"you first."

Chu Feng knew that Alice had no storage space, so she let Alice take it first.

Alice nodded, and she was not polite. She directly chose some firearms she liked and replaced the original weapons.


After a while, Alice chose her favorite weapon.

The next step is easy, Chu Feng waved his hand directly, and all the weapons on the shelf were put into the storage space by him.

For him, no weapon is good or bad.

He uses a gun, and he pays attention to lining up.

Hundreds of guns were fired in salvos. In this case, as long as the firearms are no problem, it is almost the same.

Of course, Chu Feng didn't let go of the ammunition, and threw them all into the storage space.

All he needed was ammunition.

After a while, the original gun shop was looted by Chu Feng.

Not even a single bullet was left.

As for the money!

He didn't even touch it at all.

It’s the end of the day. These beacon coins are all waste paper. It’s useless to take them. It’s better to go to the supermarket to get more toilet paper and use it in the toilet.

This is the doomsday, things that people all over the world love at ordinary times are worthless in the doomsday.

"Huh! Map?"

Chu Feng saw that all the weapons had been scraped off by him, and it was pointless to keep it, so he was about to leave, but found a map on the table.

Chu Feng looked around at random and found that there was a church nearby.

He had some impressions of that church, it was the Ravens Gates church in Resident Evil 2.

He remembered that there were three fortified creepers over there.

Ordinary creepers are rewarded five times as much as ordinary zombies. Chu Feng estimates that the rewards of enhanced creepers that have been fused with human genes will not be less than ten times that of ordinary zombies.

This thing is left to hurt people, let's clean it up!

So he said to Alice, "Let's go."


Alice asked suspiciously.

"There is a church not far from here. There should be evolutionary creepers there. The reward for that thing is higher. Let's hunt them."

Chu Feng also pointed to the church on the map and said.

"Enhanced Creeper, how do you know there is one there?"

Alice was puzzled when she heard the words. They had never been to the church on this map. How did Chu Feng know that there would be enhanced creepers there?

"I have a lot of skills. When do you want to try another set of my skills?"

Chu Feng said, and raised his eyebrows at Alice.

"Uh...go to hell!"

Alice was stunned for a moment, then reacted and greeted Chu Feng Fanquan directly.



After Dr. Charles saw Chu Feng and Alice entering the gun shop, he continued to search for other places.

Not to mention, in the church not far from Chu Feng, he really found another wave of people.

"What the hell? They're shooting innocent people, you're the police, can't you do something?"

At the head was the female reporter Terry, who was walking and chatting beside her.

In her opinion, the people in the city are crazy, and the people who guard the city's exit are also crazy.

While biting people everywhere, she actually shot people at the same time, which made it difficult for her to accept.

In the end, he even began to complain about Jill and Big Black Peyton beside him.

"Go in and find a place to hide."

Jill's head hurt by the female reporter's words. Seeing that there was a church in front of her, she helped Payton and walked in, ready to make some repairs.

She's a policeman, yes, but she's a fired policeman.

And although Peyton has a strong physique, haven't you seen him being bitten by a zombie?

Facing the large number of umbrella soldiers on the city wall, what can they do?

Do you want her to go up and fight?

proceed if you can!

Seeing Jill and Peyton entering the church, Terry refused to leave and followed closely, even though he was dissatisfied with their inaction.

Don't look at her babbling, but she's not stupid.

The city is dangerous, and it is safer to follow two policemen than to walk alone.

The door of the church was not closed, and Jill, Peyton, and Terry quickly entered the church.

What they don't know is that this so-called church is more dangerous than the street full of zombies outside.


Dark clouds rolled in the sky, and a flash of lightning flashed across the top of the church, revealing a creeper who had been ambush on the roof for a long time.

This creeper is a little different from what Chu Feng saw in the hive. It seems that it has absorbed human genes, completed the second transformation, and became stronger.


The creeper opened his mouth and disappeared on the roof.


Peyton and Jill pushed open the wooden door of the church, holding pistols on guard, for fear that a zombie would suddenly come up.

The church was dark and dead, and if it wasn't for the dim light from the candles inside, they wouldn't even be able to see what's going on inside.

Still, many places are hard to see.

In addition, there was a thunderstorm in the sky outside for a long time, and the thunder light reflected into the church from the window, causing the church to flicker and darken, making the already depressing church even more depressing.

It was like a monster with a bloody mouth in the dark, waiting for passers-by to enter.

"Get out of here! This is where I hide."

Just as the three of them carefully entered the church, a man suddenly jumped out in the corner, pointed a pistol at the three of them, and warned them loudly, startling everyone.

"This place is big enough, not many of us."

Female reporter Terry saw this and said.

"Don't tell me this..."

The man was very excited, but he still didn't put the gun down and pointed at the three of them.

This city is very dangerous, the ghost knows if you will attract other monsters when you come in?

"Okay! Calm down and put down the gun."

Payton stared at the man and warned fiercely.

Although the man was excited, he was not stupid. He saw the guns in Peyton and Jill's hands.

Seeing that both of them are police officers, they immediately became bears.

He may be able to shoot one person, but he must be killed by another.

It seemed impossible to expel them.

Just get ready to drop the gun.


However, just as he was about to put the gun down, the door was suddenly slammed open.


Jill and Peyton turned around and aimed their guns at the door almost at the same time. Although the men inside were dangerous, they were human beings after all.

But they didn't know what was coming in suddenly at the door.

The man also aimed his gun at the door.

When the female reporter Terry saw this, she quickly hid behind the crowd.


The two shadows at the door also reacted very quickly, raising their guns directly and aiming them at them.

In an instant, the already depressing atmosphere became even more depressing.

Everyone was extremely nervous, staring at the two black shadows that appeared at the door, for fear that they were two zombies, and suddenly rushed over to bite their necks.


A flash of lightning flashed past, clearly reflecting the two figures at the door.

It's not a monster at all, on the contrary, it turned out to be a pair of men and women.

Men are very different from them. At first glance, they are rare Orientals.

The other blond, apparently like them, was a lighthouse man.

"It's you!?"

The moment he looked at the two, Jill was stunned.

Isn't this the two Chu Feng and Alice who threatened to blow up the roof and were taken to the police station by her?

This is a long way from the police station, how could they be here?

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