
Vol 2 Chapter 878: Canyang Mountain appeared

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Good guy!

A destiny appeared in the northwest!

And it's in the Quartet. ?

"His mother, I'm scared to death!"

Tao Huadao poured a sip of wine fiercely and was shocked.

When the northwestern region trembled violently, his heart also trembled, and the trembling almost jumped out of his throat. He thought that this destiny came from the mountain of Canyang. Fortunately, no, the suspended heart gradually gradually fall.

"Lao Dao, you look very worried." Gu Qingfeng smiled slightly: "Why, is it possible to worry that the fate of God will suddenly come out of the mountain of Canyang?"

Tao Huadao did not expect that Gu Qingfeng would see through his mind. He poked his lips and said, "What's the matter? Don't worry about your kid?"

"What am I worried about?"


Taohua sneered: "Your boy said lightly, I don't believe that you are not worried at all." Lengheng said, "The lifeline guarded by the Cannon Mountain is related to the era of cannon. A destiny came out, which means that the legend "Eternal hordes of calamities and heavens and earth, three cycles of reincarnation, eternal, and past and present, see cause and effect, who lives by who needs to see heaven" is true. "

Taohua Laodao stared at the eyes, staring at Gu Qingfeng, Shen Sheng said: "That is to say, the era of injustice that has disappeared for hundreds of millions of years will reappear, and at the same time, the past and present life will also meet in a wild world. Your kid is the lifeblood. Man, cause and effect must be related to the era of infidelity, aren't your kids worried? "

"What is there to worry about," Gu Qingfeng shrugged, indifferently responding: "If I can, I really want to see what kind of master I was in my previous life."

"Fuck! Your kid really meets his own past life, then a great disaster is coming, not just your disaster, everything will be a disaster."

"You talk about how big a disaster is coming."

"I don't know the specifics. The old man only heard what his mother said, it seems to be related to causal black holes. Anyway, it is terrible ... everything will be messy."

"Let's just mess around, just leave me alone."

"You ... your kid is really ... people say that it's not too big to see the bustle, your kid is in the bust, and his mother isn't too big, and ..."

Taohua Laodao took a deep breath and said very seriously and seriously: "Guzi, do you know why everyone is afraid of causal black holes?" After Gu Qingfeng responded, Taohua Laodao continued to say: "The old man heard the mother-in-law said that thing If it really explodes, it will make everything lost ... Think about it, when all things are lost, what a horrible scene ... "

Causal black holes will make all things lost?

Is it so evil?

do not know.

Gu Qingfeng was too lazy to think about this problem, he never asked for trouble for uncertain things.

"Old way ..."

Gu Qingfeng looked up at the heavens where the vision was born and asked, "You said ... if there is a destiny in the mountains of Canyang, will God and Sanqian Avenue stop it?"

"Destiny is destiny, destiny, and the imperial edicts of the gods. It is destined that no one can stop it, even if the three thousand avenues cannot be with the Lord, but ..." Taohua Laodao groaned for a moment and said: "However, the old man guessed three Although Qiandao Avenue cannot stop it, it will definitely intervene. As for how to interfere, it is unknown. "

"Is it……"

Gu Qingfeng just looked at the sky like this, wondering what he was thinking.

"Boy, what kind of question do you ask?" Tao Huadao thought something was wrong, and the question asked by Gu Qingfeng made him think very seriously, and asked, "What is your plan? Can it happen if Can Yangshan really appears?" If you are destined, your kid won't **** it? "

"That's bad."

"Fuck, didn't your boy just say he wasn't interested in destiny?"

"I just said that I have no interest in destiny, but if this is a destiny that belongs to the era of infidelity, then I am still very interested."

"My husband still advise you to be honest, everything in the Wudao era has been cursed, let alone destiny, a cursed destiny, that **** ..."

Taohua Tao said, the voice of Gu Qingfeng suddenly came.

"Do you know, Lao Dao, the lifeline of the guardian of Canyang makes me feel very familiar ..." Close your eyes, if Gu Qingfeng is feeling something, he said, "It is a feeling of being unable to tell the road, it is wonderful, it seems like I have known each other, It's more like an old friend who hasn't met for a long time. "

"The lifeline of the Guardian of Yangyang makes you feel familiar? It seems like you have known each other? Like an old friend? Your kid doesn't even know where Yangyangshan is, where does it feel familiar?"

Seeing what ancient breeze feels when you close your eyes at this moment, Taohua Lao Dao suddenly feels a little guilty ~ ~ Shen Sheng asks: "What do you mean, your kid can feel the lifeline of the guardian of Canyang Mountain? "

"Strange to say, just now, somehow I felt ... just like hearing an old friend shouting at me, which is really a bit wicked."

"real or fake?"

Taohua Laodao is somewhat skeptical. If other people say that he can feel the lifeline of the Guardian of the Yangtze River, he must not believe it, but this person is Gu Qingfeng, which has to make him doubt, because he knows that Gu Qingfeng is the lifeline person, and At the time of birth, the lifeline of Canyang Mountain had undergone drastic changes. What is more terrifying is that for the sake of the ancient clean wind, the peach blossom mother-in-law had turned her head against her.

This can't help reminding the Taohua old way, is it true that the ancient breeze is really the man waiting for the mother who also belongs to the era of injustice?


The old Taohua dare not think about it.

"Do you want to hear bad news?"

Gu Qingfeng's voice came and Taohua asked, "What bad news?"

"Zhenyang Mountain really has a destiny."

After hearing that, Taohua Tao ’s look changed suddenly, and he looked around quickly. The Northwest had no second destiny except for a destiny that had previously appeared. He stared angrily at Gu Qingfeng and shouted, “Is your boy scaring Lao Tzu? ? "

"You see for yourself."

"Look? Where? Gu Gu, Lao Tzu warns you, it's better not to make such a joke with Lao Tzu ..."

Before the words were finished, the northwestern land trembled again, like a major earthquake.


Then, a violent sound came, and the earth trembled even more. Then, in the middle of the northwest, a mountain appeared inexplicably out of nowhere, a mountain covered by the setting sun.

"This **** ... this **** is Canyang Mountain!"

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