
Vol 2 Chapter 1015: Is this the reason

"The Sirius was so aggressive, arrogant and arrogant, brutal and overbearing."

Xuan Ze also twisted his chin on his beard, and smiled slightly: "The Sirius is now full of imagination. There is also a bit of unbridledness in debauchery. The only constant is not the ferocity of the old man, but a kind of free and easy, a free and unclear way.

"Bar Xuanze, you just say this if you don't know this kid."

Mr. Tang glanced at Gu Qingfeng with a scornful glance and sneered: "The old man just said, don't look at him sitting here like a dog. When this kid's temper comes up, it's definitely like being a person. Is the wind light and the clouds light? The wind is light, but the clouds are light. Then you can see if the wind is still light and the clouds are still light. "

"I say weird, I'm not too young, it's not an impulsive kid anymore, don't you always look at me like that?" Gu Qingfeng laughed: "We are an honest person now, honest with young people Like her daughter-in-law, she dare not fight back! "

"Roll the cub! If your kid is an honest man, then everyone in this world will be his mother!"


Haha smile of ancient Qingfengle.

I do not know if it is really old.

It is still too lonely to kill and kill a person in recent years. Gu Qingfeng is very happy when he chats with his old friends, and this kind of happiness is definitely a joy from the heart, even more than the achievement of the fairy and magic unparalleled throne that year. Openly, think carefully. There are really few friends who have been able to talk for five hundred years.

"Boy, your grandma is laughing with the old husband. Anyway, you must find the grandma for the old husband anyway."

"Relax, wait till I'm busy and try to find out if I can find me."

Gu Qingfeng thought that he did not owe anything to Tang Yan. Even if it was really owed, he swept the six major gates of the four major families and stopped the Xian Dynasty for the Yanluo Royal Family, but he still paid it, but I heard that Tang Yan had no information to find himself. He had a little bit of blame inside himself, in the final analysis, it was all his own troubles when he was young. He still had to pay back, no matter what, he had to find out Tang Yan.

"Finished? What else is your kid busy with?"

"It's something of a deficit. I don't know if you have heard of Zhou Tai and this person."

"Zhou Taihe? That's the master who claims to be the master of the black heart? This kid's fame is very big in the Romanian country, and there is a Dong Dong who calls himself the master of the black Buddha. The Chixiao people under your kid. "

Gu Qingfeng nodded and said, "Now Zhou Taihe and a group of brothers seem to have taken refuge in the Xian Dynasty. They originally had their own ambitions. It is nothing to turn to the Xian Dynasty to seek prosperity and wealth. I am too lazy to take care of such broken things, but They cannot carry the blood evil dragon elephant to take refuge in the fairy dynasty. There are many blood spirits of the brothers Xiaoxia in the blood evil, and the dragon elephants are the same, regardless of whether the brothers or dragons died in the hands of the fairy dynasty. "

"If you are carrying the blood evil dragon elephant and worshipping the immortal dynasty, it is not only disrespect to the dragon elephant, but also to humiliate those dead Qixiao brothers. After all, I took them to destroy the immortal dynasty. After they died, I have already died. I feel so sorry for them, how can I let Zhou Tai and the group carry their blood-shaded dragon elephant made of blood to worship the immortal? "

"If I do n’t come back, I do n’t know, but I do n’t know if it ’s the same time, but I ’m back now, and I know this, so naturally I wo n’t give up, and I will definitely follow up.”

Both Tang Weixuan and Xuan Ze believe that Gu Qingfeng should be traced to the end and must not be tolerated.

"Gud, you must trace it to the end. This is what your kid should do. At that time, people followed your kid to fight the world. Of course, your kid has this obligation and this responsibility."

Xuan Ze also nodded and said, "Even in ancient times, although all things are revived, spiritual energy is full, and the coming of destiny, it has also created a great era of spiritual practice. To this day, who still speaks of morality and kindness. "

"Today's young people are fighting against each other, their loved ones will turn against each other, and the brothers and sisters will fight each other, morality? Grace? No one talks about these things now, nor does it say that the young people in ancient times, even in ancient times The old guys have also been stunned by various creatures. For the benefit, everything can be done. Some people even have the least bones of his mother's life. "

Tang may not leave the cemetery, but he still knows more or less about the things outside, and he has seen it more than once, some ancient Dixian actually stand behind several good-looking Tianjiao's buttocks and wait for him. If he had n’t seen it with his own eyes, he could n’t believe it. Anyway, it ’s also an ancient immortal. He said that he is also a person with a face and a face. In ancient times, he was definitely a powerful person. In ancient times, even if he is mixed, he ca n’t let it go. Dignity was lost and errands were given to young people.


Xuanze asked with a serious word: "Sirius, there is a saying that I don't know what to say inappropriately ~ ~ Older, what kind of thing are you polite to me? Just say anything."

"You just said that Zhou Taihe had taken refuge in the Xian Dynasty. If you pursue it to the end, wouldn't you be against the Xian Dynasty again? If so, Sirius, you have to think carefully."

"No problem, I have my own share."

"Well, it's good to have a sense of age, old is just worried that you will go the same way as before."

"Do not worry."

At this time, Mr. Tang seemed to remember something, and he gave a sound of excitement. He asked, "Guzi, anyway, when you pack Zhou Tai and that bunny, you will definitely fight with the Xian Dynasty, right?"

"Yes, that's what happened."

"Things are like this. The Xian Dynasty now wants to deal with our Yanluo royal family, and it seems that this time is not just a tentative test. It seems to be real. You have to fight with the Xian Dynasty anyway. Help us the Yankee Royal Family, what do you think? "

"Strange! How can you be so selfish."

Xuan Ze reprimanded: "Do you want Sirius to be the enemy of the Xian Dynasty, and still want him to follow his old path?"

"The old man didn't mean that. When the ancient boy packed Zhou Taihe, wouldn't he also deal with the Xian Dynasty? Anyway, this boy can't get around the mountain of the Xian Dynasty. Even if he doesn't help us in the Yan Luo Kingdom, his boy will still be with the Xian Dynasty It ’s better to help us with the Yanluo Royal Family than that, Gu Gu, do you think the old man is talking about this? ”

"Yes, this is the truth?" Gu Qingfeng sat on the chair, leaning Erlang's legs, leaning slightly, leaning his head against the armrest of the chair, squinting his eyes, and looking at Tang Weiqi with a smile. Said: "However, how do you hear this sound? If I remember correctly, when you coaxed me to deal with the six major gates of the four families, did you seem to say this?"

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