
Vol 2 Chapter 1027: Drink big meat and drink in large bowls

After leaving the royal cemetery, Gu Qingfeng asked Fei Kui to find a tavern, and he rubbed a delicious meal, and it was the kind with big fish and big meat.

Speaking of him, today, he has no idea what hunger and fullness have long forgotten what it feels like to be hungry and what it feels like to be full. In the impression, he has n’t been hungry for a long time, and it ’s been a long time. Haven't eaten enough, no! Not that you are not full, but that you are not full.

Those who practice spirituality, whoever cultivates Jindan, can absorb the heaven and earth's aura to warm up the flesh. After the Yuanyuan is cultivated, it is a complete barn. It does not matter if you eat or drink for a year and a half.

In addition, in order to make the Yuanshen method more pure, practitioners also taboo to eat messy things such as grains and cereals. Even if they occasionally think about addiction, they just eat some spiritual fruit and drink some Qiongjiangyuyu.

of course.

Some people, even if they have cultivated the Yuan Ying, even if they have cultivated the Yuan Shen, even achieved the immortals, they should still eat, drink, and drink, and they still eat the most meat and drink the strongest wine.

Tang Laowei who lives in the cemetery is such a person, and Gu Qingfeng is even more like this.

Tang Laoguai is a little better. When he first practiced, he also knew that he should not eat, and rarely ate meat and alcohol.

The ancient breeze is different.

Since the day he cultivated, he has never jealous about delicious food. For five hundred years of practice, he has eaten everything that he can eat, and has tasted even the ones that cannot be eaten. At that time, he had eaten any kind of mountain and sea flavor, what kind of spirit beast demon fruit, after the crazy devil, what Jin Dan, what Yuan Ying, and Yuan Yuan Fa phase are all right, in the realm of heaven, from the heavenly crane, Down to the nine ghost demon apes, the immortal fairy spirit, the demon's demon soul, and even the old things in the abyss who do not know how many years have lived and do not know what they are, he also used them as appetizers.

Say so.

Gu Qingfeng is also a downright food eater.

If you don't eat anything for ten days and a half months, you always feel a little squeak.

As for what spiritual fruit?


He said that Linguo, even a fairy fruit, is too pale for the ancient Qingfeng. It has no taste, and it can be used as a snack.

You must eat meat when you drink alcohol. What kind of wine do you drink without meat?

Drinking in large bowls and eating large chunks of meat has always been the style of Gu Qingfeng. It is not for others, simply because it is so refreshing to drink.

After eating and drinking in the tavern, Gu Qingfeng once again basked in the sun in the villa.

And Fei Kui is very attentive, whether it is a pub or a villa, it is the most luxurious, most elegant and the highest grade.


He has been in charge of business for Lord Black Buddha and is also a master of good money.

Gu Qingfeng fell asleep until noon the next day.

When I opened my eyes, the scorching sun was hanging high in the sky.

There is Biquan in the villa. Gu Qingfeng went to take a bath before taking a nap. After washing, Fei Kui had already prepared the food and wine. Gu Qingfeng casually ate something delicious, raised a glass, and sipped a bite. He nodded, praising: "If you say that old man Tang, there is no other ability, but the ability to hold wine is really good."

The name of the wine, Jiujie Lie.

Gu Qingfeng came out of Tang's weird wine cellar. There were eighteen altars in total, and he was all polite.

He has no hobbies and prefers wine.

I have been drinking for almost five hundred years, and I do n’t drink it all day, and the wine is getting stronger and more picky. For him, ordinary wine is like clear water. Now, if it ’s not ancient times, He didn't take a look at it. Even the fine wines of the ancient times depend on the vintage. Without a collection of three or five thousand years, he would not be interested.

Like these old altars collected by Tang Laoguai, although Gu Qingfeng did not know where the old man was from, but one thing is certain, the eighteen altars have at least 8000 years of history. The fragrant wine does not mention the richness and mellowness of the wine, let alone the fiery enthusiasm of the wine.

He drank the little half of the altar in one breath, and after drinking enough alcohol, his mental energy was obviously exuberant. He asked, "Fei Kui, Grandpa asks you a place."

"I don't know where your father-in-law is."

"I don't know exactly where it is. I just remember that it was a grand canyon. I forgot what it was called. It was a barren mountain and a forest. There were several mountains and several peaks. One of the peaks It's covered with a kind of purple flowers, and the stuff is very beautiful, especially in the sunset and the mountains, against the setting sun, it is beautiful. "

The reason why Gu Qingfeng remembered such a place in Yanluo was because of Tang Yan.

I still remember clearly that Tang Yan said that it was her favorite place. When she was alone, she would often be in a daze on that mountain ~ ~ Gu Qingfeng also accompanied Tang Yan a few times, but after all After a few hundred years, he really couldn't remember what the Grand Canyon was called, just remembering that there was a mountain named Mo Lanfeng, and the blue flower was Mo Lanhua.


The mountain peak is the name Tang Tang himself made.

The flower was also created by Tang Yan herself, and she planted it herself.

Others should not know.

Two days ago, I was mingling with Tang Laoguai, the most talked about was Tang Lai.

Now that there is no news from Tang Kui, Gu Qingfeng suddenly wanted to go to the mountain that Tang Kuo used to visit.

"Gongzi, you should be talking about the Yunchuan Grand Canyon."

"Yunchuan Grand Canyon?" Gu Qingfeng remembered the name, suddenly thinking, and suddenly felt a joy inside, saying: "Yes, it is the Yunchuan Grand Canyon, there is a mountain peak that I just said?"

"Yes, Grandpa, the mountain you said is called Mo Lanfeng, also known as the Emperor Peak. The blue flower on the peak is Mo Lan, also known as the Emperor Flower."

"Mo Lanfeng? Female Emperor Peak? Mo Lanhua? Female Emperor Flower?"

Fei Kui nodded and explained: "It is said that the Empress Dowagers used to go to Mo Lanfeng very much and lived there for a while. The Mo Lan flowers on the mountain were also planted by the Empress Dowagers. The peaks are famous for the Empress Dowagers. Therefore, it is also called the female emperor peak, and Mo Lanhua is also called the female emperor's flower. "

"So it is."

Gu Qingfeng was wondering just now that the name of Mo Lanfeng was from Tang Mao. Others should not know it. I did not expect that Fei Kui knew so clearly. It seems that this person should be spread by somebody, even Mo Lanhua. It was known by Tang Ye himself, that many people in this generation really knew a lot.

"Do you know the way?"


"Now that you know, let's go and take him to see."

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