Chen Feng found out that the Wesker guy was gone!

"Did anyone see where Captain Wesker went?!".

Barry's heart tightened.

"Captain, wasn't he still here?!".

He looked around, but where was Wesker still in the hall?

Instead, Chris heard the 'thud' of something hitting the ground behind the door on the east side of the hall.

Chris stepped forward and pointed to the door on the east side of the hall.

"You guys fix it first, I'll go over there and have a look!"

Barry whispered, "Chris, be careful!".

Chris nodded and pushed the door in.

If you die, you are famous, who would dare to team up with it easily?

Chen Feng confessed.

There is a good saying, pretend to be cool for a while, and immediately crematorium!

What's more, his physical strength has not fully recovered at this time, and he can only feed the zombies when he forcibly comes out!

After a long time, Chen Feng, who was waiting in the hall, heard three gunshots, and two more gunshots were heard after a few seconds.


Chen Feng knew that there were no special circumstances, and the members of S.T.A.R.S. would not shoot easily!

"Rebecca, get your gear in order!".

Rebecca nodded solemnly, already in battle mode.

Jill picked up a pistol.

"Let's go together!".

Chen Feng nodded, "It's okay to act together, and take care of each other!"

Barry nodded, he was also worried that something would happen to Chris.

After everyone left, Wesker actually came out of the hall again.

Chen Feng ...... What a headache!".

If it weren't for the fact that he had some special abilities, he would have been discovered by Chen Feng just now.

"But then, pray that your keen insight won't wear off. "

Show your abilities to the new organization, and by the way, break away from Ambrera's plan in this operation, and never give up halfway because of Chen Feng or some other bull ghost or snake god!

A tricky existence like Chen Feng will only make him more excited!

Chen Feng, who was missed by Wesker, took Jill and the others into the luxurious restaurant behind the east gate.

It's a little narrower than the hall, and there's an extra-long dining table in the middle, making the space even more cramped.

A group of four people bent on their waists and moved forward cautiously.

Chen Feng's face was not very good, and he smelled the familiar rancid stench again!

Coming to the hallway behind the restaurant, everyone heard the sound of chewing.

Following the sound, a ragged, smelly guy was crouching and munching on something.

Chen Feng and Rebecca had already clenched their pistols and aimed at the guy's head.

As if hearing footsteps, the zombie slowly turned its head.

A rotting face, pale and horrible eyes, and a mouth full of blood.

Seeing the food behind it, it grinned, the mouse in its mouth was not dead, and its tail was moving ......

Jill almost threw up when she saw this.

Barry wasn't much better.

Chen Feng and Rebecca frowned and fired.

Zombies fall to the ground and die instantly.

Chen Feng and Rebecca didn't look very good.

In the previous research institute, the zombies in the cultivation center basically died with a single shot.

But just now, the two of them combined to shoot a total of three bullets, all of which hit the head, and the zombie in front of them died on the ground until the third shot.

The zombie heads here are harder!

Is it because of the different types of viruses, or has the zombies evolved?

Chen Feng didn't know.

All he knows is that here, bullets are more precious!

Jill asked, holding back his nausea.

"Chen Feng, is this the zombie you encountered before?"

Chen Feng shook his head.

"It's tougher than what we've encountered before!".

Rebecca also said, "If you can not fight him, try not to shoot!".

Experiencing the fear of running out of ammunition, Rebecca had to say hello to the two of them in advance, lest they squander their limited ammunition.

Rebecca is also concerned about chaos, and the mission experience of Team Alpha is much richer than that of Team Bravo!

Barry crouched on the ground and examined the zombies.

Looking very closely, he seems to understand that the murderer who caused the brutal murder in Raccoon City is the guy in front of him and his companions!

Can be ......

Looking at the half-congealed blood flowing from the corpse, Barry really couldn't understand how these guys, who should have been dead for three or four weeks, could ...... alive

Chen Feng didn't say anything.

The first time you see a zombie in reality, no one will accept it.

Even he had to adapt for such a long time so that he wouldn't retch when he smelled the rancid smell.

Jill looked at the zombies on the ground and thought of the two little girls again.

Were Betsy and Priscia also attacked by these monsters?

Betsy and Priscia were the second victims of previous homicides, and they had a good relationship with Jill during their lifetimes.

"Let's go find Captain Wesker and Chris!".

"In case they meet other zombies, that's ......


Before Jill could finish speaking, Barry nodded in agreement without hesitation, and said, "This is a must, we have to make sure that our teammates are safe, and we can't be bastards like Enrique and Brian!"

Jill looked at Chen Feng and Rebecca.

Chen Feng nodded.

"I'm not in the habit of sitting on the sidelines. "

"Me too!".

Rebecca didn't hesitate to follow suit.

What Chen Feng wants to do is what she wants to do!

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