
Vol 2 Chapter 814: Pick flowers


The power of the old man ’s entire body, Guanghua, spins like a tornado tsunami, crackling and crackling, capturing the large void of the ancient breeze .. lā

But it was just trembling.

The Great Nether Catcher is not broken, nor has it collapsed.

This shocked the old man, and he was very puzzled. He took a closer look and was even more shocked, but he saw that this big void captures a lot of mysteries and constantly evolves, especially the power contained in it. How horrible.

The old man has never seen such a mysterious Great Nether Catcher, nor has he ever seen such a powerful Nether Catcher, that power is extremely evil, violent and mad, sometimes endless, sometimes dead, and yin and yang intersect, like Tai Chi. Change, what makes him even more incredible is that this power turned out to be the power of Jin Dan.

金 What kind of Jin Dan is this damn?

How could it be so scary!

Yin and Yang meet? Changes in Tai Chi?

Is stumped Taiji Jindan, the legendary owner of the capital?

Do not!


Taiji Jindan, although it is a cross between Yin and Yang, is endless, but it is upright and upright. It is impossible to be extremely evil and not so mad and crazy. Moreover, even if it is really Taiji Jindan, it cannot be so horrible. what!

哪 Which **** is this power or Jin Dan?

It's more cruel than Jinxiandu!

"My husband still doesn't believe this evil! Peach Blossom Sword comes out!"


Xi Yibing looked like the ordinary peach sword with a faint glimmer of light. The old man held the peach sword, wielded the magic sword after sword, angrily chopping the void.

I do n’t know what sword trick he casts, just like threading a needle. In a blink of an eye, he fired 99,999 sword tricks, and Gu Qingfeng ’s great void traps also showed more than 9,000 sword marks.

"A thousand swords return to the Yuan, break the old man!"

The old man holding a peach-wood sword suddenly picked, and it was another crackling sound, and Gu Qingfeng's big void catcher was chopped into pieces and disappeared.

I finally solved the big void catcher.

Lao Dao wanted to see what the other side was sacred, looked up, and now he was alone in the air.

That is a young man in white.

The young man's imagination.

The old man thought that the other party might be the power of reincarnation. Even if it was n’t, he would be a gifted genius, and he would be an extraordinary creature. But he never thought that the other party would not be the power of reincarnation. Also, it is not a genius of extraordinary arrogance, and there is no extraordinary good fortune. It is really not there. There is no breath of good fortune in and around the body, and some are ordinary golden Dan's breath that can no longer be ordinary.

鬼 What the **** is this damn?

The old man did not know how many years he had practiced, and thought that his knowledge was okay, but today he was stunned, and for the first time he had doubts about his own knowledge.


The ancient breeze stood in the void, holding peach blossom wine in his hand, squinting his eyes, and looking up and down the old man in a robe and holding a peach sword, the more he smiled at the corner of his mouth.

刚才 He was still wondering what the master of that powerful **** would be. Until he saw the deity of the old man, he realized that it was the old Taohua who had some kindness to him.

"Rabbit, who are you!"

Taohua Laodao held the peach sword, glaring at his eyes, frowning deeply, staring at Gu Qingfeng, a pair of muddy eyes blooming, let go to see Gu Qingfeng thoroughly, but it seems to look, nothing Can't see, that is an ordinary person who can no longer be ordinary, ordinary people can't be found in the crowd.

How could this be?

Damn it!

I'm really evil!

Taohua vows that he has never met such a wicked person in this life, especially stared at this boy unscrupulously. Taohua veteran feels very uncomfortable and has a scalp feeling, as if all his secrets have been looked at by this kid It's not only that, but what makes Taohua's inner heart feel is that the smile on the corner of the boy's mouth and the cold sweat on his back spine when he smiles, it feels like he was staring at death.

"Guess what."

The ancient breeze deliberately wants to tease the old Taohua and take care of themselves.

"Bunny! Sure you stole my husband's peach wine!"

"Yes, it was the grandfather stealing." Gu Qingfeng took a small drink and smiled: "What can you do?"

"Hey! Little Bunny! Against you, you ca n’t be bullied as an old man!"

Taohua Tao was really mad. He was unhappy to pick the secrets of the flower. After coming back, all the peach wines that have been hard-working and brewed are gone. That is his treasure. In Taohua Tao ’s eyes, Lifetime precious wine has been stolen, and this guy is right in front of him. This makes Taohua old man tolerate, swearing, holding a peach sword and hit him.

"I've bullied you today, what's wrong, hahaha!"

Taohua Lao Dao wields the magical swords that are constantly changing. Each sword is waved like hundreds of millions of swords, breaking the void and shaking the earth. One sword is more mysterious than the other, and one sword is more mad than one sword.

The ancient breeze knows that the Taohua old way is not simple.

I always knew.

Even from his current point of view, Taohua Road is still not simple. He could not see through Taohua Road before, and now he can't see through, even if Taohua Road is not human ~ ~ because Taohua Road is not No interest, immortal? Do not! There is no fairy breath, neither is a demon or a ghost.

Taohua Tao has a unique breath of life. It is a breath of life he has never seen before. It is very unique and unique. It has a unique sense of the era, just like Xiandao gives a bright feeling. , Buddha Tao gives a kind of solemn feeling.

The ancient ancient breeze was suspicious here.

The Taohuao Road opposite was even more suspicious.

Do not!

Taohua Old Road is not just as frightening as it is now, but shocked, deeply shocked, shocking him can't believe his eyes, because now this guy is not only a mess of Jin Danqiang, his physical body is even stronger, regardless of him How mysterious and powerful Jian Zhan's sword trick was blocked by this guy's understatement.


It was an understatement to block it. He didn't even move. He just stood there, drinking a little wine, and occasionally waving his hand to block it. Sometimes he was too lazy to even wave his hand to resist it. For a while, there was a crackling crackle, not to mention shaking his physical body, even the clothes, and even the slightest shake.

Peach Blossom Road is getting more and more shocking, more and more incredible, and the more powerless it feels, the feeling is terrible, just like a person slaps in the boundless deep sea alone, no matter how you slap, you cannot shake the waves The shocking sea surface is very helpless, very helpless, and very collapsed.

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