Resident Evil: Activate The Magneto Gene At The Start

Chapter 95 Wisdom Bandits, Save Alice!

"Mom! Someone's been fooled again!"

Hearing Chu Feng's voice, the gangsters who were going to act against Alice were Yixiu and said.

Their luck is really good today, and the second idiot came so quickly.

I really thought someone here needed help.

But I don't know, in fact, this is all a trap set up by their family.

The purpose is to attract passers-by and rob.

The men naturally looked for opportunities to kill, and the women stayed for their sons to play with.

"Hurry up, hurry up and hide, tie this woman up, if she dares to make a sound, she will shoot."5

The old woman was also ruthless. Seeing that someone was looking for it again, she ordered her three sons directly.

Obviously, this is another big deal.

However, she was also cautious, worried that Alice would make a noise and warn others, so she asked her sons and husbands to take Alice to the back and tie it up.

After a while, Alice was escorted to the back room.

Several people tied their feet and tied their hands, and they were extremely skilled. Obviously, they had done this a lot during this period of time.

Soon, Alice was tied to the chair by them.

"Gag her mouth."

The old woman saw that Alice was tightly bound, but she was still worried, and took a rag and stuffed it into Alice's mouth.


Just as Alice was about to speak, she was blocked and could only make a faint whine.

"anyone there?"

At this time, Chu Feng's voice was even closer.

"It's coming, fast. 35

The old man heard Chu Feng's voice getting closer, and quickly reminded.

"Understood, don't worry, look at me."

The old woman hurriedly returned to the room just now, picked up the fake doll that had fallen from the ground, wrapped it in cloth, disguised as an injured child and held it in her arms.

And she hurriedly sat back in the chair and began to brew her emotions.

The originally grim face quickly turned into a pitiful look, as if she was really a sick child, and she had nowhere to seek medical treatment.

And her three sons also divided two to go to another room, preparing to have a three-pack copy later.

"Is anyone here?"

Holding a pistol, Chu Feng walked slowly in the dark house, ready to deal with a sudden zombie attack.

But he didn't know that someone had already set up a pocket array in front of him, waiting for a pedestrian like him to be alone.

Or someone who loves to come to help.


Not long after, Chu Feng heard a woman's sad sobbing coming from the front.

Chu Feng stepped into the door and saw an old woman on the opposite side crying with her back to him.

403 The old woman slowly turned her head back when she heard the voice. Her poor child was dying and she was helpless. She performed wonderfully and even the tears came down. Her acting was perfect. It's a pity that the old woman is not an actress.

Chu Feng narrowed his eyes when he saw the old woman's familiar face, and suddenly remembered it in combination with the surrounding environment.

Isn't this the beginning of Resident Evil 3?

The old woman pretended to be a rescuer and set up traps with her wife and gangsters to kill passersby.

If he remembered correctly, these guys still kept a bunch of zombie dogs in the basement.

Alice was subdued just because she was careless and put down her weapon to pick up the child, and was almost killed.

Now that the old woman has deceived him, do you really think he is stupid?

"My child, please, please, please save my child."

The old woman still didn't know that her plan had been discovered, and she still performed it to the fullest.

Holding the fake child, he got up and walked towards Chu Feng.

Faced with a poor old woman holding a child, most people will be unprepared and put down their guns to pick up the child.

She can take the opportunity to take out the gun hidden under the lining to subdue the other party.

Alice was subdued by her move just now.

Now she does the same, repeating the old trick.

"No, it's Chu Feng! Don't be fooled, it's a trap!"

At this time, Alice was in the cubicle, and through the shelf, she finally saw the person coming. Isn't that the Chu Feng that she was thinking about day and night?

Alice secretly thought that it was not good and wanted to open her mouth to remind her, but her mouth was blocked, so she could only whimper.

She struggled hard, making the chair creak and wobble.

"Crack! 99

When the old man saw that Alice was dishonest, he loaded the bullet and put it on Alice's head.

The meaning is obvious. If you continue to make noise, he will shoot.

The other gangsters are also starting to get ready for a gun fight.

When Chu Feng heard the movement, he turned to look at the back room.

"Ah~ my poor child! He has been sick for many days, kindhearted person, can you help my child!

The old woman saw that Chu Feng was attracted by the voice and worried that Chu Feng saw an ambush.

Once Chu Feng knew of their plan, and she failed to disarm Chu Feng, the two sides went to war, it would be dangerous.

Without hesitation, the old woman directly transformed herself into a performer and continued to perform, trying to attract Chu Feng's attention.

And the pace of her approaching Chu Feng (cafi) is getting faster and faster, like a woman worried about her child, seeing the hope of saving her life, and can't wait to let Chu Feng see what his child is sick.


Chu Feng looked at the rushing old woman, the corners of his mouth rose, and he said with a smile.

"Ah! That's very nice, you're such a good man.""

Seeing that Chu Feng didn't notice, the old woman turned from sadness to joy, and handed the fake child covered in her arms to Chu Feng.

And she had already loaded the shotgun secretly, just waiting for Chu Feng to pick up the child, her shotgun suddenly opened fire behind the wrap.

As a woman, she will keep it for her son to play with, and as a man, she does not need to live, as long as the other party's supplies are enough.

Chu Feng didn't seem to know that he was going to be fooled, but he slowly lowered the muzzle of the gun.

Alice inside saw that Chu Feng was about to be fooled, and her forehead was sweating, and she was so anxious that if it wasn't for the gun, but also tied tightly, she would have rushed out long ago.


Unexpectedly long time no see, this time Chu Feng will be deceived by this group of thieves.

Alice was worried, but the old bastards next to her were happy.

Sure enough, two months after the apocalypse began, this person is such a liar!

Just deceived Alice, but another oriental person was fooled.

Seeing that the car is very luxurious outside, this wave has made a lot of money.

Just when Alice thought that Chu Feng was going to be fooled and worried, the thieves around thought that the plan had succeeded and were ready to receive Chu Feng's supplies.

Chu Feng, however, did not hesitate, and at the moment when the old woman thought he was about to put down the gun, he suddenly raised the gun and fired directly.

"Bang! 35

The gunshots sounded, and the old woman's originally smiling face froze instantly.

She widened her eyes in disbelief.

She didn't understand, her seamless trap, seeing that the other party was about to be fooled, why did the other party suddenly open fire?

Where did she act wrong, where did she make a flaw and reveal her tricks?

But she will never know.


The old woman fell, and the dummy in her hand and the shotgun in her hand that was ready to fire on Chu Feng also fell to the ground.

"Boom! 99

In an instant, the old man in ambush and their gangster sons were all dumbfounded.

Looking at the room outside, the fallen old woman looked shocked and incredulous.

They couldn't believe that the trap of trying Bailing in the past suddenly failed.

Chu Feng was clearly fooled, but the moment he put down the gun, he suddenly raised the gun and shot the old woman to death.

This is not scientific!

Where is the problem?

How did Chu Feng see the flaw?

Not only them, but Alice, who thought she knew Chu Feng, was stunned.

She widened her beautiful eyes with a look of astonishment and surprise on her face.

She never thought that Chu Feng was so clever, that he saw the trap of this gang of thieves, and even came up with a plan.

Deliberately suppressing the gun's muzzle to make the old woman think she succeeded in her conspiracy, and then simply kill her with one shot!

Perfect, simply perfect.

"Mom! Ah! Asshole, I killed you!

After a short period of daze, several thugs let out a wailing, one left and one right, and rushed out of the rooms on both sides with guns.

Shooting at Chu Feng with a gun, vowing to kill Chu Feng directly.


The gunshot sounded, and a bullet carrying a hot tail flame was sent from the muzzle, spinning at a high speed and shot towards Chu Feng.

If it were an ordinary person, it would immediately be killed by the gun.

But unfortunately, they met Chu Feng.

It is also Chu Feng, who has advanced to the third rank of Magneto's ability.

Chu Feng just glanced at the bullet.


The ballistic of the bullet originally shot at Chu Feng was instantly changed, and it was directly deflected and shot at a gangster on the other side.


The bullet went straight through the bastard's body.

"Brother, why...why?

The gangster stared at the big brother who shot the gun, his eyes wide in disbelief.

Don't they want to avenge their mother?

Why would his eldest brother fire at him?

what the hell?

Could it be that the eldest brother has always been jealous of the more maternal love he received?

Otherwise, what would he do if he didn't attack Chu Feng?


With an unbelievable look, the gangster was unwilling to fall.

"Eddie! Brother, what are you doing? Why did you kill the third brother?"

The man next to the gangster saw that the third brother was shot and killed by the eldest brother.

However, his third brother Eddie was no longer breathing.

He raised his head and glared at his eldest brother with a puzzled look on his face, not understanding why his eldest brother would fire at his younger brother.

"I... I don't know, I'm targeting him, it's him... It must be the ghost of this Oriental.

"Ah! I want you to die!

The boss was also stunned.

He originally wanted to shoot Chu Feng to avenge his mother, but he never thought that he would shoot his little brother by mistake.

In the face of his second brother's questioning, he let out a painful wailing.

Instead, he poured all his anger on Chu Feng.

If it wasn't for Chu Feng, how could he accidentally kill his little brother?

Today, he will turn Chu Feng into a beehive to avenge his younger brother Eddie and his mother!

"Da da da! 35

The gunshots sounded frantically, and a large number of bullets poured out, as if they didn't want money, and shot Chu Feng directly.

Facing these bullets, Chu Feng had no fear at all.

In front of him, Magneto, killing him with metal bullets is really naive and ridiculous.

Chu Feng's thoughts moved, and those bullets all shot at another gangster behind Chu Feng.

"Brother, you are so cruel! If I die, you don't want to live!

The second brother is angry, good you big brother, you killed the third brother Eddie, and you still want to kill me?

If you don't talk about brotherhood, don't blame him for being unrighteous.

Before the second brother died, he raised his gun and shot the eldest brother.

This time Chu Feng didn't control the bullets, and those bullets shot at the boss.


After all, the two robber brothers killed each other and fell to the ground.

The old man in the house was dumbfounded, and he never thought that the trap for the survivors would suddenly be seen through by Chu Feng.

And his three sons suddenly strife and shoot each other.

He felt like his whole life was falling apart.

"Alice!? Why are you here?"5

Chu Feng stepped over the eldest corpse, walked slowly into the house, and was stunned when he saw Alice.

It was only because of the plot that he knew that this group of people were not good people, and if he wanted to kill him, he would do it first.

I didn't expect to see Alice here.

Isn't she defending at the base? How did she come here?

Chu Feng thought of the motorcycle outside the door, and instantly knew that it was Alice's motorcycle, no wonder it was so familiar.

"Woooooo! 39

Alice's mouth was gagged and she wanted to speak, but she could only make a whimpering sound.

Chu Feng couldn't listen to what she was saying at all.


"Don't come here, I'll kill her if you come again.

"You know each other! That's better, you don't want her dead!

The old man came back to his senses, hurriedly aimed the muzzle at Alice's head, and threatened Chu Feng.

If Chu Feng and Alice don't know each other, he might use Alice as a hostage to no avail.

But now that Chu Feng knew this woman, it was much easier.

Although he didn't understand why his two sons suddenly shot at each other, the weirdness of this matter only started after meeting the oriental man in front of him.

He didn't believe it if he said it had nothing to do with Chu Feng and killed him.

Fortunately, Chu Feng knew this woman, so he could threaten Chu Feng with Alice.

"You dare threaten me?"

Chu Feng looked at the old man with a cold expression.

Chu Feng hated others threatening him the most in his life, especially threatening him with people he cared about.

"Yes, boy, I don't care what you did to turn my son against me, but you are dead. 99

"Put down your weapon or I'll shoot her."

The old man looked at Chu Feng fiercely and threatened.

He has made up his mind, Chu Feng must die.

As long as Chu Feng put down his gun, he did not hesitate to fire on Chu Feng, killing him and avenging his wife and children.

However, the scene of Chu Feng throwing away the pistol in the old man's expectation did not happen.

Chu Feng not only did not put down the gun, but also looked at the old man with a mocking expression and said, "Really? Then you shoot!"

Threatening him with a metal weapon, the doomsday Magneto, is ridiculous.

Shoot if you can!

I really thought that Chu Feng was scared.

"Damn! You think I dare not! 55

The old man was completely irritated by Chu Feng's mocking tone, thinking of the death of his wife and children just now, so excited that he actually pulled the trigger directly at Alice.


Gunshots sounded.

The imagined scene of Alice being shot in the head did not happen.

Instead, the old man was shot in the head by his own gun.

After he opened fire, the bullet did not shoot from the muzzle as before, but instead penetrated the gun hall upside down and shot back on his forehead.

The old man opened his mouth wide, his eyes widened, his face was unbelievable, and he couldn't rest his eyes.

He never thought that his gun would explode, giving him a reverse kill.

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