immediately, his eyes widened, and he looked at Chu Feng as if he was looking at a lunatic.

No, lunatics are not as crazy as Chu Feng.

He had already tried it just now, and it was impossible to remove all the shrapnel under incomplete anesthesia.

When Carl moves erratically, it is easy to accidentally injure the blood vessels. As long as there is a little deviation, this Carl will surely die.

Therefore, as long as the operation must be completely anesthetized, a ventilator is required.

"My surgery didn't require anesthesia.

Chu Feng said calmly.

At his level, even if he is dead, as long as he is not dead, he can be saved.

Isn't it just a few pieces of shrapnel?

What anesthesia?

"Chu Feng said that there is no need for anesthesia, it seems that he is a master! You don't have to worry.

Sean listened to Chu Feng saying that anesthesia was not needed, so he rushed to his confidence. Sean felt that Chu Feng dared to do the operation, and he was definitely a master. He comforted Rick next to him.

"Well! Hope!

Rick was also desperately ill and went to the doctor. At this time, he could only hope that Chu Feng was really skilled in medicine.

"Even my father doesn't dare to continue the operation without complete anesthesia. How is this Chu Feng sacred? Could it be that he is so skilled in medicine that he can operate without anesthesia?"

Maggie looked at Chu Feng more curiously.

Even her father dared not continue the operation without complete anesthesia, and Chu Feng was so confident, which raised expectations in her heart, and she also wanted to see how Chu Feng performed the operation without complete anesthesia .

"Well, it's even more impossible without anesthesia. I have already tried it just now. If it is not fully anesthetized, he will keep moving, and it is impossible to continue the operation. If there is a deviation, the aorta may be cut. Immediately died of respiratory failure, you know that?"

When Herschel heard Chu Feng's words, she almost died of fright.

He had already overestimated how unreliable Chu Feng was, but he didn't expect that Chu Feng was more unreliable than he thought.

He actually wanted to operate directly without anesthesia.

He had already tried it just now and nearly killed Carl by taking out a piece of shrapnel.

The shrapnel injured the aorta, and the operation was not anesthetized. If the blade deviates a little because of Carl's struggle, Carl would be dead.

Although this Carl has nothing to do with him, it is human life after all!

He (Li Nuo's) didn't want to watch Carl die here because of the quack doctor Chu Feng.

So he also told about the surgery he just had.

"'Don't worry, old man, I don't need a knife. "

Seeing that Herschel was still worried about his surgery, Chu Feng said directly.

Aren't you worried that Carl's going to rip through an artery when he moves?

He doesn't need a knife, so there's no need to worry anymore!

Quiet, very quiet, very quiet, extremely quiet!

At this moment, everyone in the room was completely dumbfounded, Chu Feng's words kept echoing in their minds: Surgery without a knife! No knife! Use a knife! Knife!.

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