
Vol 2 Chapter 1006: hope

"Rouer, what do you come to the cemetery for?"

Tang Manqing didn't leave with Princess Rou, but walked deep into the cemetery. She had some things in the cemetery this time and did not expect to meet Rouer here.

Rouer is a princess, she is the lord of the county, both are royal family of Yanluo, and they are also close cousins. In addition, Tang Manqing's parents travel abroad all year round, and she left when she was young. When they grew up, the relationship between the two was naturally very good. Rouer also lived with her in the Taiji Sect, and Emperor Yunqi also looked after Tang Manqing, so she was relieved to let Princess Rou practice in the Taiji Sect.

"Rouer just ... wants to pray for our Yan Luo."

Princess Rou's body is very fragile, her spirits are lacking, her voice sounds even more so, and she whispered softly, which is extremely pitiful, and said, "Now we are having trouble with Yan Luo, everyone is working hard for Yan Luo. Knowing that he couldn't help anything, he could only come to the cemetery to pray for our Yan Luo ... I hope our ancestors also hope that the King can protect us this time. "

"Rouer, don't worry too much, this time we will definitely be fine."

Although Tang Manqing comforted Princess Rou with her mouth, in fact, she did not have the bottom of her heart. As to whether the royal family of Yanluo could be safe this time, she was even more unclear.

She did not know whether the Xian Dynasty was trying to trace the ruins of the Moon or if it had other purposes.

Now she only hopes that her uncle and Emperor Yunqi will be able to negotiate successfully with the four major schools and the seven major schools. If they are united and stabbed with the enemy, they may be able to prevent the intention of the Xian Dynasty. If the negotiations fail, no one can To stop the imperial dynasty, I can only listen to fate.

"I hope, I can only hope, don't I ..."

Although Princess Rou is young, she is far more mature than her peers, and it is precisely because she is more mature than her peers that she hates herself very much, hates herself and can do nothing, nothing. Even life needs to be taken care of.

Princess Rou didn't think about death. On the contrary, she thought about it many times, but she knew better that if she died, her parents would be very sad. She didn't want to make people who care about her sad, so she has been strong till now. Alive and try not to take care of anyone.

Shaking her head, she did not continue thinking, and Princess Rou did not want Tang Manqing to worry about herself, so she asked, "Sister, are all the things they say true?"

"whats the matter?"

Princess Rou suddenly asked, and Tang Manqing asked somehow.

"Rou'er just heard them say that it seems that our Yanluo country has recently issued another liar posing as a king, and the blood-shaded dragons of the old Qixiao seniors are very docile and awed in front of him ... is it true?"

Because of her body, Rouer rarely goes out, and she doesn't know much about the outside world. If she didn't come to the cemetery this time, she wouldn't know that such a big thing happened in Yanluo.

"it is true."

Tang Manqing didn't conceal it, and told what he knew in fifteen and ten, and Rou'er was really surprised.

"Sister, are you saying that this newly emerged king is the ancient Qingfeng, the Chiyan who killed dozens of elders of the imperial dynasty nine years ago in the northwest? And it was probably because he had merged the remnants of the king He didn't want him to be killed by the Xian Dynasty, so he deliberately lied to the outside and claimed that Chiyan's son was flying away? "


In order to find the whereabouts of the King Qixiao, and to better understand the king, Su Shi went all over the road that the king had traveled before.

At that time, the Emperor Chixiao had spent a long time in the Yan and Luo Kingdom, and Su Shi had also stayed here for a while, regardless of whether Tang Manqing or Rouer knew Su Shi, and they all knew that Xi Xianzi was always looking for Chi King Xiao, after the destiny came nine years ago, the fairy Su Shi left from the northwest and visited them while passing through the Yan and Luo Kingdom.

When Tang Manqing wanted to come, nine years ago, Fairy Su Shi should confirm that the ancient Qingfeng, the Chiyan prince, really blended the relics of the king. In other words, the king is dead, and the fairy Wu may be deeply hit, desperate and desperate. The king's only descendant was killed by the Xian Dynasty, so he lied to the outside to report his death.

Recalling that when Su Shixian came to the Yan and Luo Kingdom nine years ago, Tang Manqing thought more and more that her guess was correct. She clearly remembered that Su Shixian was very sad at that time, and she often played the king alone during that time. The tune, I think, must have confirmed the death of the king.

"If that's the case, then he should hide and remain incognito. Why is he now coming to our Yan Luo Kingdom and still pretending to be a king? If it was discovered by the Xian Dynasty, wouldn't he be bad?"

"It's more than terrible. He killed so many princes of the Xian Dynasty in the northwest. The Xian Dynasty will never let him go."

"If the Xian Dynasty finds out that he is still alive, then Su Shixian will be implicated."

Tang Manqing nodded. Nine years ago, Su Shi personally said that Chi Yan's son was flying out of smoke. The Xian Dynasty also believed it to be true. If this matter was revealed, the Xian Xian woman would not only face the doubt of the Xian Dynasty, but her reputation would be greatly Impact.

"Sister, this is so serious. Did you tell Su Shixian?"

"I have sent a flying letter to Xian Xianzi, but I don't know if she has received my letter. I hope she can come as soon as possible to stop the old surname. Otherwise, there will be a big mess."

"Well, sister, Rouer suddenly remembered something."

"whats the matter?"

"Do you remember Jiner?"

"Jiner? Is it Xiaojiner next to Xianxianzi? Of course I remember ~ ~ What happened?"

"When Su Shixian came to visit us nine years ago, I remember Jin'er told me a secret."

"What secret?"

"I remember very clearly, Jin Er said she had been waiting for her elder brother."

"Big brother? Oh, I remember. The big brother in Jiner's mouth is Chi Qingfeng, the son of Chi Yan. I have heard her talk, and Xiao Jiner seems to like her big brother very much."

"Um, sister, do you remember when Su Shixian played the king's song for us? I said I liked the king's song very much, Jin Er said that when I saw his elder brother, let her elder brother play it for me Listen. "

"What does his elder brother have to do with the king? That Chiyan son is just a blend of the king's knowledge, not the real king."

"But ... Jiner told me that her elder brother is a king."

"She should be joking, and as far as I know, Xiao Jin'er has a blind worship of Chiyan, and he is even more convinced of what he said. It may be that the ancient name lied to her to claim to be a king. Xiao Jin'er believed it. "

"Ah, could it be?"

Rouer looks very lost.

In fact, she really hoped that this newly emerged king, that is, the son of Chi Yan would be the real King of Qixiao. If that was the case, the king would not stand idly by in the face of the aunt Yan Luo, the emperor.

Do not say that Princess Rou hopes to be true, and even Tang Manqing hopes to be true, although she hates the relentlessness of the king because of her aunt Tang Xun, but now she really hopes that the real king will return.

It's a pity that she knew inwardly that this was impossible.

Since the son of Chi Yan has merged the remnant knowledge of the king, it shows that the king is really dead. Even what Su Shi Fairy has confirmed, how can there be any hope?

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