
Vol 2 Chapter 808: Startled

? Not an opponent?

These words are strange to the nine elders of the Xian Dynasty.

This is indeed the case. Since their birth, no one has ever said such things to them, not even once. By virtue of the identity of the imperial dynasty, plus the guardian of the imperial dynasty, there is a bright sun and light, which can be described as overbearing in the land of China. No one dares to provoke him. What kind of arrogant wizard is he to say, even if it is the power of reincarnation, as long as they are unhappy, they will kill.

Now what Su Shi Fairy says, he and others are not the opponent of the ancient surname.

At the same time that the prince of the Xian Dynasty was unfamiliar, it also felt a bit ridiculous, just like a joke, except that this joke came from Su Shi's mouth, and they did not dare to laugh.

"Xian Fairy, as far as I know, that person with an ancient surname can't repair Jin Dan, it's nothing more than physical strength. I don't know how Xun Xian concluded that I was not his opponent."

"His physical body is more than just a bit tougher."

"Oh? Could it be that the man with the old name really has the indestructible rock body as rumored? If so, I would also like to see and open my eyes."

to be frank.

Su Suying did not want to bother with this matter.

She did not want to participate in the fairy dynasty, but after all, she was a messenger representing the nine days, and she could not watch these people die, let alone she knew more or less with the parents of these second generations, even if they did not know them. After the meeting, I was going to visit the Northwest Xianfu for a few days and talk about it. Now that I have run into it, I will talk about it.

知道 She knows that the princes of the imperial dynasty are usually arrogant and penetrating. They are all arrogant and don't take anyone into their eyes.

I just didn't expect that they would be proud and conceited to such an extent that they could not listen to a little persuasion.

Even if it seems to be calm and calm, and calmly, the star Lord Yao Yao, although he did not say anything, but Su Shi also saw it, he was full of disdain for the existence of Gu Qingfeng.

She wanted to persuade again, think it over, still forget it, and she didn't know how to make these fairy lords believe that the existence of Gu Qingfeng was beyond their provoke.

Can you tell them that they have not done anything to shake Gu Qingfeng?

Will these arrogant princes of the Xian Dynasty believe?

Will not.

Su Mo said they would not believe it. Su Shi wouldn't believe it if he didn't do it himself.

I lamented, and said, "Either you believe it or not, just go with you."

Su Su also didn't bother to persuade him any more. After leaving, he disappeared.

I went back on the way.

Qian Qianshan said anxiously: "Miss, these princes of the Xian Dynasty are afraid they don't believe it at all, and they will definitely go to the trouble of Gu Qingfeng, stumped. Let's just watch them die?"

Seeing that Su Shi didn't respond, Qianshan said again: "After all, they are the elders of the immortal dynasty. If we don't know about it, then we will be in the northwest. If they are killed by the ancient Qingfeng again, If it's over ... Xian Dynasty ... I'm afraid you will miss you ... "

Qianshan knew that the last time the ancient breeze wiped out the Jiuhua Alliance, Su Shi stood by and there was already some gossip over the Xian Dynasty. If this time, the Xian Dynasty Lord was killed under the eyelids, Qianshan could not imagine the Xian Dynasty. What do people think of Su Shi?

"Miss, I know you don't mind how Xianchao thinks of you, but ... after all, you now represent nine days. Your words and deeds have a great influence. The most important thing is that there are a lot of good friends from Xianchao. They all have a good relationship with the parents of these princes of the fairy dynasty ... if you leave it alone ... "

This is indeed a problem for Su Shi.

She doesn't care what Xian Dynasty thinks of herself.

I do not care if the representative does not represent nine days.

However, she had to care about the friendship between the old friends, and some of her old friends even had gratitude to her, and as Qian Shan said, her old friends had some kind of relationship with the parents of the elders of the Xian Dynasty, or It is the same ancestor, and either has a blood relationship or a good relationship.

When she was in the Four Realms, one of her benefactors entrusted her to look after the Jiuhua Alliance. Later, the Jiuhua Alliance was destroyed. Until now Su Shi was a little unhappy.

"These eunuchs are arrogant and self-willed, don't listen to my persuasion at all, let's talk about it when they come here, Lord."

"Master Xie is prudent and reasonable, and he will certainly listen to the persuasion of the lady, but ... I am afraid that Master Xie will not come, these fairy lords will find the ancient Qingfeng trouble for life ..."

既然 "Since they are determined to die, let them die ..."

Maybe it wasn't that Su Shi, who had always been kind, would say such words. Qianshan could not help but hesitate. For the first time, in her impression, she heard Su Shi say such ruthless words, saying, "Miss, do you Are you really not prepared to stop them? "

"Stop? Who do you want me to stop? Stop the Lord Xian? Or stop ancient breeze?"

"I can take the initiative to stop the Lord of the Xian Dynasty, but the premise is that they are better not to provoke the ancient Qingfeng. Once the ancient Qingfeng is irritated, I can't stop it."

"Why ... stumped because Gu Qingfeng is the heir to King Chixiao?"

Su Suyi stopped, looking at Qianshan, and said seriously: "Qianshan, I can't stop not because Gu Qingfeng is the heir of the King of the Red Sky, nor is it because I don't want to stop it, but I can't stop it."

"Miss, Gu Qingfeng's strength is certainly strong, but if you shot ... if you want to come to him ..."

Su Shi shook her head and smiled helplessly, and she no longer concealed her. She told the story of the former single battle with Gu Qingfeng in the void. She spoke very weakly, but only passed into Qianshan's ears, but it was worthwhile. Than sunny thunderbolt, she couldn't believe it. Su Shi sacrificed the vitality of nature, plus the infinite shadow of the flying fairy, the ancient supreme body, and the power of all kinds of scriptures ... Almost failed to shake the ancient times. Breeze?


Is this true or false?

Where is Qian Shanyu ~ ~ With his eyes widened and his mouth open, as if struck by lightning, it may be so shocked that even his voice is hoarse, saying: "Ancient, ancient ... the body of the breeze Is it really an indestructible body of rock? "

"I don't know ... I don't know anything."

Su Shi closed her eyes, remembering the previous battle with Gu Qingfeng in the void, and she was still a little shocked when she remembered it. She shook her head and said, "Do you know? With one stroke, one stroke ... He cut off nature in the void." That's really cut off ... It's like cutting a river. "

Cut off the void of nature?

Qianshan felt that he couldn't breathe.

而且 "And ... I doubt ... I doubt ... he may still have Taiji Jindan."

(To be continued.)

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