
Vol 2 Chapter 841: Unusual

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Just after the dead wood and others bowed down, Wuxian Mountain's mysterious heart, Liu Qingyan, Qingxi and other eighteen swords and twenty-four young men also bowed down.

They did not bow down because they had guessed Gu Qingfeng. To be honest, they could not guess and could not imagine.

The reason why they bow down is entirely from the nine solitary old men in Wuse Mountain. They naturally bow down as juniors, even if they are inexplicable, they can only do so. After all, they all know that Gu Qingfeng shot to save dead wood, even if it was out of gratitude. It is worthwhile to bow down.

It was just that they bowed down and shrugged a lot of people present.

At least, Qi Xiaokui, including Scar Scar Kui and the Three Banner Masters, all understood it.

Although they have heard a lot about the ancient Qingfeng's deeds, what died and resurrected, what the dragon spirit is in awe, is the artistic conception of juvenile deeds, and condenses the red seal, etc., but as Chixiao people, these years They have seen too many scammers who pretend to be kings, and each scammer has the same style, even several scammers who pretend to be kings, and each is difficult to distinguish from true and false.

Since the king was tried three hundred years ago, they do not know how many times they have been deceived. After experiencing hope and disappointment again and again, they have been numb to this day. He said that the ancient Qingfeng called himself a heir to the king, and he called himself a king. I don't think there will be much fluctuation in their hearts.

"So get mysterious! Find death!"


A round of bright daylight came out, and I saw the streamer horn hawk arrogantly standing up, staring at the ancient Qingfeng in the distance, trying to step forward to make him kneel, but he just stopped him when he moved. under.

White wins snow like a fairy.

Three thousand long hairs blow red dust.

An extraordinary country.

Nine Heavens Xuan Nu Nu Fairy.

"I don't know if I die! Get out!"

Su Ying raised his hand, and when the faint sacred glory flashed, the streamer horned eagle didn't know anything, only felt a tremor, a moan, and the body couldn't stop flying out.

At this time.

Liuguang Qinghong picked it up and rushed up to question: "Xun Xianzi, this person previously killed my dozens of immortal officials in the Xian Dynasty, and even despised my respect for the immortality of the Xian Dynasty. It is an unforgivable rebellious sin and stumped you. Do you really want to protect him? "

"What about me covering him?"


Even if there is a dragon boy behind the streamer Qinghong, and he is from the famous streamer family, he is afraid of Su Shi.

And Su Shi was too lazy to talk to them too much. A pair of beautiful eyes looked around and whispered softly: "From now on, if anyone from the immortal dynasty dares to take action against Chi Yan, I will never Will spare him. "


Naked cover.

If anyone had previously doubted whether Su Shi had shielded the ancient breeze, then when she spoke these words in public, the only suspicion left in the hearts of people disappeared at this moment, and they could not believe, let alone accept, Su In order to protect this sinner, Xun Xian even ignored her own reputation. She not only broke her own principle of doing things herself, but also stood up and threatened to warn the Xian Dynasty Lord and even everyone.


Why on earth!

Is it stumped because this sinner Gu Qingfeng claimed to be the heir to the king?

do not know.

No one knows.

In the gazebo.

Gu Qingfeng held Xiao Jin'er in one hand and looked at the dead wood, Feiyan and others kneeling on the ground. He waved his hand to signal to these people to get up. The dead wood and others did not dare to neglect. After getting up, he stood with his head down aside .

"Yo, Uncle Gu, rest here."

The answer appeared to be a sloppy old man, not who was Huo De.

Gu Qingfeng smiled and said, "How come you come here when you are not in Yunxia Mountain?"

"Since your kid left, Yunxiashan has an old man alone. He is bored all day long. I heard that there is a lot of fun here, so come and look." Huode sat down politely, raised the jug to himself After pouring a glass of wine, I drank it and drank it. I felt soothed, looked at the jug, smelled it, and asked, "This wine is a little familiar ..." As he said, Huode seemed to remember something. , Exclaimed: "Good guy! This is peach wine!"

"Your old boy has a pretty good nose."

"Uncle Gu, why do you have peach blossom wine? This wine is the old treasure of Taohua ... how can he be willing to give you the kid ..."

"Of course he didn't want to. The wine was stolen by the grandfather."

"Stolen?" Huo De was startled and asked quickly: "Do you know Taohua?"

"Crap, if he knows, can he still be a thief?"

"Then your kid is finished ... if Taohua knows it ... he will definitely kill you ..."

"I just met him two days ago."

"Have you ever met Taohua? Then ... then what did the old Taoist do not treat you?"

"What can I do?" Gu Qingfeng poured another glass of wine, and his eyes kept rushing around the group of Chixiao people not far away, and said, "His old arms and legs can't beat the grandfather, knowing the grandfather stole him. Wine can only stare, you think it was still the same year ... "

Huo De swaggered and muttered, "That's, how bullish you are, who can beat you in this world, uncle Gu!"

Gu Qingfeng laughed without saying a word.

Huo De was drinking next to him, wondering in his head.

Because Gu Qingfeng's attitude is a little different from his imagination.

In his impression, Gu Qingfeng's anger roughly has three levels.

The first is Thunder's Wrath.

The second is murderous wrath.

The third is the wrath of silence.

The first kind of fury of thunder is like storms and thunder, and everyone can feel it.

Based on his understanding of Gu Qingfeng, Thunder's Fury is not terrible, at least he will be persuaded, but if it is the second kind of murderous anger, no one can persuade him. When the murderous attack is opened, it must be blood. Chenghe, even if the King of Heaven is here.

As for the third kind of silent anger, in the impression of Huo De, once the ancient Qingfeng is in the anger of silence, it will become extremely silent, without saying a word. That kind of silence is the silence in the bones of silence. There is no killing to reveal, but the ancient breeze at this time is the most terrible.

Gu Qingfeng, who is in the wrath of murder, does not listen to persuasion, but Gu Qingfeng, who is in the wrath of silence, will persuade anyone to kill.

So ~ ~ When Gu Qingfeng was discovered, Huode deliberately observed it for a while. If Gu Qingfeng became furious, he came to persuade him. If Gu Qingfeng was in the murderous rage, he would try to persuade However, if the ancient breeze is in the wrath of silence, then these people can only be prepared for the aftermath, who has persuaded and who has persuaded to die.

At that time, he persuaded Gu Qingfeng not to kill the ring in Daqingshan. He was almost killed by Gu Qingfeng because of this. On one occasion, he didn't want to come again.

In Huode, I would like to think that if Gu Qingfeng really was here from the beginning, he would see Jinhe and other Qixiao people surrender to the Xian Dynasty. They also knew that if the grandchildren of the Xian Dynasty were going to work on the deficit head, it would be the fury of silence. He didn't say a word, and then opened the killing ring, because Huode knew that this was the inverse scale of the ancient Qingfeng, and it was also the bottom line. Whoever touched who died.

It just made him never think that Gu Qingfeng was neither the wrath of thunder, nor the murderous reveal, nor the silence, but he was still drinking and drinking here leisurely, and talking and laughing, just As if he didn't take the matter just to heart.

This can't help making Huo De wondering, is it possible that this guy has matured after a stroll around the Great Wasteland? My temper has changed? Want to start a lot of things? Mobile users please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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