
Vol 2 Chapter 854: Kill

This scene is crazy and extremely scary.

At least, this is true for practitioners in the wild northwest. They have never seen more than a thousand immortal officials shoot at the same time, because no one in the northwest dared to oppose the immortal so openly, let alone these immortal officials. It's still the Fa Xiang Da Zun, and no one in the northwest is strong enough to be worthy of more than a thousand Fa Xiang Da Zun to siege.

In addition to more than a thousand masters of law, there are more than one hundred elderly people who are hundreds of calamities. When they started, they were like dazzling stars, dazzling, and amazing. Among the stars, there were thirty big bright laws. The surroundings are brightly lit, and the mighty power is overwhelming everything here, all the natural colorful spirits are unpredictable, like a storm of nature, and as horrible as a catastrophe.


Absolute confusion.

It is amazing that in the gazebo, the man in white, the ancient breeze is still sitting on the stone bench, drinking and drinking by himself.

His expression remained unchanged.

Clothes are not moving.

Hair was not raised.

Brows are not frowned.

The eyes did not blink.

As if at this moment the magical magical powers offered by more than a thousand immortal officials were not besieging him, not only did they not sacrifice spiritual power, even a little reaction, he never even glanced at them.


Why is he?

Was he ready to use his so-called physical body to carry the magical magic of the sky?

I don't know.

No one knows.

Say it later and then faster.

Just when everyone was staring and panicking, everything was still.


Everything, everything is still.

Whether it's the fairy art of the sky or the magical power of the sky.

Whether it is a thousand or more immortal officials, an old man from hundred calamities, or an elder son of the imperial dynasty.

Even the cracking earth, the howling storms, the thunder and lightning that thunders, the changing nature, the superb magical arts that are condensing, the sun and the light that are enveloping everything, the guardian of the stars who are guarding the immortals Cailing is crazy nature.

Everything is still.

It's like even time stops.


Quiet scary.

No one has ever seen such a weird scene.

There are no strangers who have cultivated for thousands of years.

There is no power in reincarnation.

Do n’t say they have Su Shi, who was a nine-day Xuan daughter in the previous life.

She looked at the inexplicable and still scene in front of her eyes, and the expression on the face of the alluring country was astonished.

She knows that powerful fairy art magic can make people stand still.

But that was the magical power of immortality, and Gu Qingfeng didn't do anything, even the spiritual power didn't work.

There is also a spiritual means that can make people momentarily still.

And Gu Qingfeng did not use any spiritual means.

There is also a great power of creation, which can also make people momentarily still.

However, Gu Qingfeng did not use any great fortunes.

He did nothing.

It was so boring that Erlang's legs were tilted, and he drank and drank himself. Why are all the fairy art masters and all the immortal officials who are doing it all inexplicably still?

She also knew that the existence of Gu Qingfeng was very mysterious and weird, but in no case did she think that she would be so mysterious and weird to such a terrifying degree.

This scene is like a painting.

More like a weird painting.

Because everything in the painting is static, only the ancient breeze in the gazebo is still drinking.

Not all the immortals are still.

There are also seven or eight nephew immortal officials who are just there.

They weren't stopped, not because they were strong or powerful, just because they didn't do anything, nothing more.

But at the moment.

They also didn't move, not because they couldn't, but they didn't dare, opened their mouths, stared, and couldn't even breathe.

"Every one of you has developed the Yuanshen method, and there are even a lot of elderly people who have gone through it. You have already walked half of the path of spiritual practice. It is only a step away from becoming an immortal. In that case, why should you enter the immortal dynasty? , Be an immortal official. "

Gu Qingfeng's voice came, and still could not hear any anger and sorrow, very bland, bland as if talking to himself.

"Is it for the so-called immortal guarding the light seed?"

He drank the wine in the glass, and when he stood up, he stretched a lazy waist, stepped out of the gazebo, reached out and touched a sharp sword tactic.

I don't know who made this sword tactic. It looks like a silver needle, but its power is extraordinary.

This sword is called the Eight-pole Ice Soul Great Magic Power, which contains 372 Tao Zeshui mysteries, more than 400 psychic mysteries, and more than 600 wind and frost mysteries. .

Gu Qingfeng reached out and touched the static sword tactic in his hand, playing with it, and said, "A small seed can really make you go up and down in the path of spiritual practice? Is it rare to be able to survive the troubles?"

Talking, he squeezed with two fingers, containing the mysterious eight-pole ice soul great magic sword sword disappeared instantly.

"Your practice is not short. You should be clear that there are no shortcuts to your path ~ ~ You should also know that the more shortcuts you take, the more calamities you will endure in the future."

He looked at the magical art of magic in the sky again, and said, "In the future, even if you ask a small seed to become an immortal, it will only be a pseudo-immortal. There is no room for recovery now, at least there are many options, and in the future waiting for you will have no other way but to fly away, just like this fairy art superpower that disappears. "

Speaking of it, I saw him waving his hand, there was no glory flow, no spiritual power surge, and no magical magic power, just listening to the crackling sound of crackling, and then, the magical power of the sky, the magical power of the sky were all The inexplicable smoke disappeared, and this is true of all fairy magical powers, no exceptions.

"It is not easy to practice, and life is more precious. To each of you, you do n’t know how much hard work you have done, and how much life and death you have experienced. I do n’t want to kill you today, not because of my kindness or because of my soft hands. It ’s because of pity, but it ’s not you, but your family, your loved ones, that ’s all. ”

Turning around, Gu Qingfeng held a jug and poured himself a glass of wine. He drank his head and drank it. The words turned, and he sternly said, "But ... the death penalty is unavoidable, and the living crime cannot be escaped. At the cost, I will lay down in my bed for the next life, think about your father and mother, and your children and grandchildren, and then his mother will do something for him! "

The voice fell, Gu Qingfeng turned around, waved his hand, the situation changed color, thunder exploded, and the void burst.


One person had Qiqiao bleeding, the Yuanshen Fa phase collapsed, the heart purple house burst, the whole body meridian was broken, and the sound fell to the ground.

Then, another person, ten people, a hundred people, a thousand people, all of a sudden, all the seven thousand immortal officials bleed and fell to the ground stiff.

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