
Vol 2 Chapter 806: 4-party undercurrent

"It's you, isn't it ..."


Winter is standing in the void, her glamour looks especially demon against the ghostly moon, and her beautiful eyes are extremely complicated. She looked at the ancient breeze so slowly, her expression gradually calmed down from the beginning of the embarrassment and confusion. When I got up, I was no longer unfamiliar and no longer confused, and became resentful and helpless, tangled ...

"It really is you, I can feel it, it must be you ... you are really back ... but why are you back?"

"You shouldn't come back ... you shouldn't ..."

Han Handong looked at the ancient breeze, murmured with a grudge, and shook his head slightly, and said, "You will only get deeper and deeper when you come back ..."


Gu Qingfeng has been staring at the cold winter, he wondered why the cold winter suddenly changed like a person, raising his hands and throwing his feet like the wind and the moon, the attitude is even more, even the eyes are like the wind and the moon .

I wonder if Winter is affected by the heart of the demon moon, or does she really have any connection with the wind?

"who are you?"

Gu Qingfeng asked in a deep voice. This question made the cold winter that had returned to peace become confused again, and whispered: "Who am I ... Yeah ... Who am I ... Why can't I remember I am Who……"

"Are you cold or windy?"

"Wind by month? Winter? Well-known names ... really familiar ... why are these two names so familiar ..."

Han Dong was thinking hard, and the more she thought about it, the more confused and confused she was. She shook her head and muttered to herself: "Who am I ... who is I ..." She kept asking who she was, her tone It became more and more intense, and her expression became more and more painful. At the same time, the ghostly moon phase above her head became increasingly unstable.

"Who am I! Who am I!"

"who am I!"

Tong Handong looked up at the full moon in the night sky and issued an angry roar. The ghostly moon phase above her head was spinning wildly, and became more and more intense, as if to fight with Yeyue!

"who am I!"

Tong Handong stared at the full moon, leaped forward, and flew towards the full moon.

"Leave it to me in the winter, you go back to the demon moon palace and wait."

The ancient breeze flashed forward and followed closely.

I left Fei Yan alone in the void, confused and worried.

She was not high, and she was hurt. She couldn't hold it in the void wind for a long time. She was not affected by the wind when Gu Qingfeng guarded her. As the Gu Qingfeng left, she could n’t help it. Don't hurry to leave.

Not long after they left, two figures appeared here again.

A three-meter-tall woman who looks like a mountain.

There is also a woman who is extraordinarily refined, beautiful, and beautiful.

Qian is Qianshan and Su Shi.

After the two appeared, they looked around as if looking for something.


Just now, they suddenly noticed something strange in the night sky, as if a dark full moon hangs in the void, the full moon is covered by a demon, and a bleak desolation, and the situation is weird. People rushed over the first time, but when they came here, they found nothing.

"Miss, what happened just now?"

Qian Qianshan asked in confusion: "What is the evil power that appeared in the night sky? Why is it so weird?"

"The strength and evil that has just turned out are so incomparable. It is like a dark moon, cold and desolate without vitality ..." Su Shimei murmured, "This reminds me of a strange law."

"What is the law?"

"Ghost Demon Moon Phase."

When he heard the name, Qianshan looked suddenly stunned and said: "You mean the ghostly moon phase in the legend of Yaoyue Palace? This is impossible, this type of phase has only been accomplished by the moon and the moon, stumped ... … Some other people in Yaoyue Palace also gave birth to such a terrible Falun Gong? Who would it be? Feiyan? Impossible, she could n’t refine the heart of Yaoyue at all, but it ’s the cold winter? How can it be possible to conceive the Dharma, because the Yuanshen has not been transformed, and the Tao heart has not been condensed? "


Qian Shan thought of another possibility, Shen said, "Will the wind come back month by month? The wind disappeared month by month inexplicably. It was life or death. No one knows where she went. She deserves Isn't it coming back? "

She Su shook her head. She was not sure. She was about to go to Yaoyue Palace to see what was happening. At this moment, a voice passed into her ear.

"If the wind really returns from month to month, it will be lively."

Ying Ying appeared as a woman in black. The woman was wearing a veil, and she could vaguely see a charming face. She appeared without warning, holding a chilling black cat in her arms.

"It's you?"

Su Shi knows a woman in black, but she only knows it. She knows nothing but her name is Ru Ying. Although she also knows that she is a bookmaker, she does n’t know what the book is. I can feel that this woman's identity is not just as simple as the person who copied it, I'm afraid it's more complicated than I thought.

"Fairy Fairy, meet again, don't come without a fool."

Ru Ruying smiled slightly, stroking the sleeping black cat in her arms, then looking up at the bright moon hanging in the night sky, as if thinking about something.

"Have you seen the wind every month just now?"

Wu Ruying also shook his head and said, "No, when I found it, I immediately offered my godly knowledge. Unfortunately, I was one step behind, but ..."

"But nothing?"

"Monstrous Moon, Ghostly Light, Desolate Trend, Vitality Passes by. The Ghostly Moon Moon Phase that appeared just now is correct, but I do n’t know if the wind is going from month to month, maybe not, after all, destiny is about to come and disappear dozens It ’s not surprising that the wind of the year appears month by month. What do you say, the fairy? "


"Did the Fairy come for destiny too?"

Su Su just looked at Ruying, and did not answer this question, but asked instead: "Do you know that destiny will come in the northwest?"

"I don't know ~ ~ I can't be sure."

既 "So, what's the point of asking this question?"

"Of course it makes sense, if 婳 Fairy did not come for destiny, then it must be for cause and effect, right?"

Upon hearing the other's cause and effect, Su Shi's beautiful eyes stroked a strange color, and asked, "What do you say?"

"No one knows now that 婳 仙子 has been searching for the whereabouts of the King of the Xiaoxiao, and now a descendant from the northwest who claims to be able to represent the king appears, how can 婳 Fairy miss this opportunity."

"Oh? You mean Gu Qingfeng?"

"if not."

"Do you know his identity?"

"Oh, this question, I was also thinking about asking the fairy."

"Unfortunately, I don't know."

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