——Thanks to ***3253 for the monthly pass!

"Give me the telescope."

Kane directly took over a soldier's telescope and looked at the fire.

From a distance, you can see that the flames in the air swirl crazily, and finally press down with a bang, and disappear after a long time.

Kane looked puzzled, what the hell happened?

You would say it was an explosion! Explosion indeed.

But as a soldier, he has never seen the flames after the explosion turn around in the air as if they were alive and then suppress it!

It was the first time he had seen such a strange situation.

"Contact machine D and send someone to investigate."

Kane had a hunch that this might have something to do with that Chu Feng, and sent someone to take a look at the incident.


The subordinates took the lead and directly communicated with the D number machine.

"Da da da!"

In Raccoon City, a helicopter was flying in the air when it suddenly received an order from above.

"D machine, there is a new order, go directly to the police station to find out what happened there!"

"Received, base, set off."

Unit D turned its nose and headed straight to the police station.

As night fell, the entire Raccoon City looked even more eerie, as if a man-eating beast was about to devour everyone.

All those who survived are frantically squeezing out the exit, hoping to get out of this hell on earth.

Entire exit checkpoints were thrown into chaos, making it harder to get out of town.

"Get out of the way, Payton, Payton! Woo~"

Jill also arrived here, and the surroundings were too flustered, and if there was a queue, I didn't know when to wait.

At this time, he happened to see his colleague Dahei Peyton in front of the checkpoint in the distance.

So keep shouting at him.

However, the surrounding is too noisy, and the sound cannot be heard at all.

Jill is also smart, whistling and waving his hands as he shouts.

Sure enough, Payton was attracted by the whistle, and when he saw a beautiful female police officer who kept waving her hands at him behind the crowd, he was a happy one, and said, "Valentine, hi! Valentine, she is a policeman, let her come over."

"Get out of the way, cop!"

Jill kept pushing forward while reminding.

With the help of Peyton, Jill finally squeezed in from the crowd and joined Peyton.

"I'm so glad you came, but you've helped us a lot."

Payton is worried that there are too many crowds and it is difficult to maintain order!

One more person means more help.

"Ah~ uh uh!"

Just when the two were happy to meet, a middle-aged man in the crowd suddenly screamed and twitched and fell down.

"Stay away from him, he has a bad heart."

The daughter next to him was flustered when he saw this, worried that the crowd around him would step on her father, and hurriedly protected the middle-aged man.

"Don't get close to him, everyone backs up."

The soldiers at the checkpoint don't think it's as simple as having a bad heart. What the hell are they blocking, how could they not know?

This man's situation is not right and must be controlled.

Raise the muzzle directly and force the crowd back.

The crowd around was already chaotic, and seeing this, it became even more chaotic.

The middle-aged man twitched wildly on the ground, obviously in great pain.

"Dad! Daddy!"

In the face of the soldiers' reprimands, how could the girl retreat.

She also understood that if she retreated, these people might just shoot.

That's her father!

Therefore, the girl will not let her go, and she will protect her father.

"Everyone get out of the way and take her away."

Seeing that the blue veins on the man's forehead were bulging, something was wrong, and the soldiers gave the most severe scolding. If the girl didn't leave, they would open fire.

At first glance, this guy is about to become a zombie. If he is successfully transformed into a zombie, all of them are in danger.

"It's okay, it's okay, come with me!"

Peyton came to help manage the order early in the morning, so he didn't know much about the situation in the city, and he didn't know enough about the horror of zombies.

Seeing that those people were about to shoot and kill the girl, he hurried over to help and pulled the girl away.


At this time, the middle-aged man suddenly opened his white eyes, roared, and bit Peyton's feet.

"Ah~ drag him away, drag him away!"

Peyton, a good man, was also aggrieved. He kindly helped to save his daughter, but he was slapped by him, screamed in horror, and said in horror.

The surrounding police officers quickly stepped forward and locked the madman so that he would not continue to bite.

But I don't know, this is not a lunatic at all, but a zombie.

Seeing the danger, Jill directly pulled the girl aside, and did not hesitate to draw a gun and shoot.


The zombie middle-aged man was shot directly in the head.


The girl wailed and rushed towards the corpse, crying.

With the sound of gunshots, the surroundings became more chaotic.

Kane, who was above the checkpoint, also noticed the abnormality here. With a serious face, he opened the communication and reported: "It's here, it has spread to the door."

"Why are you still here? There should be a chance to go."

Jill asked in confusion while helping Peyton bandage the wound.

"These are our people, Jill."

Payton heard the words.

Indeed, as a police officer, he came very early, and he could have left. After all, the troops stationed here are almost all from the umbrella company.

However, in order to maintain order and allow more people to leave, he voluntarily chose to stay and help defend.

He can't leave the people behind and go first, which goes against his policeman's identity criteria.

When Jill heard this, he was a little helpless.

"close the door."

Upstairs, Kane, who got the order, ordered it directly.


The soldier next to him was stunned when he heard the words, thinking that the commander had given the wrong order.

There are so many people down there, now closed?

What about these people?

"Close the door."

Kane ordered with great certainty.

"Our people are still out there..."

The soldiers did confirm the commander's order this time, but if you don't want the people, you can't shut it down immediately!

Their people are still out there! Now that the door is closed, does it mean that even the police and soldiers who maintain order are staying inside?

"Listen to orders!"

Kane interrupted seriously.

Just kidding, the virus has spread, and it can't be stopped. If one more person comes out, there will be one more crisis.

He only focused on whether he could block it as much as possible. As for the life and death of his soldiers and those who helped to defend the police, sorry, it was not in his consideration.

The soldiers had no choice but to obey the order and closed the gate.

Seeing that the door was closed, the more clever soldiers inside quickly retreated, and those who responded slowly were also blocked along with the people.

"Oh my God! They closed the door!"

"Open the door! Asshole."


The situation around was already chaotic, but now that the door is closed, the people broke out completely, and rushed directly to the checkpoint.

It's a pity that they are still late, the door has been completely closed, and no one can get out.

"This has become a biochemical isolation zone."

"You cannot leave here because of the risk of infection."

"We are implementing all appropriate measures and the situation is under control, please everyone go home!"

Upstairs, Kane held a small speaker and reassured the crowd below.

Jill and Peyton were stunned when they heard the words, what the hell did this bastard say?

Now the whole Raccoon City has become a ghost town, you actually said the situation is under control, go home? What a joke.

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