
Vol 2 Chapter 810: Winter is still windy

? Jiu Xiaoyun, known as the restricted area of ​​the sky.

He is also one of the most chaotic, unstable, and dangerous places between heaven and earth, and there are often various horrible turbulences.

The chaotic flow can be more horrible than the squall wind above the clouds. A powerful turbulence, even the immortals, must be wiped out. If you encounter a turbulent space, you may be caught in an inexplicable space in an instant.

In addition, the natural storms here are also crueler than the storms everywhere. They are also fierce. The storms are rainy, the snow and ice are in the sky, the seasons are alternated, the yin and yang are upside down, and the five elements are chaotic.

Rumble! Click!

Moreover, Tianwei here is also more terrible than Tianwei anywhere. The so-called Tianwei Jiuxiaolei is comparable to the existence of a trial on the Avenue.


女子 A woman was dazzling with a cold dark moonlight all over her body, desolate and no vitality. The whole person showed a kind of demon, like a round moon, looking up at the sky and crying wildly.

"Who am I! Who am I! Tell me who I am!"

Women are not others.

It is winter.

not far away.

The ancient breeze stood and stood, staring at it with a look of innocence.

He has been following the winter, but he has not stopped to do so. Just follow it and look, because he also wants to know who the winter is here.

After reading this for so long, he was almost sure that the reason why the winter has become like this is not because the fusion of the spirit of the demon moon was affected by the spiritual will of the former palace masters of the demon moon. But definitely not so strong.

As for what the reason is.

For a while, the ancient breeze could not understand, but just faintly felt that there was a certain connection between the winter and the wind, and perhaps the wind and the moon, and the mysterious master of the demon moon.

"Who am I! Who am I!"

Lu Handong shouted wildly, and the dim ghost demon Moon Guanghua was growing stronger all over her, her face was pale, her features were blurry and distorted, and her eyes were even more unpredictable.

"I'm the winter! Yes! I'm the winter! No! I'm not the winter! I'm not! The winter is not the true ego! No!"

"I am wind by month! Yes! I am wind by month! I remember, I am wind by month! I am waiting for someone, waiting for someone who has cause and effect with me, who he is and who he is "


Han Dong turned around and stared at Gu Qingfeng at this moment, as if time had stopped for it, she just stared at it, from the stranger at first, to the doubt, from doubt to affirmation, and from affirmation to Get excited.

"It's you! It's you!"

"You are back! You are back!"


Ancient Gufeng asked: "Are you windy every month?"

The changes in the cold winter made Gu Qingfeng somewhat uncertain, and he wasn't sure whether the cold winter here was from month to month.

"Really you"

Wu Handong's figure flashed in front of Gu Qingfeng, reached out and stroked Gu Qingfeng's cheek, his excited expression became melancholy, and he murmured, "It's just why you have to come back and why you have to come back."

"Did you just say that you were waiting for me?"

"Yeah I am waiting for you I have been waiting for you"

"Why are you waiting for me? What are you waiting for?"

"What are you waiting for?"

If Han Dong's eyes seemed to be narrowed, "Why are you waiting for what?"

"For causality?"

"Causality? Is it really causality? Is there really a causality between us? Are you really him?"

"Who is he you say?"

"Curse, a terrible curse."


"Yes, curse."

"What do you mean?"

The words of Han Dong made Gu Qingfeng incomprehensible, even if he didn't understand even a little bit, he tried to ask, but Han Dong seemed to be more embarrassed and confused than him, while looking at Gu Qingfeng's eyes, from the excitement just now, became calm, From calm to doubt again.

"No! You are not him."

"Who the **** are you talking about?"

不 "No! You are not him. I have been to that mountain. I have been there during the catastrophe in ancient times. You are not him."

"Which mountain?"

"Wudao Mountain"

After hearing the words, Gu Qingfeng gave a trembling heartbeat. He was not the first to hear the name Wudaoshan. Yun Yixian also mentioned Wudaoshan earlier, and said that he knew everything when he went to Wudaoshan. Where is the mountain? Gu Qingfeng doesn't know yet. He took out the painting that Yun Nei had previously given to himself. Yun Neixiang said that the painting in the picture was Wudao Mountain.

"Is this Wudao Mountain this mountain?"

"Wudaoshan is it."

"Where is this mountain?"

"Just in the Northwest"

Greater Northwest?

Gugu Qingfeng himself was born in the northwestern China. He is familiar with everything here, but he has never heard of any insignificant mountain here. He asked, "Where is it in the northwestern China?"

"You know."

"I do not know."

"You come from Wudao Mountain, how can you not know?"

This time, Gu Qingfeng was more confused, and continued to ask, "I am from Wudao Mountain?"

"You all come from Wudao Mountain."

"Who are we?"

"You should ask yourself this question, you shouldn't ask me"

The ancient breeze was getting more and more confused, and now he was almost confused. He looked at the winter and asked, "You just said that you have been waiting for me, why did you suddenly disappear?"

"I wait for you to know the cause and effect between us. I disappear because I already know the cause and effect between us."

"What cause and effect between us?"

"The terrible cause and effect are so terrible that I dare not face it." Han Dong shook his head slightly, as if remembering something, and said, "I have performed the cause and effect with you a long time ago. I have been waiting for you in my life. , In my next life, I ca n’t wait in this life, I will be reincarnation, I have been waiting, and finally one day I will wait for your appearance "

"I know that my cause and effect are involved in the mysterious era of infidelity. I also know that my cause and effect are the cause and effect of the curse. I just didn't expect it to be so terrible and terrible."

I'm like this again.

I was really afraid of what came from ~ ~ Gu Qingfeng had been hesitant to ask if the wind was going from month to month. The fear was that the wind had a so-called previous life cause and effect with itself, which was true.

A Junxuan 玑.

A cloud neon dress.

I now have another wind every month.

Xun Junxuan has also performed on her own cause and effect for a long time, and she has begun to lay out the same. Yun Nixian is also the same, and now the same is true every month.

Xun Junxuan said that the cause and effect with herself is terrible, and she is so terrified that she would rather choose to lose herself than face it.

Jin Yun Nishang also said that the cause and effect with her are terrible, terrible would rather bury the soul than the blood, do not want to face.

Now the wind says month by month that her cause and effect are terrible. Although she did not choose to lose herself or choose to bury her soul in the bloodline, her choice is better than being lost in her own self.

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