
Vol 2 Chapter 857: People of the Canyang Mountain

More than a thousand immortal officials of the Nine-Star Immortal Reign were revoked, and they also became invalids.

Now twenty or thirty centurion counties are dead, and even their souls are destroyed.

Xingyao, Yingnian, Ruolan, etc. are still alive because they did not participate in the matter, but they are only alive. The daylight and bright law were destroyed, and the natural spirit was abolished. Now They are also like other immortal officials.

Neighbors, Deacon Bai, and several other nebula officials are still alive, only because they have not done anything, nothing more.

Looking at the more than a thousand immortal officials on the ground, and the **** skulls of the elders of the imperial dynasty, adults, they ca n’t believe their eyes until now, because this century has never happened. Such things are shocking.

Although there are occasional encounters with immortal officials, they are only injured at best.

Because everyone knows that killing the immortal official is an unforgivable crime, no one is stupid enough to openly oppose the immortal.

This is just an immortal officer. In the face of strong identity backgrounds, he is also a forged fairy dynasty. Others are even more afraid to speak, let alone kill the prince, even if it only hurts the prince. I am afraid it will also be a disaster.

Every immortal's parents are immortals, and they are from the immortal family, so who dares to provoke?

The answer is yes.

No one dares.


this person.

This ancient breeze just dared.

Not only did he dare to provoke him, he also killed these fairy lords and killed them cleanly.

what is this?

This is no longer an unforgivable crime, it is simply the prowess of provoking the Xian Dynasty!

Does he not want to live?

Does he want to die?

Leaving aside whether he is a descendant of King Aoki, even if it is true? Eligible to fight against the Xian Dynasty?

The ancient times are not ancient, nor are the ancient times.

In the ancient times, even though the King of Qixiao himself was alive, he was definitely not an opponent of the Xian Dynasty.

Nor can I imagine what the consequences of today will be if it spreads to the land of Shenzhou. To be sure, the immortal family behind these elders of the immortal Dynasty will not let him go, let alone the immortal Dynasty.

Raising his head, the uncle looked carefully, and found that the man in white was still sitting in the gazebo drinking, and there was no emotional color in his indifferent face, and his eyes seemed calm as if everything happened here had nothing to do with him.

He has never seen a person so indifferent.

Do not.

That's not indifferent.

It's more indifferent, don't care, killing so many immortal officials is like killing a few ants to him, without any impact and nothing.

The sun is setting.

Sunset near dusk.

On the court.

Gu Qingfeng was sitting in the gazebo drinking, looking at the sky, it was the evening. After waiting so long, he was too lazy to wait any longer, and asked, "When is that dragon boy, when will ..."

Gu Qingfeng's voice came, and the terrified sorrow of the unconscious man hurriedly responded: "This, I don't know ..."

If it is okay, Master Yun really wants to ask the Chiyan boy what the dragon boy is doing. Is he ready to kill the dragon boy?

Longgong is a child of the famous Langya Long family. He is extraordinary in his fortune, his strength is unpredictable, and he is the person who owns the fairy. He represents the expedition of the fairy dynasty.

And just then.

A voice came: "Your son Chiyan?"

Looking forward, I saw an elderly old man walking slowly into the arena. The old man was gray-haired, holding a cane, and his face was weather-beaten, especially those eyes, which looked turbid, but were shining.

The old man is spirited, his breath is steady, and the spirit breath on his body is extremely thick. The spirit breath, if it flows continuously, evolves and evolves, and it repeats itself again and again, revealing a looming spirit.

This is a master!

A complete master of Yuanshen.

Only when you practice to the great consummation state will the spiritual breath evolve and recur.

And the faintness in the spirit breath is like the life-like agility, and nothing else, it is a kind of fairy spirit.


This old man turned out to be a great fairy.

Who is she?

Difficult to be the immortal immortal?

Do not!

At least, the old man did not know the old man, and he was sure that the old man was not a fairy official of the immortal dynasty.

The old man slowly walked towards the gazebo with a cane, and looked at the immortal officer lying on the ground. The more he looked at the brows, the deeper the frowning, the stronger the horror in his eyes. When he walked to the front of the gazebo, the old man arched and said: Son Yan. "

"You are not the immortal officer of the immortal dynasty."

Gu Qingfeng glanced at her and said lightly.


The old man shook his head to deny, and said, "The old man came to tell my son by my lady's order. The two elder sons of the Xian Dynasty would have arrived in the northwest today. Come ~ ~ Oh, are you? "

Gu Qingfeng is a lazy person, not a person when he is not lazy.

He was thinking that since he had already started the operation, he would simply solve it completely, so that he could find out what the Xian Dynasty ’s attitude towards the deficit head was, so he waited until now, but he did not expect that the people of the Xian Dynasty did not appear until now. Unexpectedly, this old lady came to inform.

"Who is your lady?"

"Zanyang Mountain, Fairy Fairy."

"Are you from Yangyang Mountain?"

"Exactly, my lady has long admired Chi Yan for a long time. I want to ask my son to come to the house as a guest. I wonder if it is convenient for my son?"

Guyang Cave of Canyang Mountain is quite mysterious, and he still wanted to obliterate himself. For this, Gu Qingfeng always kept in mind, especially after meeting with Taohua Lao Dao. The old man's mouthful of Canyang Mountain made him even more so. I was curious, but I didn't expect that a Canyang Mountain came to my door today.

"Okay, no problem, I have long admired the Canyang Mountain." Gu Qingfeng glanced at the Chixiao people at the three black flags in the distance, and said to the old man, "But I don't have time now, let's change it."

"This ... okay."

Although the old lady was unhappy, she didn't dare to say anything, but just responded: "My young lady will wait for her son's big drive at Yuqing Villa, and her old body will be retired for the time being."

After all, the old man didn't stay. When he turned around, he walked away and left.

Gu Qingfeng looked at the direction in which Laoyu left, groaned for a moment, walked over, and looked at the old man, and said, "Tell the people of Xianchao that people kill me. If you look for me, just call my name in the sky. can."


Master Yun and some other nebula fairy officials dare not say anything.

Gu Qingfeng ignored them and came to the banner owner of the three black flags of the deficit head, saying, "Let's go and find a place to talk."

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