
Vol 2 Chapter 823: domineering

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When the sound of the horned eagle immortal exploded in the air, the entire northwestern part of the country suddenly fell into chaos. The major factions, families, and gangs gathered their disciples for the first time, and gave orders to search for the sinner Gu Qingfeng on the carpet. whereabouts.

This is the will issued by the imperial **** with the light of the imperial palace. Although it is not the imperial edict, it is almost the same, not to mention that the eagle eagle has said that the violator will be killed without amnesty, so who dares to violate it?

The answer is yes.

No one dares.

What's more, the gates of the northwestern party are filled with ancient Qingfeng hate, especially the big northwestern giants such as Yuanyuanmen and King Huwei, but they have been looking forward to the fairs to preside over the fair and break the ancient clear winds into thousands of dead bodies. The son finally shot. For them, they couldn't wait for it, how could they violate it.

When empty.

The light of Xianfu still flickered and shrouded in mid-air, as if swearing an immortal supremacy to the northwest.

Guanghua Central.

Eighteen immortals, such as the streamer horned eagle, stood and stood, one by one, arrogant and selfless. Against the background of the light of the immortal palace, they looked like immortals and looked down at the earth and despised all living beings in the northwest.


The immortal officials of Xianfu in the northwest gathered honestly under the stele, and did not dare to look up or pant, and no one dared to say anything.

Enron also stood in it.

These days she has only done one thing, which is to welcome the successive Countess of the Xian Dynasty.

She did not like these fairy princes, but she was particularly annoying. Except for a few polite and humble princes, most of them were very arrogant and arrogant, with no one in sight and no lawlessness. .

She thought that Yingnian and Ruo Lan were already annoying enough. However, she did not expect that the streamer horned eagle was even more annoying and did not treat people as people.

Previously, only because the reincarnated people stationed in Xianfu did not come to greet them, they were taught by Yingnian. Fortunately, only the lessons. Although the seniors of Beifeng were not injured, fortunately, there was no danger to their lives.

And when this streamer horn came, the reincarnated people had already come out to greet them, because there was no kneeling, the streamer horned eagle killed more than a dozen reincarnation people on the spot, if it was not an old fairy officer next to the streamer horned eagle However, I am afraid that nearly a hundred reincarnated people in Xianfu will die in his hands.

Now this streamer horn eagle is even more reckless, and even launched the light of Xianfu, in the name of Xianfu, ordered all the schools in the northwest to search for the whereabouts of the ancient breeze, causing the northwest to fall into chaos.

This is a misuse of power and will hurt innocent people.

It does not matter.

It is important that Su Shixian came to Xianfu in person two days ago and informed all the officials of Xianfu that the existence of Gu Qingfeng is very dangerous. It is necessary to provoke him. For Gu Qingfeng to kill the twenty-four favorants of Xianfu Things, Su Shixian will personally explain to the Xian Dynasty.

About it.

Many immortal officials in Xianfu are suspecting that Su Shixian may have shielded him because the ancient Qingfeng was the heir to the King of Xiaoxiao.

But Enron didn't think so.

She also clearly remembered that the mysterious reincarnation powers of Wan Huaiyu and Qin Hao also said that the existence of the ancient Qingfeng was dangerous.

As for whether Gu Qingfeng is really dangerous, she doesn't know.

But since Wan Huaiyu and Fairy Su Shi said so, they must have a reason to come.

But what she didn't expect is that the fairy Su Su just said that she would not provoke the ancient Qingfeng two days ago. The first thing that the streamer horn came to the Northwest Xianfu today was to order the martial arts of the Northwest to openly seize the ancient Qingfeng. .

The identity background of this streamer horn eagle is really so powerful? So strong that even Su Shixian doesn't look at it?

Do not!

it's not true.

If the identity background of the streamer horned eagle is really too large to not put Su Shixian in the eyes, the previously qualified elder officials will not persuade, but no matter how they persuade, the streamer horned eagle does not listen at all, Still launched the light of Xianfu.

At this moment, a group of old immortal officials are still persuading that there are hundreds of old people and many nine-star immortal officials. One of the old men is the Nebula immortal officer of the immortal dynasty, whose status is higher than that of nine-star immortal officials. Many are also the deacon adults of this trip to the Northwest, and have certain real powers. At least, the accompanying nine-star immortal officials are obedient to him, not these eunuchs.

Although the prince of the Xian Dynasty is noble, he is only noble and has no real power.

But it is also because of their noble status. What they say, other immortal officials dare not violate it.

"I hope that the Eagle Lord will regain his life."

The official name of the Nebula Fairy is Bai Zhan, known as Bai Lao and Deacon White. He looks old, must have white hair, and wears a clean white robe. At this moment, he is persuading the horned eagle, and said: "After all, Su Shixian After explaining this matter, I still have no choice but to act lightly. "

"What about Su Shi?" The proud streamer horn snorted coldly, dismissing: "Suggesting to say that the sinner named Gu is dangerous, so that the lord must not be provoked? Really a big joke, Mo said just The descendant of the immortal sinner Gu Tianlang, even if he is the ancient sinner of the immortal sinner, the Lord is not in his eyes. "

Deacon Bai shook his head and sighed, sighed the ignorance of the streamer horned eagle, and sighed the arrogance of the streamer horned eagle, and sighed the ignorance of these immortal lords. He was an old immortal officer of the immortal dynasty. Know how terrible the King of Xiaoxiao is.

Relying on their strong identity background, these fairy princes are backed by the fairy dynasty. They are usually arrogant and no one dares to provoke them, so that each one is arrogant and selfless. No one knows how the Chixiao King was at the end of ancient times. Crazy.

If you can, Deacon Bai really wants to tell these fairy princes, even their fairy parents, their ancestors, and even many fairy princes in the fairy dynasty now will be trembling when they mention the name of the king of the sky, only you, the little ones Fart dared to speak so loudly ~ ~ Sigh and sigh.

Helpless and helpless.

In some words, Deacon Bai could not speak in front of these fairy lords.

At this time, another prince of the Xian Dynasty said, "Deacon Bai, you should know that the fairy Su Shi has been looking for the whereabouts of the ancient sinner Gu Tianlang, and that ancient breeze is known as the heir to the sinner Gu Tianlang. Therefore, Su Shi He must have wanted to cover him deliberately. "

"As far as I know, when the ancient breeze wiped out the Jiuhua Alliance in the Quartet in the past few years, Su Shixian was present, but she chose to stand by, instead of stopping it. Afterwards, our fairy dynasty was going to the northwest deficit. His head took action and was stopped by Su Shixian! "

"Su Shixian's preference for the sinner Gu Tianlang was not a day or two. We can stop the Northwest deficit head by our Xian Dynasty. Now it is not surprising to protect the descendants of the ancient sin wolf. The reason for the fairy Su Shi to find is so ridiculous, that the ancient breeze is too dangerous, let me wait to provoke it? Ha ha ... It's just as confusing to us as a three-year-old child ... "Mobile users, please read and read, more Great reading experience.

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