"Uh! Aren't you two together?"

Now it was Claire's turn to be stunned.

What the hell? Aren't you guys in the same group?

"I don't know him!

The middle-aged man looked at Chu Feng with a blank expression. He didn't know Chu Feng at all. How could he join forces with Chu Feng to deceive you?

This is really unfair!

And he didn't mean to scare Claire, but to scare that Davis!

It's you who are busy with your business!

"You just knew him, Nerve!"

The middle-aged man was dissatisfied with the trick revealed by Claire, but offended that Davis and continued to stay here, Davis' two bodyguards would certainly not let him go.

The middle-aged man left Claire aside and fled directly.


Unfortunately, when he escaped, he just happened to bump into the security guard who came over.

The burly security guard twisted his hands behind his back and handcuffed him.

"Ma'am, are you involved?"

After the security guard handcuffed the troubled middle-aged man, he looked at Claire and asked.

"In a sense, there is indirect participation!

Claire thought the security guard wanted to thank her for her help, and said.

She also kindly exposed this person's tricks. To be honest, she really didn't participate much, so don't thank him.

"Then in a sense 370, you have to come with me too."

However, Claire thought too much, and the security guard didn't plan to thank her for her courageous actions at all. Instead, she asked her to go to the security room as well.

"No, please wait.

Claire felt that she was unlucky enough. When she met a nonsense Chu Feng, she bravely exposed the intimidation of the demonstrators. In the end, she had to go to the security room.

Please, she did a good job!

You security guard can't do this to her!

She has to take care of other people's children now, so she can't leave!

"security guard!

Just when Claire was depressed and wanted to explain, another zombie staggered towards that Davis.

That Davis hurriedly called the security to deal with it and arrested the demonstrator.

"These bastards are addicted to playing.

The security guard was a little annoyed at this, these people are not finished yet, do they have to wear zombie masks everywhere to scare people?

He walked directly to the zombie, preparing to arrest the person with the zombie headgear as well.

"Be careful, that's a zombie."

Chu Feng killed too many zombies. From a distance, he could see at a glance that it was a real zombie, and quickly reminded him.

"Yes, he is a zombie, a zombie wearing a hood. Oriental, you wait for me to cuff (cafi) this kid, and you will be next."5

Hearing Chu Feng's reminder, the security guard not only did not thank him, but regarded Chu Feng as a participant, and prepared to handcuff the person before taking Chu Feng back to the security room for detention.

This made Chu Feng speechless. Why is it so difficult to tell the truth these days!

The security guard ignored Chu Feng's reminder and directly reached out to grab the zombie's head, pulling it hard, preparing to learn how Claire pulled the zombie mask off.

However, when he pulled hard, nothing came down.

Is this mask so sturdy?

With a puzzled look on his face, the security guard stepped forward and wanted to see where the mask was stuck.


However, just as he approached, the zombie suddenly opened its bloody mouth and bit his neck.


The security guard did not expect that this was not a zombie dressed up by the demonstrators, but a real zombie.


Where had Renee ever seen such a scene, she was so frightened that she screamed in shock.

"My God! What's going on here?

Davis almost didn't urinate in fear, and while retreating, he spoke in fear.

Isn't that a protester?

Why did he suddenly bite?

In the end what happened?

"Ah~ Killed!"


The surrounding people had never seen such a person biting a person, and they all screamed and ran away.


At the beginning, Chu Feng told her that she still didn't believe that there was going to be a zombie outbreak here.

The next moment a zombie was found.

I thought it was a zombie, but it turned out to be a hood worn by the demonstrators, disguised as a zombie.

So she thought Chu Feng was teasing her again.

However, the next moment, the pretended zombie turned out to be a real zombie, which made her directly confused.

Who is the real zombie and who is the fake zombie?

"Back off!"

"Back off! 35

"Quick, quick, get out of here.

"Back off! Stay away from him,

A bodyguard was also surprised to see this, and hurriedly drew a pistol to guard.

He wanted to shoot, but the surrounding was too chaotic, worried that he would accidentally injure passers-by, and kept yelling to let the people around him avoid.

On the other hand, he kept approaching and issued a stern warning, telling the man to quickly let go of the security guard and stop biting people. If he didn't leave, then don't blame him for shooting.

If it was an ordinary person, he would naturally leave if he was warned by someone with a gun pointed at him, but this is a zombie who does not know fear, how could he be afraid?

For the bodyguard's warning, he didn't care at all, and continued to bite frantically.

"Damn it! 39

The bodyguard looked at the zombie mixed with the security guard, and couldn't aim at all.

He could only scolded, rushed forward, and pushed the damn lunatic away.


The biting madman was finally pushed away, but he immediately got up from the ground and rushed towards the bodyguard.

There is no human appearance in that crazy appearance, like a bloodthirsty beast.


The bodyguard had no choice but to shoot, instantly knocking the madman down.

"It's too late, he's dead."

The bodyguard leaned down and reached out to feel the policeman's pulse.

However, where there is still a pulse, the security guard has been bitten to death.

Another bodyguard gestured at him.

The bodyguard followed the fingers of the other bodyguard and looked at the madman who fell to the ground. In an instant, he was immediately dumbfounded.

The madman who was shot down by him just now didn't die, he got up from the ground as if nothing happened.

"It's impossible, I obviously shot him, hit him! Why is he okay?"

The bodyguard felt his scalp numb. He was very sure that he was hit by the two shots just now, and the two bullet holes in his body were still there.

But why in the end, this lunatic got up as if nothing was wrong?

What kind of monster is he!

"Come on, get out of there.

Claire deserves to be someone who has experienced the raccoon incident, but she still doesn't understand what happened here. What Chu Feng said is true, a zombie crisis really broke out here.

That's not a lunatic at all, but a zombie.

Those who are bitten quickly become zombies.

So hurry up and warn.

Yet it was too late.


The security guard who was originally dead on the ground suddenly opened his gray eyes and rushed towards the bodyguard.

It bit down on his calf.


The bodyguard screamed and shot at the security guard.

However, the bullet hit him with no use at all.


The zombies on the other side finally got up and rushed towards him.

The calf was bitten, and the bodyguard couldn't escape at all, and was instantly drowned by two zombies.

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