
Vol 2 Chapter 795: Starshine

The people in Xianfu, Enron was trembling after hearing this. Although she had also heard that the princes of the Xian Dynasty were all arrogant and arrogant, they did not expect to be so arrogant and arrogant. Just because the predecessors of reincarnation did not go out to greet them, not only to kill them, but also to feed the spirit fox with their souls?

Is this pride?

This is simply heartbroken!

An Ran immediately transmitted a message to his grandpa, and asked, "Grandpa, are these fairy lords really going to kill our reincarnation predecessors in Xianfu?"

"Do not ask!"

An Qiongshan and another governor, Li Feiyuan, were still kneeling on the ground. He replied Enron, and arched his hand again: "Masters of Xianjue, the reincarnation predecessors of our Xianfu often retreat, and rarely ask common things This time, they failed to go out to welcome them, and they wanted to come. They should not know that the adults are here, and I hope they will forgive me! "

"Everything is dead! When is this time you have the right to speak!"

The Lord Lan Lan, who was holding the spirit fox, hummed aloud, and she was going to teach An Qiongshan. At this time, the voice of the Lord Xian Yao suddenly came. ? Fire Ran ???????


Pu Xingyao just called the name of Lord Luo Lanxian, and she did not continue.

"I said that when you reach the Northwestern China, your tempers will converge and converge. Are you stumped by my words?"

Ping Xingyao stood quietly with a negative hand on his handsome face, his expression was very dull, and even at this moment, he could not hear the slightest anger.

However, it was his bland voice that no one dared to refute, whether it was the heroic imperial lord of the year or the proud and arrogant Ruolan.

"Thank you, Lord Xingyao, for your kindness!"

Thanks to Luan Qiongshan, as soon as his words fell, Xingyao's voice came: "Did I say I would forgive them?"


Luan Qiongshan was suddenly there, and for a while I didn't know how to respond.

"It ’s okay if they retreat. It does n’t matter if they do n’t know about it. Since they settled in Xianfu and accepted the seal of the Xian Dynasty, they are the guests of the Qing Dynasty, and they are my Xian Dynasty people. No accounting, but after all, we came here on behalf of the Xian Dynasty. They are so disregarded and really disrespectful to the Xian Dynasty.

Xingyao's words were well-founded, making An Qiongshan unable to refute. When he was worried, dozens of people from Xianfu flew to this side. The leader was Murong Han, and the number who came with him Ten people are not others. It is the reincarnation power stationed in Xianfu. There are as many as ten people, nearly a hundred.

"My lords, Xiaguan has ... have brought them ... they have brought ... here."

Murong Han's face was very bad and unsightly. In the face of the hundreds of nine-star French masters, eighty-one hundred robbers, and nine fairy princes, he was not only nervous but also panicked.

近 After nearly a hundred reincarnations came back to power, it seemed that the Xian Dynasty would not have so many people.

of course.

Unexpectedly, I did n’t expect to return. After all, it is the power of reincarnation. Even if most of the hundreds of reincarnation people are pseudo-immortals, they are also the masters who have seen the wind and the waves. This is far from scary. To them.

"The old rotten North Peak has seen all the immortal officials."

Among the hundreds of reincarnation powers, an elder elder stood up, and it seemed that all the reincarnation people saluted to the immortal officials on the court.

The practitioner who kneels around Xianyu may not know this old man, but everyone in Xianfu knows that Beifeng is definitely qualified to represent all reincarnation. He is one of the few true immortals in Xianfu. After that, he was also a powerful French lord, and spoke in all reincarnation powers.

"You adults, the immortal officials, come here, old people and other people have failed to go out and welcome, and you have to look at the immortal officials, Haihan."

Bei Beifeng is neither humble nor overbearing, and has a very sincere attitude.

Ping Xingyao asked: "You have all accepted the canon of the Xian Dynasty. It is for the Northwest Xianfu Keqing, right?"

Bei Beifeng nodded and said: "Exactly."

"Xianfu Keqing, respected status, no need to worship, nor need to manage Xianfu chores, in ordinary times, you can completely ignore the matter of Xianfu." Xingyao spoke slowly and suddenly, and then suddenly turned, suddenly "I do n’t know if I am right?"

Bei Beifeng twisted his white beard and frowned deeply. After a while, he responded: "It is true."

"Very good."

Ping Xingyao nodded, and he was dull, and could not see any anger and sorrow. He asked lightly, "Do you know beforehand that we will come today?"

Bei Beifeng thought for a moment, looked at the people in Xianfu, and responded, "I know."

"Do you know that we are coming on behalf of the Xian Dynasty?"

"Also ... I know."

"Is this a major event?"


"So why didn't you attend?"


峰 Bei Feng, who asked this question, also did not know how to respond.

Xingyao did not seem to expect him to answer, and looked at Murong Han again, and asked, "Who is in charge of Xianfu when you are away?"

Tong Muronghan didn't know the meaning of Xingyao's question, but still responded truthfully, and said, "Yes ... the elder."

He bowed his knees and worshiped the elders of Xianfu, and looked up quickly, saying: "When the three houseowners and five cabinet elders are away, they are always in charge."

Pian Xingyao didn't even look at him, and his tone was still very flat, saying, "Did you inform them beforehand?"

"After the Xuanguan received the letter from the governor, he immediately informed them of this, and stated that the adults came this time on behalf of the Xian Dynasty. They will come here today, but ... but ..."

The elders of Wuxianfu were trembling, and the following words seemed to dare not speak out.

"But what?"

"But ..." Elder Xianfu looked at Mu Ronghan, and then looked at more than a hundred reincarnated powers such as Beifeng. He gritted his teeth, stomped his feet, and sided with his heart. "But all of them pretend to be Honorable Fairy ~ ~ No one would go out to welcome. "

As soon as this word came out, the faces of nearly a hundred reincarnated people such as Beifeng became gloomy instantly. Although the elder of Xianfu said the truth, he was told in public, and his heart was more or less mindful, especially Still speaking out in front of so many immortal officials, this made Bei Feng and other groups of reincarnated people very unhappy.

Although they are all immortals in their previous lives, they are just previous lives.

They know better than anyone else. The previous life is the previous life. After reincarnation, everything has to be restarted. It is also clearer that in this world, the immortal lord is absolutely dominated, and no one wants to offend the immortal dynasty.


If you let them go out to greet them, these immortal officials of the Xian Dynasty, such a loss of identity, will not accept them. After all, all the immortals in the previous life are immortals. Bow to these fairy officials who are nothing but little farts in their eyes.

If not, how can you be a human in the future? Will be joke.

(To be continued.)

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