
Vol 2 Chapter 844: Toasting without eating and drinking

A genius remembers "Love to go ÷ small? Speak → Net" in one second to provide you with wonderful novel reading.

The reputation of the blood evil dragon dragon spirit is well known in the world.

No one dares to underestimate the blood-shaking dragon dragon spirits of the Chixiao people. Those immortal officials of the Xian Dynasty did not dare. If not, then when the thousands of Chixiao people were murderous and struck, the blood was flooding the sky and the dragon elephant was roaring. It will not sacrifice the guardian of immortal for the first time to resist.

Because they all know that the blood power of Chixiao people can destroy the physical body, and the power of dragon elephant spirit can deter the soul.

Even if the arrogant and selfless prince of the imperial dynasty faced the blood of the Xiaoxiao people, the dragon elephant spirit did not dare to carry it with his flesh.


What everyone didn't expect is that when the seven golden cranes surrounded the ancient Qingfeng and sacrificed the bleeding evil dragon dragon spirit, the ancient Qingfeng was indifferent, still standing quietly with his negative hand standing, without any blood. The influence of evil spirits and dragon elephant spirits is not even a little bit, the clothes are not moved, the hair is not raised, the ancient breeze has not even frowned!

How could this be!

I don't know.

No one knows!

Just when everyone was stunned, a more weird scene happened. I saw that the spirit of the dragon elephant, which was still cruel and violent just now, no longer roared or roared, but became docile when facing the ancient breeze.

The docile spirits of the seven dragons, the heads of the seven puppets all fell down.


This is an awe!

Seeing this scene, everyone in the field was counted as one, and they were all shocked.

They all know that the existence of the big Tibetan dragon elephant did not speak of the power of immortality, even if it was facing the rolling Tianwei, it was also fearless and moved forward, although the dragon elephant spirit in the Chixiao people was just the blood spirit of the big Tibetan dragon elephant. However, it also contains the spiritual will of the big dragon dragon elephant. It is also not afraid of any power, how can it bow down like a young man today.

Especially the Chixiao people with three black flags, looking at this scene, no one can believe their eyes.

Although they had previously heard about Xiaozhe Mountain Villa, they also knew that the spirit of the dragon elephant was afraid.

But I just heard about it.

Until now, I saw with my own eyes that the shock of the soul and soul brought by this admiration made them unbelievable and unacceptable.

They are so.

The shock of the hearts of the seven Qixiao people at the time, such as Jin He, was beyond words. They did n’t know what was going on, and they did n’t have time to think about it. Cut off to the ancient breeze.

This knife.

It is a blood-sharp sword, a dragon elephant sword, and even a murderous sword.

At the same time, the Qixiao people are the seventh kill of the famous Chixiao nine kills, cut off!

With this sword going down, more than a thousand immortal officials in the field, including the old people from Baijie, dare not easily resist.

Of course.

The shocking scene happened again.

Do not know why.

Seven golden cranes wielding the broad moon sword are still inexplicably still in the air.

It's really still.

Motionless, completely frozen here, like a statue. [Love ↑ go △ small ↓ said △ net WwW.AiQu]

what happened?

Nothing happened.

The ancient breeze was still standing quietly. During that time, there was no mention of Guanghua.

But why did the seven golden cranes stand still in midair and not move?

Still no one knows, everyone feels weird.

"Toasting and not eating! Plenty of alcohol!"

The voice of Gu Qingfeng dropped, and the seven Chixiao people at Jinhe did not know what happened. Wow, the Qiqiao bleeding on the spot, and the people flew out and fell to the ground. It was unkempt and shameless. Full of fear, forbearing the pain in his body, stood up, and then offered the guardian of Jiuxingxian.

"I read that you used to be in the face of Chixiao people. I have shown mercy to your men. Don't you want to show your favor!" Gu Qingfeng swore angrily, and drank loudly, and said, "Don't blame me, don't blame Laozi Nostalgia kills you! "


A prestige.

The guardian of Jiuxing Immortal, which had just been sacrificed by the seven people of Jinhe, was instantly dispelled by the earthquake. The seven people sprayed their noses and bowed to the ground.

There was silence on the court.

Looking at the scene, everyone was horrified.

They couldn't figure it out and couldn't understand why the spirit of the dragon elephant was so afraid of this young man, why the seven golden cranes were inexplicably still, and they couldn't figure out why this person was just a prestige and he guarded the nine stars of the dynasty. All the earthquake collapsed and disappeared, and the seven people of the Jinhe who were shocked even stood still and bowed to the ground.

What a cat and a dog, but the seven Qixiao people who have the guardian blood of the Nine-Star Immortal and the dragon-like spirit!

Why is it so fragile that even the gulp of this ancient breeze can't resist it.

Looking at this scene.

The three black flags of the Qixiao people were shocked, while the thousands of immortal officials were full of fear, especially when they witnessed the power of the ancient Qingfeng dissipating the smoke of the guardian quake of the nine stars immortal. Scared back, because they are also the guardians of Jiuxing Xian, many of them are only eight stars and seven stars.

Do n’t say them, the faces of the elders of the imperial dynasty on the court have all changed and changed, white and irony, their expressions are no longer arrogant, their eyes are no longer scornful, and the smiles at the corners of their mouths are gradually disappearing. Here comes horror, deep horror.


The seven people of Jinhe who kneeled down on the ground and bleed on the ground were still burning, and the dragon elephant spirit was still guarding around their body.

Blood evil is just burning, no longer crazy.

Dragon Elephant Spirit is just guarding, no longer roaring.

"They are no longer qualified to have your guardian, come back."

Gu Qingfeng said softly, hum!

The spirit of the dragon entwined around the seven people of Jinhe suddenly became particularly excited and made a deafening roar.

Canglong shook the sky, and anger was like Voldemort!

The spirit of the dragon elephant spins wildly around the seven people.


"Do not!--"


The seven Jinhe people were suffering and trembling, and their features were distorted.

The spirit of the dragon elephant has long been integrated with their physical body, blood, purple mansion, mind, elementary spirit, and even soul. Imagine.

As the spirit of the seven dragon elephants turned faster and faster, the screams of the seven Jinhe people became more and more intense. At the same time, their hair was falling off. Now, the meridians are breaking, the blood is losing, and the whole person seems to be getting old.

"No! Save me! Save me ... Master Xianguan, save me ..."

"I'll wait ... I've accepted the canon of the Xian Dynasty, I'll wait ... I'm the immortal officer of the Xian Dynasty ... Save me ..."

The golden cries of seven people came for help.

It's just that there are thousands of fairy officials in the field, all of them have big eyes and small eyes, who dares to save?

No one dares.

The immortal officials of the Xian Dynasty did not dare.

Liuguang Jiaoying and other princes of Xian Dynasty wanted to do it before, just because Su Shi stopped them, they didn't dare and couldn't do it.

Now that Su Shi is not stopping, they still dare not act. They may be proud and arrogant, arrogant and arrogant, and there is no one in their eyes, but they are not blind fools. After witnessing the mysterious and weird methods of the ancient Qingfeng, no one dares to take the initiative . Mobile users please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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