
Vol 2 Chapter 804: Legacy of the Moon

Fei Yan was also a bit worried when she was surprised. Although she failed to refine the heart of the demon moon, she spent so many years in the demon moon palace. Naturally, she knew that it was not easy to rush into the heart of the demon moon. It's not easy. If they are integrated, it will take a long, long time, decades, even hundreds, even thousands of years.

Han Dong has just refined the heart of the demon moon and immediately merged it. It is too anxious. Feiyan tried to communicate with Han Dong to persuade him. Anyway, if Han Dong here ca n’t hear her at all, and, The cold moonlight of the whole body became more and more powerful, and his expression became more and more painful, and his body shivered more and more.

"King, look at Donger ..."

The ancient breeze did not know about the heart of the demon moon, and never had contact with it, and the situation in Han Dong is not normal or not.

He sacrificed his consciousness and checked it. It seems that everything is normal on the surface, but it's just superficial. What puzzles Gu Qingfeng is that the speed of the fusion of the cold winter and the heart of the demon moon seems a bit fierce. The two seem to attract each other. , Quickly merging with each other, first around the body, and then blood, meridians, Zifu, etc ...

Almost every martial art has its own inheritance, which was handed down by the ancestors of the founding school, not only connected with the spiritual veins of the martial arts, but also with the many formations of the martial arts, and with the secrets of the martial arts. Related.

If only this is the case, it is far from saying that it will not be uploaded.

In fact, the tradition of the school also contains the legacy of the ancestors, the purpose, even the spiritual sustenance, the inheritance of the will, and so on, and then passed down from generation to generation. At the same time, the heart of inheritance will become more and more powerful like a snowball. In other words, the longer the heart of inheritance is passed on, the harder it is to refine and integrate.

The demon moon palace has been passed down for almost ten thousand years, and has experienced several masters before and after. According to common sense, it should be more difficult for the heart of the demon moon to merge. How can it be so fast and rapid in the winter? .

Fusion is not without any rejection, not even a trace of discomfort. The two are like loved ones who have been separated for many years, and more like one.

In a short period of time, the heart of the demon moon not only merged with the blood of the acupoints of the cold winter, the meridian purple house, but also with her primordial spirit. It is even more exaggerated that after the fusion, the primordial spirit of the winter has grown at an incredible rate. Get up, change shape, change spirit, change god.


The gloomy moonlight glowed like crazy flames.

Suddenly, the cold winter actually condenses the Tao heart.

"How can Donger's cultivation be ..."

Wu Feiyan stared at her eyes and dazzled her. This scene was completely beyond her understanding. Although she also knew that the integration of the spirit of the demon moon would improve, but it was an extremely long process.

The cold and cold winter not only was able to refine the fusion of the heart of the demon moon in such a short time, but even repaired it to break through three realms in a few breaths.

Looking at all the former masters of the demon moon palace, in addition to the mother-in-law of the moon, several other masters will not say fusion, but the heart of the refining demon moon has been used for hundreds of years and thousands of years, and even longer. .

I was stumped and said that the winter is also a wizard of the world like the mother of the moon?

She still clearly remembers that it took a short time to refine the heart of the demon moon, and the integration of the heart of the demon moon was the same. As for Xiu Wei, she broke through several realms in a row, but Noble wizard, and her mother was the last master of the palace. It can be said that the moon maiden absorbed the spirit of the demon moon from the mother's womb, and was born with the heart of the demon moon.

No matter refining or fusion, people are comparable.

Although Han Handong's qualifications are good, they are far inferior to the monthly mother, and there is no blood relationship with the mother. How to refine and integrate the heart of the demon moon looks more exaggerated than the monthly mother.

"What is the relationship between winter and wind every month?"

The ancient breeze seemed to see something, and suddenly asked.

关系 "Relationship? Dong'er has no blood relationship with his mother-in-law. The mother-in-law has disappeared for more than 50 years, while Dong'er is only in her twenties."

"Who's parents are in the winter?"

"I don't know, Donger is an orphan."

"Orphan?" Gu Qingfeng frowned slightly and asked, "How did she get into your demon moon palace?"

"It is the heart of the demon moon."

"Heart of the demon moon? What do you mean?"

"The thing is this. After the mysterious disappearance of my mother, I have been unable to refine the heart of the demon moon. The heart of the demon moon is like a dead thing in my hands, even the spirituality is gone, but suddenly one day, I do n’t know why The heart of the demon moon is like suddenly coming to life, very excited, guiding me to find an abandoned baby in a forest, that baby is the cold winter, and she was less than nine months old. "

"The heart of the demon moon is spiritual. If it finds Donger, it means that Donger's qualifications are excellent. At least, it is very suitable for practicing the demon moon spirit of our demon moon palace. This is very fortunate for me. After all, I ca n’t refine the heart of the demon moon, so I accepted Donger as a disciple. I hope that when she grows up, she will be able to refine the heart of the demon moon and inherit the position of the demon of the demon moon palace. There is an account. "

Wu Feiyan's words were reasonable and reasonable, and Gu Qingfeng couldn't think of anything strange.

After all, the martial art inheritance has been integrated with the spiritual will of the heads of previous generations. It is not strange to have spirituality. Naturally, it can also sense the appropriate corresponding spirit body. Many major gates also rely on the heart of inheritance to choose their disciples, even to save their disciples .

Just nothing!

Even if the constitution of the winter is suitable for the heart of the demon moon, the speed of fusion cannot be so fast.

Gu Qingfeng has been staring at the winter, she found that the winter and the heart of the demon moon can no longer be called a fusion, it is more like a return, very natural, it is like two drops of water blending together ~ www.wuxiaspot. com ~ don't distinguish each other.

What the **** does this happen.

The ancient breeze did not understand for a while.

"King, Donger ’s cultivation is growing so fast. Will there be any problems? She has now cultivated Dao Xin, and this state of Dao Xin needs to be consolidated most. If Dao ’s mind is unstable, Donger ’s I'm afraid in the future ... "

"Let's take a look before you talk, many things are different from person to person."

The voice of Gu Qingfeng came, and the frightened bird who was already frightened became even more frightened. At this time, the cold winter sitting cross-legged suddenly changed, and her expression became more and more painful. The body no longer trembled, but became blurred. , As if fused with the cold moonlight glory.

"No! No! No!"

"why why!"

Suddenly, there was a cry of pain in the winter.

(To be continued.)

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