
Vol 2 Chapter 861: rebuke

Originally, this time when he woke up, Gu Qingfeng didn't plan to toss anymore, so what does the Xian Dynasty become like, nine days are still alive, and he is too lazy to deal with this carelessness. Now that the situation has changed, he thinks that he will have to spend time later Take a closer look.

If the Xian Dynasty insisted on doing something, he wouldn't mind letting ancient history repeat itself and kill the Xian Dynasty.

If Nine Days wanted to do something, he wouldn't mind letting history repeat itself and burn Nine Days.

Either the Xian Dynasty or Nine Days, or whatever cloud, no matter who wants to do things, Gu Qingfeng will accompany him to the end this time.

"The matter of the immortal, you care nothing, leave everything to me."

"here you are?"

The three grandfathers Hong were extremely surprised, and the scar next to Kui Kui said, "I said, kid, for the time being, what relationship do you have with our king? Even if you are really the heir of our king, you don't have to be so outrageous. What does it mean that we do n’t care about the matter of the Xian Dynasty, and what does it mean to leave it to you? Why? You look down on us? "

Skull Kui Leng hummed: "Don't look at your kid's ability to endure. Lao Tzu are not vegetarian. Lao Tzu were not afraid of the immortal, but now they are even more afraid."

Looking at Skui Ku, Gu Qingfeng laughed dumbfounded, shook his head, and sighed, and said, "Since you think I am the heir of the ancient Sirius, then I will use this identity to tell you."

"Boy, we just doubt it, but don't think ..."

What did Scar Kui want to say, but was interrupted by Father Hong, saying: "I don't know what the son wants to say."

Gu Qingfeng stood up and poured wine for four people, saying, "You all know why the ancient Sirius disbanded the Chixiao Sect after the slaughter of the Xian Dynasty?"

Mr. Hong did not speak before, and Scar Scar said, "Nonsense, this is worth saying. The king himself said that the Xian Dynasty can be slaughtered, but there are still nine days above the Xian Dynasty. As long as nine days are present, the Xian Dynasty will certainly After making a comeback, the King disbanded the Qixiao Sect, and then took the initiative to accept the trial of the Xian Dynasty alone, not yet ... in order not to affect us all ... "

At the end of the day, Scar Scar Kui's voice became very low, and his original grinning mood was a bit low, and it seems that he still can't relieve the death of the king today.

"It's a bit heavy if we talk about being involved." Gu Qingfeng stood up, rubbed his neck, and said, "Instead of being involved, I would like you to have a good life."

Hold up a glass of wine and drink it up, and continue: "In the past, we were against the immortal, because we were all lonely, unreliable and unrelated. The most important thing was that everyone had a good life. Suffering, no other choice, they have to go down this path. "

"Now it's different. Now you are full of children and grandchildren. You can eat and drink. Although you can't talk about riches and riches, at least you don't have to run around for life. That's all.

Looking at the four, Gu Qingfeng squinted his eyes and asked very seriously: "No one likes to fight and kill, and no one likes to live with his head all day long."

Gu Qingfeng's words spoke to the hearts of the three fathers Hong, but Sword Kui said: "Nonsense, if there is a good life, who would kill and kill? Boy, there is one thing, I am afraid you are wrong Well, now it's not that we don't want to live in safety, but that Xianchao wants to trouble us. "

"That's exactly what I want to say."

Gu Qingfeng went on in a word, so that Master Hong and others were a little scratched.

"whats the matter?"

"The deficit head."

"What happened to the deficit head?"

"The ancient Sirius disbanded Qixiao Sect at that time, but did not want to make Jiutian feel that there is such a threat. Is it obvious that he can't get along with Xiandao? In this case, what is the purpose of dissolving Chixiaozong? What's the point? "

Gu Qingfeng said slowly and softly, "Of course, if you really want to get through with Xiandao, there is nothing wrong with making a deficit head. Since you can't get through, then die with Xiandao to the end, and then start the Xian Dynasty again. When they came, they destroyed them for the first time and cut their backs, but you did not do so. "

"If there wasn't that strength that broke the back road of the Xian Dynasty at the first time, then you should develop and grow in this ancient age. Anyway, it is already a threat from the Xian Dynasty. Then open up the threat and how much it can do to the Xian Dynasty. The threat poses so much threat that they dare not act lightly, and when they take one step as if they are walking on thin ice, even if they can't compete, they have to threaten to do nothing. "

"But you did n’t do it either. Instead, you chose to retreat after ancient times, and handed the so-called deficit head to a mess of people and your children and grandchildren. These people have no strength, and they The mother likes to cause trouble everywhere, which is the ancient catastrophe, which caused the destruction of the immortal road, so that the foundation of the immortal dynasty was unstable. Otherwise, the immortal dynasty would have destroyed you already. In the case of me, the immortal dynasty, Lao Tzu also destroyed you! "

The words of the ancient Qingfeng left the banner owners of the three black flags speechless, and the old face was green and white for a while, even the hot-tempered Sword Kui also pulled his head, only to feel the panic on his face, especially in the end A sharp rebuke was a burst of blood in the body of the four people.

Maybe it's too harsh to drink ~ ~ The spirit of the dragon elephant guarding the four is a little fearful.

That was really fear.

Both the three banner masters and Scar Skui can clearly feel it. This feeling of awe is familiar and strange to them, and it is agitated deep in the soul, because the sound of drinking is as if they are They yelled at them more than 300 years ago, causing them to have an illusion, as if the person standing in front of them was not the heir of the King Chixiao, but the real king himself.

It really feels like this.

The four could not tell whether it was an illusion or what,

It is not clear whether it is the awe of the dragon elephant spirit or the awe of himself.

They can't tell the difference.

I didn't dare to sit still at the moment, all stood up, retreated outside the gazebo, lowered his head, and dared not speak.

"Now, the Xian Dynasty is getting stronger and stronger, and the foundation of this world is becoming more and more stable. You have missed the best time for development. It is too late to toss, and the threat to the Xian Dynasty is weakening. Passive state, can only be led by Xian Chao.

Gu Qingfeng looked at the four and said, "If you want to live a good life, don't worry about the mess, just live your own life. If you want to toss, then let go of the toss, and you, while living a good life Life, while still trying to toss, how can there be such a good thing in the world. "

Breathing out, looking at the full moon in the night sky, sighing: "Okay, you don't have to see each other, I have no other meaning, but I feel that this is really not beautiful, and there are some worries. Think about it when you go back Think about it. "

"Since I represent the ancient Sirius, it must mean the end, or the sentence, everything about the immortal has me, and no one of you is allowed to toss me any more, and give me An Ansheng to live, otherwise Lao Tzu One slaughtered you! "

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