——Thanks to ****xwdy for the monthly pass!

"Oh my god! You two are really crazy. You don't stay in such a safe place, and you have to go out to save people."

"Linda, you can't go out, you are my assistant, and I must keep your life safe."

Seeing that Chu Feng and Claire were about to leave, Davis didn't stop him, he was already safe, and he didn't care if they lived or died.

But the female assistant did not let her go.

Of course, it wasn't Davis who cared about her life or death, but the precious coins on her body.


Linda hesitated.

Don't look at the zombie crisis now, but after that, she still has to work.

She had to listen to what Davis said.

But she really wanted to help.

"It's okay, just stay!

Chu Feng also saw Linda's embarrassment and said.

"Okay! Then be careful."

Although Linda wanted to help, she also understood her skill, and going out was also a drag.

Reluctantly give up.


The door opened, and Claire looked out the door and found that the zombies outside had left, let out a long sigh, and carefully went out with the ridiculous umbrella.

Chu Feng looked a little funny from the back.

With him in the apocalypse, Magneto, An 387 will have no worries.

Of course, Claire didn't know that Chu Feng was strong, so he still opened the way ahead.

Chu Feng did not keep up immediately, but waved to Linda.

Linda stepped forward with a look of doubt.

Chu Feng motioned her to come closer.

Linda hesitated for a moment, but still put her ears close.

Chu Feng almost whispered into Linda's ear.


Linda was startled when she heard Chu Feng's words, and looked at Davis, making Davis look puzzled. She didn't understand what Chu Feng was about to leave.


Seeing that it was almost time, Chu Feng asked.

"Remember, don't worry!"

Linda also knew that this was an opportunity to make a fortune, and nodded gratefully to Chu Feng.

Chu Feng then left the door and walked towards Claire.

"Hey, what did you just tell her? Muttering.

Seeing Chu Feng coming over, Claire asked with a puzzled look.

She didn't understand why Chu Feng whispered to Linda before leaving, it seemed that the two of them were somewhat close!


Chu Feng is reluctant to say more in this regard, after all, the fact that Claire was almost killed by Davis happened in another time and space.

In this time and space, it will not happen.

To vent her anger for such a thing, she didn't believe it when she said it.


Claire choked directly, and a nameless anger rose in her heart.

For some reason, she felt a little uncomfortable when she saw the two of them whispering.

But then Claire reacted, she shouldn't be so angry! Who does Chu Feng whisper to, and who is close to her, what does it have to do with her?

Why is she so irritable?

Claire is very puzzled. Since Steve died, she has been unable to get out of the past, so she is single so far, it stands to reason that she will not care about anything.

But watching Chu Feng whispering to other women, she felt a little uncomfortable.

She hurriedly shook her head, shook off those strange emotions, and regained her composure.

Claire held the umbrella with a nervous and cautious look on her face.

This channel has been powered off, and the sun is about to set outside, so the channel at this time is very dim.

The entire passage is like a sleeping monster, opening its mouth wide open and waiting for the two to enter.

"Tap tap!"

The corridor was very quiet, and the footsteps of the two who were originally small were amplified a lot, making it very clear on the quiet passage.

Chu Feng could even hear the beating of Claire's heart.

Obviously, even though she is brave, she is still a woman after all, and she is still extremely nervous when facing the unknown terror.


When the two approached the intersection, Claire called out.

For the average person, it should be as quiet as possible.

But they were looking for someone, and if they didn't say anything, how would they know where Renee was?

The passage was originally very quiet, but after Claire's voice was amplified by the passage, it gave people a sense of depth.

The atmosphere at the scene was even more depressing (cafi).

"No answer is not a good sign.

No sound was heard, which made Claire feel bad.

If Renee was there, she would definitely respond.

But no one responded, stating that the sound just came from farther than they heard, meaning they had to go further afield to find someone.

Claire gritted her teeth and quickly stuck her head out, the umbrella in her hand was ready to attack the zombies at any time.

However, the turning of the front corridor did not contain any zombies, and it was still empty.

Obviously, because of the scream from Renee in the hall just now, a large number of zombies that had followed them had already run away.

Claire didn't know if this was a good thing or a bad thing.


Seeing that there were no zombies, Claire let out a sigh of relief.


At this time, Chu Feng couldn't bear the oppressive atmosphere created by this woman, and patted Claire's shoulder directly.

"Yeah! You, what are you doing? Don't scare me!

Claire jumped up suddenly like a kitten with fried fur, and turned around quickly.

When I saw Chu Feng, I let out a sigh of relief.

"You're scaring me! I wasn't nervous at first, but when you do this, I'm terrified. I'd better go ahead!"9

Chu Feng is speechless, these are just some ordinary zombies, and their combat power is really not very good.

If Chu Feng was alone, he would not be afraid at all.

But under Claire's cautious and repressed atmosphere, he felt a little hairy himself.

Chu Feng really didn't want the woman to continue walking forward.

If he continued like this, he became nervous even when he was not nervous.

"Come on, can you? You don't have a weapon! 99

For Chu Feng's volunteering, Claire's suspicious look, and for Chu Feng, who even wanted to control the plane, she was very worried, worried that he would rush randomly in front of him.

If you rush into the zombie group, you will be miserable.

"Rest assured, I have my measure. 35

After Chu Feng said, he directly grabbed a handrail in the corridor, the electromagnetic force field vibrated, and a welded steel pipe was easily removed by Chu Feng, holding it in his hand and continuing to move forward.

"Mumble, he, he, this, this..."

Claire, who originally despised Chu Feng, watched Chu Feng pull the handrail off the wall, and the whole person was dumbfounded.

She opened her small mouth and widened her beautiful eyes, looking at Chu Feng with disbelief.

Oh my god! That's a steel handrail welded on the wall for the convenience of the disabled! Was it torn down by Chu Feng like this?

Claire didn't believe in evil, and pulled the remaining steel pipe, but the steel pipe didn't move at all.

Could it be an accident, Chu Feng just happened to pull a loose steel pipe?

"Why are you standing still? Let's go! Don't want to save people?"

Chu Feng turned back and saw Claire standing there with a puzzled expression, and urged.

"Ah! Oh! Come on."

When Claire heard the words, she reacted and quickly followed.

The two turned the corner and found that there were still no zombies there.


Before the two could breathe a sigh of relief, at the end of the other side of the passage, Renee's scream came again.

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