
Vol 2 Chapter 926: Qingfeng

To say that Tang Manqing's heart is really good. Seeing that the ancient Qingfeng just awakened was weak, he not only presented a Juyuandan, but also took out a bottle of precious jade dew for ancient Qingfeng to enjoy.


The four were sitting in the gazebo, and Shuier held a white jade bottle, carefully pouring a cup of Gu Qingfeng, seemingly unwilling, mumbled, "You guys have encountered the blessing of our county master for eight lives, alas, Drink this cup of Cailinglong. "

Gu Qingfeng looked at the White Jade Cup. The white jade road inside was colorful, and it was full of vitality, just like the natural color, but at this time, the voice of Shuier came.

"Hey, this is the colorful delicacy that our county owner collected the colorful aura of nature and it took three years to brew. It has the effect of resurrection. It is extremely precious, and it is priceless. It is impossible to buy with money. I Haven't had a few drinks before, this time you really picked up a bargain. "

"Is it?"

Gu Qingfeng smiled lightly. He saw that this thing was indeed precious. After all, it was the dew of colored aura, the essence of colored aura. It should be collected during the change of nature and colored aura in previous years. As for the so-called Resurrection, although exaggerated, is almost the same.

At least, Gu Qingfeng knew that this thing could re-heal the broken meridian, and also regenerate the muscles of the broken arm. It could also make the withered purple house look brighter. Of course, this is true for ordinary practitioners. For him, As far as the physical body is concerned, unless it is a gem that can be compared to the nine ancestral fires, if not, it has no effect at all.

After thanking you, I took the white jade cup and sipped it gently. The taste was not bad.

"Hey, I don't know who you are, what's your name, where do you come from, what school? Why do you fall from the sky again?"

Suier asked a lot of doubts in his heart at a stretch.

Gu Qingfeng did not conceal anything, and said frankly: "I? Surname Gu, Qingfeng, no way and no faction, from the northwest."

"Gu Qingfeng? Why does this name sound so familiar?" Shuier felt like he had heard the name Gu Qingfeng somewhere, but he couldn't remember it for a while.

next to.

Tang Manqing also felt that the name was a little familiar. After thinking carefully, his expression was slightly hesitant, and he asked, "Your surname is the ancient name Qingfeng, but you are from the Northwest, shouldn't you ... the Chiyan boy in the Northwest?"

"Chiyan Boy! Yeah! Chiyan Boy!" Shuier remembered for a moment, and seemed very shocked, shouting, "You're stumped that Chiyan boy who was rampant in the northwest of China nine years ago?"

"This ... it's true."

Gu Qingfeng rubbed his chin for a while, and seemed to feel that there was nothing to hide, so he nodded and considered it an admission.

Seeing Gu Qingfeng nodded, not only was Shuier's face shocked, but Tang Manqing's expression was a little stunned.

Neither of them had ever thought that the person they had accidentally rescued turned out to be the ancient Qingfeng, the Chiyan son who was famous in the northwest.

About the name Gu Qingfeng.

They all heard and heard their stories, and they were very loud nine years ago.

It is said that this Chiyan boy is not high, but his physical strength is endless. He defeated the Jiuhua Alliance by one shot and killed the immortal officials. The Xiaozhe Mountain Villa not only singled out all the masters in the northwestern border, but also destroyed the twenty-fourth in the northwest fairy house Xianjiao, under the stele of the palace, the repair of thousands of immortal officials with a slamming sound was broken, and it killed dozens of elders in the Xian Dynasty in one breath.

In this century, no one has killed the immortal official.

Nor is it that no one has killed the Viscount.

However, this is the first time that such a horrible thing has been done to obliterate thousands of immortal officials and slaughter dozens of elders of the imperial dynasty.

You must know that each of these fairy dynasties is the second generation of immortals, and each one is behind the door of a large family. It is no exaggeration to say that the consequences of beheading and killing a fairy dynasty are extremely terrible. No one can afford it, even as Tang Yanqing, the master of Yanluo County, a personal disciple, and also Zijin Yunjue, dare not kill the imperial **** at will.

And the Chiyan boy suddenly slaughtered dozens of elders.

This is unique in the centuries of ancient times.


What they heard about Gu Qingfeng is not just that.

It is said that the Chiyan son claimed to be the heir to the king, and also blended the remnant's knowledge of the king. He had a unique musical tune, played the mood of drunkenly singing the blue sea, the wind rose from the big mountains, and even the king's juvenile deed could play the mood, as if ... It seems that the spirit of the dragon elephant of the Qixiao people is in awe of him, saying that the deficit head of the Northwest believes that he is a heir to the king.

Sorry to say that this guy in front of him is the ancient Qingfeng son Gu Qingfeng?

Shui'er is unbelievable, Tang Manqing is no exception. Fengxian, who is Xixian Xiu, and Gu Zhenyuan are both staring with horror.

At this time ~ ~ Shuier seemed to remember something and shouted: "Wait! Aren't you dead?"

"Dead?" Gu Qingfeng froze, wondering, "Who told you I was dead?"

"Fairy Su Shi! She said it herself."

"Su Shi? She said I was dead?"

"Yes, I heard that after the end of the destiny, many masters of the Xian Dynasty went to the northwest to kill you ... and the fairy Su Shi said to you ... that you died when you were fighting for the destiny ..."

"Oh?" Gu Qingfeng pondered for a moment, and asked, "Did she say that?"

"What did she say so? Isn't that stumped?"

"how to say……"

Facing this problem, Gu Qingfeng really didn't know how to respond.

Seeing him hesitant, Shuier was thinking like electricity, remembering some rumors, and shouted, "I previously heard that Fairy Su Shi believes in your identity as the king's heir. , I always thought the rumors were false, and now I know it is true! "

"Nine years ago, you didn't die! You Xianzi said so intentionally, didn't you? The purpose was to protect your life and not want you to die in the hands of the Xian Dynasty, right! It must be!"

Shuier looked very excited, as if he had cracked some ancient mystery, and said excitedly: "The fairy Su Shi has always admired King Qixiao, and he has been sought out all over the world. The heirs of the king, Love House and Black, would not bear you to die in the hands of the Xian Dynasty, so ... the crimes committed against you have been covered many times ... "

"You killed so many Xianjue in the northwest Xianfu. The Xianxian knew that the Xian Dynasty would not let you off easily, so, deliberately announced your death message to love, right?"

Looking at the excited and excited Shuier here, Gu Qingfeng couldn't help crying and shook his head and sighed, "Sister, your imagination is too rich."

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