
Vol 2 Chapter 789: I am God

? Forget about Su Shi and whether there is any real cause and effect with himself.

Even if there is, it is the cause and effect of previous lives.

古 The cause and effect of this life, Gu Qingfeng has not figured it out, how can I have the mood to care about the cause and effect of the previous life.

What's more, the existence of Su Shi is particularly complicated. It has relations with immortal, magic, Buddha, and even heaven. It is likely that it is still a real person who should be robbed. For such people, Gu Qingfeng only wants to hide away. I don't want to have anything to do with it.

He just didn't seem to believe what he said, at least he was skeptical, and asked, "How do you know that King Qixiao is dead?"

"I saw it with my own eyes."

"Did you see it with your own eyes? When and where?"

"If I remember correctly, you were there when the wind and the wind were split. I've been there. The only trace of knowledge that existed in the ancient Sirius has disappeared. He died, he died completely, and he won't reincarnate. , Will not be reincarnated, and you will not see him again when you wait. "

Regarding Gu Qingfeng's words, Su Shi didn't know whether she should believe it or not. She stared at Gu Qingfeng carefully, groaned for a long time, and asked, "If King Qixiao really died, then who are you? You don't claim to be red. Is King Xiao's heir? "

"Heir to the ancient Sirius? Oh, I have never said anything like this, it's someone else's."

"Who the **** are you then?"

"Who am I?"

Gugu Qingfeng stood up, stretched a lazy waist, cracked his bones, and shook his head, saying, "I'm not human."

"Not human? What are you?"

The ancient breeze came over, looked at Su Shi, and responded very seriously: "I am God, do you believe it?"


Su Su looked blankly, opened her mouth, and stopped talking. There was a touch of disdain in her beautiful eyes, and she snorted coldly: "Do you think I'm a fool or think I'm blind?

"Hahaha! You can't believe it, I can't help it."

The existence of God, this thing is more than pass.

This world, no, does God exist in this world?

No one knows.

Su Su is not a fool, let alone a blind man. Naturally, he does not believe that this guy is God.

告诉 "Tell me, why can you play the king's youth as an artistic conception, and why the dragon elephant spirits of the Qixiao people are so awesome to you?"

"I haven't lived. I merged a little knowledge of the ancient Sirius. His experience, experience, spirit, and will are more or less inherited. What is strange about the artistic conception of playing juveniles. Why do the dragon elephant spirits awe me, maybe they felt the spiritual will of the king of the sky? "

Blending a bit of residual knowledge can indeed inherit spiritual will.

This Su Shi does not deny.

I do n’t know. She still does n’t believe it. As for why she does n’t believe it, she does n’t even know it.

"Sister, is there anything else you want to ask?"

"You came for destiny?"

"Destiny? I'm not interested."

"What have you been doing in the Northwest?"

"What's the matter, I am not destined, can't I slosh in the northwestern part of the country? Why? The northwestern part is your place?"


Su Su suddenly spoke, thinking about it, and then asked: "You have been to Jin Er, you have to visit some old friends in Northwest China, what kind of friendship? Still looking for wind every month ..."

"This is not for me, but for the ancient Sirius. This is not a blend of his stubborn knowledge. In return, I came to visit some of his old friends in the past, and by the way, I took the same relationship It was also returned, and the search for wind was also monthly. "

No problem, at least, Su Shi could not find a reason to refute, and also felt that Gu Qingfeng's words were both logical and common sense.

"There is one last question."


"Why did you die in Taixuanbei?"

"My sister, I have already said this to Jin Er, you are also present."

"You Xitian Buddha hid in Taixuanbei to kill you, and you also kidnapped the incarnation of Dalai Rulai, and you broke away from life and death?"

"What? You don't believe it?"

"This nonsense, as long as it is not a fool, you will not believe it!"

"You can't believe it, I can't help it."

Su Shi didn't believe it, nor would she have any doubts, but Jin Er believed it to be true, and wanted Jin Er to be innocent, but she seemed to have a dream sister who knew everything in her dreams. Let Su Shi be a little hesitant. Believe it, but kidnapping Da Riru, the incarnation, detached from life and death ... This kind of impossible thing is enough to coax a three-year-old baby.

"One more thing, what is the golden pandan you just offered? Why is it so evil? So violent?"

"Sister, believe me, I want to know the answer to this question more than you."

"Jindan you conceived, stumped you do not know what Jindan?"

"Is there anything weird about this? There are so many strange and mysterious creations in heaven and earth that you can't count the numbers. Do you know what your creations are?"

The question of Gu Qingfeng really asked Su Shi to ask, because there are indeed one or two mysterious unknown unknown creatures in her achievements.

"Jiner, you have countless terrible existences, and these calamities will bring a calamity, and God will not let you go ..."

This kind of thing involved. Su Shi was not embarrassed to ask, but she was too curious, so she asked tentatively, "What terrible existence is there on your body, and how many are there?"

"You want to know?"

Su Suying made a heavy head and responded, "Think."

"Think about it."


Realizing that she was being played, Su Shi's hate in her heart was tickling, taking a secret breath, calming the anger in her heart, saying: "The Jin Dan you just sacrificed, the light and the darkness blend in, Yin and Yang change, much like Taiji Jindan ... "

The ancient Qingfeng said with interest: "Then what? What do you think."

Su Suyi wondered if Gu Qingfeng was trying to avoid the avenues of avenues, and what evil spirit breath was infected with Taiji Jindan. If so, where did he come from? The first Taiji Jindan was destroyed by hand when he was pregnant, and the second one should have disappeared when the Taixuanbei died. It wasn't two Taiji Jindan that was pregnant, but three?

Stubbornly holding back the shock in his heart, Su Shi asked in a deep voice: "You tell me the truth, how many Taiji Jindans did you give birth to?"

多少 "How many ... It's really bad. I haven't counted it. There are no billions, at least there are millions."

There are no billions, and there are millions!

What concept is this?


and many more.

Isn't it possible for Jiner to have countless terrible beings on him? Is it really Taiji Jindan? An endless amount of Taiji Jindan?

is it possible?

Do not!

Absolutely impossible!

I killed Su Shi and didn't believe it.

Alas, she still asked: "I don't believe you can conceive an endless amount of Taiji Jindan."

"I don't believe it."

Su Suyi is about to collapse ~ ~ I decided to use the radical method, saying: "I think you are bragging at all, no one can give birth to an endless amount of Taiji Jindan, even God."

I glanced at the sky, it was already a bit bright, Gu Qingfeng drank the last pot of wine, put away the glass, and said, "Okay, it's all over, it's too late, rest early."

"and many more."

"what happened again?"

"You promised me that as long as I find out why I'm looking for King Chixiao, you tell me who you are. You don't have it yet."

"I am, but you don't believe it, can you blame me?"

"Damn! You are God, you fool a three year old baby!"

"I still say that, I don't believe it!"

By the way, the ancient Qingfeng has disappeared, leaving only Su Shi who is desperate and corrupt like a madman.

(To be continued.)

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