
Vol 2 Chapter 985: Absolutely obliterate

"I thought that Dong Hu would arrange a master to come here today, but I did not expect it to be a fake ancient Sirius."

Before that, Tan Tong was more or less jealous of the ancient breeze. After all, he knew nothing about the existence of the ancient breeze, and did not dare to act rashly, lest the other party have a terrible background, and he could not detect the creation, just when He learned that the man didn't have much jealousy after he claimed to be the ancient king of the sky.

When he wanted to come, if this man really had any terrible background and the creation he could not detect, there was no need to pretend to be an ancient Sirius. This was all superfluous. He seemed sneer if he saw the purpose of the wind storm.

"Find an ordinary person who has to cultivate for no cultivation, for good and bad, if not accidentally sit here and claim to be the ancient Sirius, huh! I have to say, it is really a good trick. In the beginning, Tan also returned I do n’t dare to act rashly, but do you think that if you just find someone to pretend to be an ancient Sirius, can you scare me?

"He's not the person who splits my helm, and it's not what the old man found to frighten you!"

Now that things have been exposed and Feng Su is too lazy to explain, he said, "You should also be glad that he is only a fake. If he is a true king, you have already landed!"

"Human head fell to the ground? Hahaha! What a joke! Do you really think that the ancient Sirius is a **** ?? Tell you that he died, and has been destroyed by the ashes of the Fairy Trial as early as 300 years ago. There is no chance of reincarnation."

Tan Tong's disdainful laughed and yelled: "Even if he really survived, even if he was in front of me at this moment, I would dare to kill him on the spot!"

"Unfortunately, I'm really lucky to survive, and I'm really in front of you at this moment. In that case, come and kill me."

At this time, Gu Qingfeng's voice suddenly came. He looked at Tan Tong and said lightly: "Let me see how much you have grown over the years, so that you can expand into such a virtue."

"I don't know the life and death of a small thing!" Tan Tong stood with his hands down, glaring at Gu Qingfeng and yelling, "Do you really think that Tan is afraid to kill you?"

"I don't look down on you." Gu Qingfeng picked up a glass of wine and drank without a bite. "You don't dare to kill me."


If it was something unusual, Tan Tong's person had already shot and killed the guy in front of him.

But I do n’t know why, when facing the light white man in front of him, his mind is always restless, especially when staring at those silent, abyss-like eyes, it feels like being stunned. Death stared at the same, making him already panic-hearted, very scared and extremely scared.


This man obviously does not have any cultivation or any good fortune, and it is definitely a way to frighten himself by deliberately looking for someone who impersonates the ancient Sirius.

Why are you afraid!

Fear doesn't even have the guts to do it!

Why exactly!

do not know.

But it is this inexplicable fear that makes Tan Copper never dare to take action!

"What's the matter, didn't you mean to kill me? Why didn't you do it?"

Gu Qingfeng's voice was very low and indifferent, just as he was talking to a stranger, and his tone was extremely bland, saying, "Are you guts?"


Tan Tong tried to restrain his inner fear. Unfortunately, it was useless. No matter how restrained it was, the more restrained the inner fear became. He took a deep breath, pretending to be calm, and reached out with a wave. I killed him! "

Ming Yu subdued a gloomy old man who stood out. He was a fairy, and he was also a fairy born of ancient times.

Rebirth is a means of evil.

Once the rebirth of a sacrifice is to embark on an evil path of spiritual practice, in order to maintain the vitality of the Yuanshen method, the body of the sacrifice can only be continually sacrificed, and the method of sacrifices is not only cruel, but also bloody. Therefore, those who take homes and be reborn are not only evil practices in ancient times, but also in modern times.

Many people are afraid of losing someone who is born again.

Because these people use the flesh as a sacrifice for sacrifice, the strength of the flesh is very strong, and the flesh is not theirs, and naturally there is no need to be jealous. What is more terrible is that their elementary gods are absolutely evil and bloody. .

The robbers themselves are not good birds, and the good ones will not rob them.

This is indeed the case.

This flying ghost was an evil land repairer in ancient times. However, when the demon was in trouble, the flesh was destroyed by the Qixiao people. In order to survive, he could only regain his house and practice for many years. The deficit head, to be precise, entered the Mingyu sub-rudder and took refuge in Tan Copper. Over the years, he has been doing some unspeakable activities for Tan Copper.

The strength is very strong, relying on the sacrifice of the physical body for many years, and the evil elementary gods, even the Qixiao people who are at the helm of the mountains and rivers can't help him, including the elder Luo Yi who cultivated for the earth fairy. They fought and failed to kill them.

Say it later and then faster.

By the time Tan Tan's words fell, the ghost's silhouette had disappeared.

When the flying ghost disappeared, the old man Fengxu, the elder Luo Yi, and others immediately performed the magical art of the magic to protect the rest of the hall ~ ~ because they all know that the flying ghost is not only The strength is even more proficient in the assassination technique, and even they have no absolute assurance as to whether they can resist the assassination of the flying ghost.


To their horror, the white man posing as a king was sitting in a chair as if nothing had happened.

This not only made Tan Tong and others surprised, but also made Feng Su and others feel weird.

They couldn't figure it out and couldn't see whether the person was ignorant or really fearless.

If there is no fear.

Why is he? What to rely on.

Nobody knows.

Everyone was wondering.

"This kind of eagle worm technique also dares to show ugliness in front of me! Get out."

Gu Qingfeng held a wine glass, lowered his head and drank, and did not look at it, but said it lightly, startlingly, the disappearing flying ghost was suddenly shaken out, it was really shaken out, just like being beaten Seriously injured, just like falling from the void.


Not seriously hurt!

Instead, the earthquake was torn apart, and a pile of flesh and blood left on the hall.

Looking at this scene, everyone couldn't believe their eyes.

No one knows that this guy who is posing as the King of Chixiao just said a word, neither has any power, nor is it any kind of power, why the flying ghost's body is shattered by some shock.

You should know that this flesh of the flying ghost is the flesh he has sacrificed for years!

and many more!

What about the flying god's primitive gods?

do not know.

No one saw it, except that when the flesh and blood of the flying ghost fell down, there was still a mist of blood in the hall.

Sorry to say ...

The crowd quickly sacrifice the gods to explore the past, this investigation does not matter, everyone in the audience was frightened, terrified!

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