
Vol 2 Chapter 1021: Argue true or false

Last name?

Name Sirius?

Road number Chixiao?

King of the Sky?

Still uncle?

and many more.

Sorry to say that this guy is pretending to be a king of Chixiao again? And it looks like I do n’t know what method was used, but he even lied to Grandpa, remembering this, Tang Manqing said quickly: "Grandpa, do n’t be fooled. Although he is also a surname, he is not a king. His real name is Gu Qingfeng, Dao Chiyan is not a king at all! "

"What ancient breeze, what Chiyan son, girl, he is the boy of the ancient Sirius, I will not lie to your grandfather."

"Grandpa, I'm not saying you're deceiving me, but he's deceiving you!" Tang Manqing explained: "Grandpa, when he was in the Northwest, he claimed to have merged the remnants of a king and claimed to be a king Heir to us now, Yanluo, who claims to be the king himself, shouldn't be fooled. "

"What kind of disagreement and what is passed down, I said girl, don't talk nonsense."

"Grandpa, it's not that I'm talking nonsense, it's what he said."

"Oh?" Weird Tang was a little strange. He looked at Gu Qingfeng and asked, "Is there anything else?"

Gu Qingfeng was sitting on a chair while drinking, just like watching the excitement. Looking at them, he nodded: "Yes, that's the case."

"Why is your kid so good at telling what kind of disagreement, and you say you are your heir?"

"Do you think Grandpa is willing?" Gu Qingfeng thought for himself and said slowly, "I said that I was an ancient Sirius. No one believed it. I could only fall back on it, claiming to be his own heir, No one believes his mother like that. "

"Deserve it! It's all your sin!"

Mr. Tang glared at Gu Qingfeng with scorn, and said to Tang Manqing: "Girl, your grandpa is golden-eyed, and no one in the world has cheated the old man. This boy is the ancient Sirius, so don't guess any more."

"Grandpa, how can you be sure he is the king?"

"Nonsense, the old man has verified it himself, of course, you can be sure, you must forget that the old Sirius had been with your grandfather for a while, and I never knew this boy again, and the old man also asked some Things are clear to this kid, he really can't be wrong. "

"Ask something about that year?"

Tang Manqing couldn't help crying and said, "Grandpa, don't forget, we also had a man posing as a king in Yan Luoguo. He also knew some things of the year, and was still personal with his aunt, even those private things between the king and his aunt. They all spread out, not to mention the private affairs between you and the king. Moreover, he had merged a little knowledge of the king, and it must have some memory of the king. It is not surprising to know your private affairs with the king. "

"You said that guy, didn't Grandpa tell you that, it was fake."

Tang Manqing was about to collapse, and he kept persuading: "Grandpa, the king knows what happened to his aunt. You said it was false. He knows that the king and you are also private affairs. How can you determine that person? It's fake, he's real! "

"Girl, why didn't Grandpa and Grandpa find out before, how could you be so stubborn? It's just a virtue to be with your aunt!"

I found out that Tang Manqing didn't believe that Gu Qingfeng was the ancient Sirius, and Tang Laogua was a little impatient. If he changed to another person, he would have snatched it, but this man is his favorite granddaughter. Only patience can explain.

"Girl, grandpa knows more or less about Gu Tianlang's boy. You said that guy, Grandpa had caught him. Although he is exactly the same as Gu Tianlang, his manners are almost the same. However, the inherent strength of Gu Xiaozi's body cannot be imitated by others. Grandpa and grandfather can see that it is fake. "

"The monarch's arrogance and arrogance, domineering, free and uninhibited, others really can not imitate."

Tang Manqing didn't believe what he said, which made Tang Xiaoguai very anxious. Similarly, when he found that Grandpa didn't believe what he said, Tang Manqing was also very anxious and said, "Is there no unique temperament in that person? There must be no one in this guy, even if he has a bit of the knowledge of the king, there is no king's temperament to dominate the world.

Speaking, Tang Manqing pulled Tang Weiqi again, pointed at Gu Qingfeng, and said, "Grandpa, look at him, where is the shadow of the half king?"

Tang Manqing really couldn't understand, how could grandpa and grandfather so believe that this guy was the King of Red Sky.

Leave aside those so-called private affairs.

If you talk about the temperament of a king, does he have it?

Not even a little bit.

It is totally a cynical second generation ancestor!

It does n’t say anything to dominate the world, nor does it say to be arrogant, even if it ’s just the inherent pride of a king, how could he be a king.

"What is arrogant, arrogant, unrestrained, unrestrained, and arrogant? Is it arrogant? I said girl, those are rumors, but also some storytellers made up the mess, understand? The real ancient kid So mighty, this is a **** who's less sophisticated than your grandpa. "

Gu Qingfeng has only practiced in this world for more than 200 years, but has created many countless legends.

Cultivation is nine breaks, nine destinies, fate is nine lives and nine deaths, UU reading has achieved nine immortals and nine demons, has won the unparalleled throne, and all creations are the only one, the destruction of the immortal dynasty, the severing of the fairy river, the tyrannosaurus, and the nine temple Nine days, known as the 3,000 endless world between heaven and earth, no second person except him since ancient times.

His existence is definitely the legendary overlord in the ancient times.

Therefore, there are a lot of historical books about his ancient books, and they are the favorite storytellers.

Because it's mysterious, weird, crazy, and romantic!

Regardless of whether it is an ancient book, a historical book, or a storyteller, when referring to the name of the ancient Sirius of the King of the Sky, there is no exception, how arrogant and arrogant, how unrestrained, unrestrained, unrestrained, and so on.

Tang Laoguai also had a look at those history books and ancient books, and he also heard that the scholars told the legendary story of the ancient Sirius.

In this regard, Mr. Tang is extremely despised, because he is very clear that if the kid of the ancient Sirius is angry, he may really be called arrogant and arrogant, but also hegemonic, but only when he is angry. When it ’s unusual, the kid is a **** offended by his mother.

Tang Weiqi also said to Tang Manqing before. Do not believe the rumors about the ancient Sirius. These are exaggerated words. However, Tang Manqing couldn't hear it at all. He also explained to him how great the king is and how powerful it is. There is a kind of worship of the ancient Sirius in his words.

Previously, Tang Laoguai could not prove that the old Sirius was an unscrupulous mixed boy. Today, an ancient Sirius is here. Naturally Tang Laoguai will not miss such a good opportunity. He also pointed to Gu Qingfeng and said: "Well, look, this is the true face of Gu Xiaozi. He is not as arrogant and arrogant as he is rumored, nor as free and unrestrained as the storytelling population! Those are just appearances, you must not believe it. This is just a common junk boy! "

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