After Curtis blasted the surrounding soldiers to death, he turned to see Angela.

His eyeballs began to vibrate, and Curtis, who was controlled by the g virus, had lost his mind and began to walk towards Angela.

Obviously, the g virus is different from the t virus, it expands not by infection, but by making offspring.

Among the people here, only Angela is a woman, a beautiful woman, and a woman of the same blood as him.

So he targeted Angela.

"Tap tap!"

Curtis walked towards Angela step by step, ignoring the attacks of the soldiers who were not dead yet.

"Damn!" 5

Seeing this, Leon drew out his dual guns and shot at Curtis frantically.

His marksmanship was accurate, but hitting Curtis was of no use at all.

Ordinary bullets can't even break through Curtis's skin, let alone kill him.

It's just scraping.


Curtis roared, stepped forward, and rushed towards Angela.

At this time, Angela wanted to run, but there was nowhere to escape.

If he is caught by Curtis, he will have a wedding on the spot.

At this critical juncture, Chu Feng stepped out and stopped in front of Angela.


In an instant, a large number of firearms appeared crazily, and in the blink of an eye, a spherical firearms defense belt was formed.

"Da da da!"

In an instant, thousands of guns fired in salvo, frantically firing at Curtis who was rushing towards him.

Thousands of weapons fire at the same time, what is that scene?

That's an entire army of people firing at the same time.

In an instant, the sound of gunfire was loud, and a large number of bullets poured out frantically as if they didn't want money, and shot at Curtis.


Even if Curtis's body defense is strong, under such terrifying force output, he can't stand it!

After being beaten "403", he screamed and retreated.


"Okay, a lot of weapons, the airport zombies really killed him.

Angela and Leon were shocked and disbelieving when they saw the thousands of weapons appearing almost at the same time.

At this moment, Leon finally understood how the five or six hundred zombies in the airport died. It was Chu Feng who killed them.

And Leon finally saw how Chu Feng's gun appeared.

However, even if he saw it with his own eyes, he couldn't see where Chu Feng's weapon was placed.

"Mumble! Well, what's that? Gunslinger?"

"My God, guns, lots of guns!

"Who is this person? How can he control so many guns?"

"Thousands of guns fired at the same time, God! He alone is equivalent to an army!"

"It's impossible, how can there be someone in this world who can control so many weapons at the same time, and where did his weapons come from! It suddenly appeared."5

"Fortunately, he attacked the monster, it should be his own, otherwise it would be miserable."

"Dude, now we are saved.

The soldiers around who were beaten to pieces were all dumbfounded when they saw Chu Feng take action.

One by one, their mouths widened, their eyes widened, and their faces were shocked and unbelievable.

Control thousands of weapons at the same time, needless to say how spectacular the scene is, where is this person!

It's a gun fortress at all!

Just looking at it is exciting!

Not to mention watching him frantically fire.

As soldiers, they are quite familiar with weapons, and they are never surprised when they see weapons.

However, thousands of salvos like this are still under the control of the same person. They have never heard of it, not to mention that they have met.

That is, Chu Feng opened fire on Curtis, not the enemy.

Otherwise, those soldiers felt that facing Chu Feng, they couldn't even hold a breath, and they would be wiped out in an instant.

The morale, which had fallen to a low point, had recovered.


Just when everyone thought that Curtis was going to be solved by Chu Feng, Curtis's body mutated again, and his muscles doubled.

"Ding ding ding!

Those bullets hit him, but they couldn't break through his defenses.


Curtis raised his head suddenly, stared at Chu Feng with bloody eyes, roared, and stepped on the ground.


The ground cracked, and he was like an arrow from the string, blasting away all the bullets, all the way like a broken bamboo, blasting towards Chu Feng.

A sharp claw, like a reaping scythe of the god of death, slapped Chu Feng head-on.

"Chu Feng be careful!"

Seeing this, Angela behind her exclaimed and reminded loudly.

She wanted to help, but Curtis' charge was too fast.

She couldn't help at all.

Of course, she couldn't help either.


However, just when Angela was nervous, thinking that Chu Feng was going to be slapped to death by that Curtis, a strange thing happened.

Chu Feng's body seemed to be pulled by an invisible force and flew upside down, narrowly avoiding Curtis's fatal blow.

And his own body is also suspended in the air.

"Huh! It's incredible, he's flying, he's flying!"

"Oh my god! It's impossible, how can humans fly?

"Crazy, yes, I must be crazy, what did I see? Flying people!

"What kind of monster is he, Superman?"

"Mumble! I saw God today."

The surrounding soldiers looked at the floating Chu Feng, their mouths wide open, their eyes widened, and their faces were shocked and unbelievable.

They never thought that Chu Feng could still fly.

Or really mean literally, fly up, I'm a good boy, hey!

This is insane! How can humans possibly fly?

As far as his anti-scientific ability is concerned, it is estimated that even if Newton knew about it, he would have to cheat!

They thought they had seen God and performed a miracle.

Otherwise, how could an ordinary person fly.

Of course, what they didn't know was that what Chu Feng had awakened in his body was the Magneto gene, which could control the electromagnetic force of the four fundamental forces of the universe.

Not only does it have nothing to do with God, but it is more scientific than science.

"Is this the mutant? It's unbelievable.

Leon raised his head and looked at Chu Feng floating in the sky, with a shocked expression on his face.

Chu Feng said earlier that he can control metal, but he didn't say that he can still fly!

Mutants are so terrifying.

"What!? He, he flew.

Angela was also dumbfounded, her beautiful eyes widened in disbelief.

She never thought that Chu Feng, who was about to be shot to death, suddenly flew up.

Who is he?

Not only them, but also Curtis was stunned, showing a look of astonishment.

Although he has become a monster, some human instincts and common sense are still there, and he can't figure out why a human can fly.

The way Chu Feng is able to levitate and fly is that he can generate a magnetic field so strong that it essentially polarizes the magnetic field of the atoms inside the diamagnet.

By controlling the magnetic force, he turned himself and other substances into magnetic substances, and lifted the object through the repulsion between the magnetic fields.

Whether it is a ferromagnet, a paramagnet or a diamagnet, nothing in nature can escape Chu Feng's palm.

Chu Feng is a veritable king of all things magnetism.

Of course, such a flight consumes a lot of money, and it is possible to stay in the air for a short time, but it is really unbearable for a long time.

So Chu Feng just suspended and avoided, and soon returned to the ground.


Curtis saw that Chu Feng had returned to the ground, and he directly picked up a piece of cement on the ground and threw it at Chu Feng.


The cement block was like a cannonball, shooting straight at Chu Feng.

The power is so strong that even a car can be smashed in an instant.

If he attacked Chu Feng, he would instantly smash Chu Feng into mashed flesh.

Seeing this, Chu Feng was not afraid, he waved his hand, and he put away all the firearms around him.

At the same time, with a thought, the surrounding metal steel plates flew directly over, blocking those cement blocks.


Curtis saw that the long-range attack was still ineffective against Chu Feng, so he ignored him, and turned his head and rushed towards Angela again.

His goal is to have children, and he is not so keen on Chu Feng's grades.

Since he couldn't kill Chu Feng, he simply continued his unfinished business.

Although Angela didn't know why Curtis rushed to her repeatedly, but the sense of crisis was still very strong, she turned around and fled without saying a word.

"Boom! 35

However, Curtis was so fast that he came to Angela in a blink of an eye.

Under the claws of the giant claw, Angela is about to be taken away.


Leon wanted to rescue him, but he couldn't get involved in this monster's battle at all, so he could only exclaim to remind him.

Angela turned back, just in time to see the giant claw falling, getting closer and closer.

For a moment, Angela was desperate.

Is she going to die here?


Just when Angela thought she was going to die and despair, a shadow flashed past and knocked her down.

The two narrowly escaped Curtis's sharp claws and rolled several meters on the ground before stopping.

Feeling the warm embrace, Angela was immediately stunned, and she couldn't come back to her senses for a long time.

Angela looked up, just to see Chu Feng's slightly immature and determined face. For some reason, this face that was supposed to arouse the desire for protection now makes her feel particularly at ease.

It seems that as long as there is Chu Feng, nothing can hurt her.

"Are you all right! 35

Seeing Angela's dumbfounded expression, Chu Feng thought she was injured and asked.

"Ah! I... I'm fine."

Angela didn't expect those strange thoughts to arise, this Chu Feng is obviously much younger than her..0

As the captain of the special response team, she has been managing the law and order in Harvardville, and she does not know how many young people like Chu Feng have been protected.

But it was the first time that he was rescued by such a person, and he was still held in his arms.

Made her a little confused.

"It's alright!

Seeing that Angela was all right, Chu Feng was ready to let her go.


However, at this moment, a huge claws attacked Angela again.

Chu Feng had no choice but to take Angela and roll away again.


Chu Feng's Magneto gene vibrated, the electromagnetic force field unfolded, and the void grabbed the surrounding metal steel and kept stopping in front of the two of them.

However, Curtis's claws are not steel but better than steel, and they are madly grabbing against Chu Feng.

The steel plate was directly broken by the sharp claws.

Chu Feng kept holding Angela back and kept waving his hand.

"Boom bang bang!

Those steel bars buried under the cement kept sticking out, as if they had life, crazily wrapping around Curtis's feet.

"Shhhhh! 35

Curtis kept waving his claws and claws to break the steel bars.


Curtis was about to break free from the shackles of the steel bars, and he raised a huge roar to the sky, staring at Chu Feng with bloody eyes.

"Grandpa still doesn't believe he can't kill you.""


Chu Feng's electromagnetic force field suddenly exploded, directly expanding to 100 meters.

Pull towards the huge metal sky bridge overhead.


"Boom! 35

On the huge overpass that was more than ten meters long and 2 meters wide, those steel nails bigger than a bowl were madly bounced off, and the entire overpass was twisted and swayed crazily.

"My God, he's about to demolish the bridge!"

"Can such a big bridge be controlled? This is too scary! Who is the monster!"

"Run! Run!"

The surrounding soldiers were shocked when they saw that Chu Feng was going to demolish the overpass.

One by one, their eyes widened, their mouths widened, and they looked in disbelief.

Even if Chu Feng could control the metal, it would be terrifying if he could even control the overpass.

You know, it's an overpass of more than ten meters!

The weight of this steel is at least dozens of tons.

Is this something human can control?

At this moment, they couldn't even tell who the monster was Chu Feng and Curtis.

Seeing that the overpass was about to collapse, the surrounding soldiers screamed in terror and fled.

"Any mutants are monsters.

Leon yelled and ran out quickly.


At this time, Curtis, who was trapped by the steel bars, finally cut off all the steel bars and charged towards Chu Feng again with a roar.

"Drink! 39

The Magneto gene in Chu Feng's body vibrated wildly, and the electromagnetic force field around him contracted wildly.


The overpass above it couldn't bear it any longer, and it crashed down.

Curtis heard the sound above his head, and the moment he raised his head, he was hit by dozens of tons of 5.8 huge steel, and he was buried in an instant.

The overpass smashed down, and the shock wave that set off sent Chu Feng and Angela flying, and the dust set off covered one side.

The surrounding soldiers carefully carried their guns forward one by one, wanting to see if Curtis was dead.

However, the ruins were so large that Curtis's body could not be seen at all.

"Cough! Are you alright!

Chu Feng got up from the ground, patted the dust on his body, and stretched his hand to An Jie on the ground.

"I'm fine, thanks!"

Angela grabbed Chu Feng's hand, stood up, and said gratefully.

Then Angela looked at the huge ruins next to her, and said a little lonely: "Is he... dead? 99

"not yet.

Chu Feng didn't hear the kill reminder, so he was definitely authentic.

"What!? This isn't dead?"

The surrounding soldiers shuddered when they heard the words, this is a flyover! Dozens of tons of steel smashed down, and the boulder should have been broken!

It's not dead?

"Beep beep!


"Swish! 55

At this moment, a beep alarm sounded throughout the laboratory.

Then one by one the sprinklers were turned on, and a large amount of water was sprayed from it, covering the entire garden area.

"What the hell is this? 35

Those soldiers smelled the pungent smell and looked puzzled.

"A pure solution of ethanol?

Chu Feng said calmly.

"What the hell, are you disinfecting us?"

The soldier cursed.

"No, it's disinfecting the entire building."

Chu Feng said.

"What's the meaning?

The surrounding soldiers looked puzzled, did not understand what this meant by disinfecting the building?

At this moment, a huge beep from the research institute's computer sounded overhead!

[The building will be automatically destructed after five minutes, and all channels have been closed. ].

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