
Vol 2 Chapter 1004: 2 women appear

"I said Grand Prince Zhou Ting, this newly emerged king looks murderous and runs rampant. The most important thing is his presence, which makes the Qixiao people with the blood evil dragon elephant extremely awesome. "

Qiao Yu laughed and said, "You have to be careful. Mo Xiaotian, who has just arrived, hasn't warmed himself yet ..."


In the face of Qiao Yu's unscrupulous ridicule, Zhou Ting was cold and angry, with a terrifying light in his eyes, and proudly said, "I have been looking for him these days. If I were to run into him, it would surely make him fly away. Mo said that the newly emerged ancient Sirius is just a fake, even if it is true, he is nothing more than just catching up with a declining era! "

Li Juncai, who was next to Taiji Sect, immediately reconciled. Although he didn't like Zhou Ting, he was even more disgusted with the ancient Xiaolang King Sirius than Zhou Ting. He said, "Yes, I said that the ancient Sirius was just one To fool the world. "

"As for whether the ancient Sirius is selling fame and reputation, or is it deceiving the world, let's not say."

Qiao Yu, who had just confronted Zhou Ting, suddenly turned around and said, "However, he was indeed the luckiest man in the worst times of ancient times, and it was also created by the times, and that's all."

Li Juncai stood up because he was even more unhappy than the ancient Sirius of the Chixiao King compared to Zhou Ting.

Qiao Yu is no exception.

Li Jun is because of his teacher Cang Yun.

Qiao Yu was because of Nan Douzong.

At that time, when the king of Qixiao beat Cangyun to death, and he swept through the six major gates of the four major families, especially Nandouzong, the loss was the most terrible, and it was almost destroyed by the king of Qixiao himself. It is the disgrace of Nan Douzong, and as a self-disciplined disciple of Nan Douzong, Qiao Yu is naturally unhappy with the existence of King Chixiao.

"Oh, when did you guys start wearing a pair of pants, what's the matter, you guys are here to discuss and prepare to find Lao Tzu?"

Hao Yangguang held his arms, holding a jug, and grinned, angrily: "Dare to lie down under the tombstone of the old man's tomb, to fame and fame? To fool the world? The situation created? Luck?"

Haoyang glanced at Li Juncai and sneered, "The old man killed your master half-dead by the old king, relying on luck?"

As he said, he looked at Qiao Yu again and said, "In those days, the old man and the king broke into Nandouzong with a single shot and blew the seven tricks of your suzerain to the ground, swept all the masters of your Nandouzong, almost destroyed the door, relying on luck? Current situation? "

He stared at Zhou Ting again, and said, "And you Zhou Ting, go back and tell your grandpa, it ’s best to be honest, and it is best to pray that the old man has not returned. Once the true king returns, all his mothers will slaughter you. Traitor of Zong Wangzu! "

"Hao Yang! This son sees you don't want to live!"


Zhou Ting, Zhou Guanghua flashed wildly, a surging force broke out, and the surrounding land shivered violently. Seeing this scene, Qiao Yu, Lan Xingyu and Li Juncai were all shocked. No one thought Zhou Ting said Hands on, even more unexpected, the power that erupted between Zhou Ting's thoughts was so shocking.

Is this the strength of Zhou Ting's integration into the destiny's breath?

Do not!

Far from it.

Because Qiao Yu and Lan Xingyu both saw it, Zhou Ting didn't use the power of the little destiny at all, and even the Yuanshen Faxiang had never sacrificed it, and this was just an ordinary trick of Xianyi martial arts, but he was already so powerful It is impossible to imagine how terrible his true strength is.

"I'm afraid of you!"

Speaking of time and time, at the moment of Zhou Ting's hands, Haoyang's whole body also flashed, and a violent force burst out!

The two men fought with each other, causing a blast.

Strong waves spread, and the surrounding aura was crackled by the shock, clicking! The ground cracked, and cracks popped up.

"Stop! Do you want to destroy the king's tombstone!"

Elder Qinghua at Meishan immediately took the initiative to open the formation to guard the king's tombstone. At the same time, Elder Xu Mu of Taiji Sect also protected the princess Rou who was frightened at the first time.

The two of them played several tricks against Heng at their fingertips. One was stronger than the other, and one was more scary than the other. Haoyang was obviously not Zhou Ting's opponent. After each move, he could feel Zhou Ting. strong power.

"Huh! This boy has been born into the breath of destiny and has been born again. Even if the boy does not use the breath of destiny today, he does not even need to sacrifice the elements of the gods. The spiritual art alone is enough to kill you!"

Zhou Ting was really prestigious, with one hand behind him, fighting with Haoyang with only one hand, and when he saw his hand, he brought up the shadows of the Dao, his palms were like the sun, his strength was madly condensed, and he pushed out with one palm Suddenly, Haoyang shuddered back with this powerful force.

"I despise you!"

Zhou Ting didn't go all out, Hao Yang didn't do the same, and he lost a move. When he was about to run the Yuanshen phase, a loud rumor came.



The two silhouettes came at once ~ ~ are two women.

Both looks are picturesque women.

One of the women, wearing a long skirt in green clothes, was tall and sturdy, like a blue orchid, and somewhat cold. It was exactly the county master Tang Manqing.

Another woman, dressed in white, looked bright and charming, gentle and touching. She is Naiyang's sister, Liuyue.

Both Tang Manqing and Liuyue, both of them enjoy a great reputation in the Yan and Luo Kingdoms, and they are all the princesses of the sky known in the Yan and Luo Kingdom, known as the Yan and Luo Double Flowers.

No one expected them to appear here.

Liu Yue found Hao Yang's face pale, and asked worriedly, "Brother, it doesn't matter."

"No problem!" Haoyang stared at Zhou Ting, unhappy: "Zhou Ting was really tight after he got the little destiny!"

Liu Yue turned around, looked at Zhou Ting, and said politely, "Zhou Ting, what do you want to do!"

"Ha ha!"

Zhou Ting smiled, clapped her hands, looked very innocent, and said, "I just came here to see it, and I didn't want to do anything. It was your brother who offended me first, and he must not be shot by my son. "

"Rabbit! You're here to make a difference!"

Zhou Ting shrugged and said nothing, as if to say that again, this boy is deliberately finding fault, what can you do.

"This is the royal cemetery, no one is allowed to take action here." Tang Manqing also guarded Princess Rou, staring at Zhou Ting and yelled, "Zhou Ting, I warn you, give me some points!"

"Oh, why both came at me."

What Tang Manqing was about to say, Princess Rou next to her seemed to be a little scared, lying tightly in her arms. Tang Manqing held Princess Rou as if she felt the fear of Princess Rou, and the anger in her heart struck her heart. Glancing at the cold eyes, he reprimanded: "Give me!"

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