
Vol 2 Chapter 812: Mysterious female donor

That night. ?????

The moonlight was dim, dim and starless.

On a barren mountain, a man in white stood on top of the mountain, looking at the full moon in the night sky, drinking a glass without a glass.

The wind on the top of Laoshan is very strong. Yiyi is screaming frantically in the howling wind, and her long hair is fluttering wildly on that stern face.

The night is desolate, the moon is cold, and the person is lonely.

Liquor is peach blossom wine.

Tatars are ancient breeze.

However, the ancient Qingfeng here is a little less lazy and leisurely, and a little less free and easy, more of a loneliness, a loneliness, and a kind of embarrassment, a daze and countless doubts.

Although he practiced Buddhism, he could not achieve true freedom.

Many times, he is not comfortable.

For example now.

He doesn't care about so-called causality.


In the face of Jun Xuan's loss, in the face of Yun Nishang's buried soul, in the face of the moon's deep sleep, he couldn't care less.

After all, he is a vulgar man after all.

At this point, Gu Qingfeng never denied.

He still can't understand to what extent the cause and effect between him and them is terrible, so that they will not have the courage to fear one by one.

Bitter sea?

What is the sea of ​​bitterness?


What kind of curse is He?

Gu Qingfeng used to think that he was just an ordinary person, but it was just luck, but as more people and things came into contact, he became more and more aware that his existence was probably not ordinary, perhaps from birth. It is destined to be inseparable from the so-called previous life, and it is even more likely that the cause and effect of the previous life is destined to be born.

He doesn't want to bother about the cause and effect of previous lives.

I just want to break the cause and effect of this life, and then the horizon.

It's not that I don't want to, but I really don't have the mood.

He is a sinner, not only a sinner of immortality, but also a sinner of Buddhism and heaven. At the time of heaven, there are festivals with the Three Thousand Avenues, and the sinners who call them various roads are not exaggerated.

It's not important. What's important is that Gu Qingfeng always knew that Sanqian Avenue regarded himself as a thorn in his eyes. Now that he knows that he is alive, he will not let himself go easily, and the ghost knows when Sanqian Avenue will use his knife.

This is for sure!

It's just a matter of time.

Twenty-three thousand avenues have caused him a headache. Where can Gu Qingfeng still have the energy to toss the cause and effect of previous lives? In particular, my own cause and effect is also related to that mysterious Five Ways era. It is also a cause and effect black hole and cursing the sea of ​​bitterness. Listening alone is a headache.

I used to think that if I could hide from one disaster to another, I would have less trouble, less trouble.

Can't stand it.

Now he finally realized that the cause and effect of the past life are inseparable. The cause and effect of this life is also the cause and effect of the previous life. The cause and effect of the past life is also the cause and effect of this life. Even if he does not want it, he has to face it now.

"Every age has devastated the heavens and the earth, three reincarnations have reappeared in all ages, the cause and effect of past and present life see, whoever lives by who needs to see the sky."

Gu Qingfeng held the peach wine and drank it up. He looked up at the night sky and said, "Since the cause and effect of previous life and this life are inseparable, then they are simply indistinguishable. If so, then we will start from now on. Now, I would like to see how terrible the cursed bitter sea cause and effect is, and by the way, see how the past life of Lao Tzu is sacred, whether it is your life or the hard life of Lao Tzu! "

"Either the Three Thousand Avenues, or the cause and effect of the past life, let's just come here. You better try to toss me to death, toss me to death, Lao Tzu will do everything and end you!"

Dies in the bone jade.

There is a misty mountain in the misty space, and a misty temple on the misty mountain. An misty temple inhabits an old monk who has never seen the ancient breeze.

"Oh! Cause and effect, cause and effect that cannot be avoided, obsession and obsession."

The voice of the old monk is also ethereal, the ethereal monk is a word for thousands of years, and has gone through countless years.

"With such a thought, all kinds of avenue fatalities will change as a result, and heaven and earth fatalities will also change accordingly. Even the cause and effect fatalities may be full of unknown changes."

The old monk's voice was full of confusion and bewilderment, as well as full of fear and fear.

At this moment, in the ethereal space world of the extinct bone jade, a sudden laugh came.

Laughing laughter is more hazy than that of an old monk.

The old monk's voice is like a thousand words, and after countless years, the vicissitudes of the sea pass by, and this laughter comes, time seems to stop passing, it is more like no time.

This is a woman's laughter, full of ridicule and irony.

Suddenly, the old monk didn't seem to be surprised at the sudden laughter of the woman. He was more like an acquaintance and asked, "Daughter, don't come."

"Hehehehe ..."

The mysterious female donor did not respond, but continued to laugh, and the laughter was even more ridiculous.

"I don't know why the female donor laughed at her."

"Why? Hehehe ... I laugh at you ... laughing at you for so long, you have been working hard for so many years, and you ca n’t stop him in the end for so many years of persuasion and guidance. After all, he decided to set foot on this road ... you Buddha After all, the freedom of the family can't bear the obsession in his heart, right? "

"My Buddha's freedom is not inferior to the obsession in his heart, but to a word of love." The old monk said: "The word of love is the biggest variable between heaven and earth, since ancient times."

"Either for obsession or for affection, is there a difference? Anyway, he has decided to embark on this path."

"He did not benefit the female donor by following this path."

"It doesn't do me any good. If he embarks on this path ~ ~ it will not do any good for anyone. Instead of nothing, it will make things worse."

"So, why is the female donor so happy?"

"Things are already terrible. No one can predict what is bad and no one can imagine it. If so, simply make things worse, so there may be a turnaround."


The old monk sighed as if very speechless.

"Do you know? Old monk, among the many insane variables, what I admire most is him. This guy is very lazy, too lazy to be a mess, but also the kind of laziness lazy in his bones. The other innocent variables have their own heart ratios. Tian Gao, he alone, without this spirit, just wanted to be free and unrestrained, and live indifferently, with no pursuit, not even a little bit. "

但是 "However, this guy is lazy and lazy. He is very lazy. He either doesn't do it. Once he is determined to do something, he will definitely do it thoroughly, regardless of the consequences, leaving no room, not dead!"

(To be continued.)

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