
Vol 2 Chapter 1030: The Empress Cave

Gu Qingfeng inspected the entire Mo Lanfeng carefully and found no Dongfu.

But he did not give up.


Explored again.

Unfortunately, nothing was found.

Until the third time, no similar findings were found.


Gu Qingfeng always felt that there was something wrong with the entire Mo Lanfeng. As for what was wrong, it couldn't be said for a while.

It's purely a feeling.

I went back and forth a few times, until the ninth time, I finally found something strange, and it was quite strange.

Someone fiddled with Mo Lanfeng.

To be exact, some people have used Mo Lanfeng to change the surrounding natural laws, but this change is particularly brilliant, and it will change with the natural environment outside.

This method is not so clever. Only the ancient Qingfeng has been exploring according to the laws of nature. If there is a cave here, the laws of nature will definitely change. Illusions will also change as the laws of nature change. Although they are false, they are enough to confuse the truth.

After seeing through the false appearances, Gu Qingfeng immediately sacrificed his consciousness, broke through the false appearances, and conducted in-depth investigations. As expected, a cave mansion appeared on Mo Lanfeng.

It's false to say no to excitement.

Gu Qingfeng didn't even think about it. When the consciousness probed the past, the structure of Dongfu was all in his heart. With a single thought, he directly disappeared, merged into nature, and entered Dongfu.

This world, this nature, as long as Gu Qingfeng is willing, he can enter any Dongfu at will.

Because his physical body has long been integrated into the heavens and the earth.

He can go in and out at will, as long as he is willing, one thought can go up to nine days, and one thought can go down to nine quiets, not to mention this small world and this small nature.

There is no cave in Dongfu.

Like a small world of dust.

It was really small. The small one had a different garden.

Other than that, there is nothing.

When the ancient Qingfeng flashed himself into Dongfu, people were already standing in the other palaces within Dongfu.

There are many flowers in Bieyuan, all of which are purple and bright blue flowers.

There are several trees in Bieyuan, and the tree species have swings, but no one is on the swings.

There is also a gazebo in Bieyuan. There are no people in the gazebo, and there is no even any decoration.

Will this be Tang's Dongfu?

I don't know.

Gu Qingfeng didn't dare to guess arbitrarily. He forcibly agitated his heart, walked into the other garden, opened the door, and inside was a delicate hall. There were no tables and chairs in the hall. Just painting, paintings all over the house.

Seeing these paintings, Gu Qingfeng's excited heart couldn't help jumping up and down, because the paintings in the house and the scenes in the paintings were the places where he and Tang Yue went back then.

At this moment, the ancient Qingfeng also finally affirmed that this cave house must be a cave house opened by Tang Mao.

Tang Yan is still alive.

Not only is she alive, she should come to this place often.

Because the ancient Qingfeng can see it, the years of these paintings are different. The earliest pair was more than 400 years ago. To be precise, it was not long after he left from Yan Luo that year. Later, she paints a picture every so often.

Gu Qingfeng looked at the paintings one after another.

There are hundreds of years ago.

There are still ninety years ago.

There are also eighty years ago.

There are fifty years from now.

It seems that Tang Wei will come here every ten years.

The closest painting was seven years ago.

It was confirmed that Tang Yuan was still alive, and the heart that Gu Qingfeng had been hanging for a while finally fell.

As long as Tang Yan is alive, Gu Qingfeng has a way to find her out, not to mention that she will return every ten years. The closest painting is seven years ago. In other words, Tang Yan will be back three years. Gu Qingfeng thought, even if he has been waiting here, he can wait for Tang Ye to come back for three years.

"Just live, just live ..."

Gu Qingfeng, who owed that year, will definitely return this time. He doesn't want to leave any regrets, and he doesn't want anyone to worry about himself.

Gu Qingfeng looked at the paintings in the house, and these paintings seemed to carry Tang Xun's mental journey in these years.

At that time, when Gu Qingfeng left, Tang Yan's heart was heartbroken.

At that time, when Gu Qingfeng had another new love in the land of Shenzhou, Tang Yan was angry and resentful.

At that time, when Gu Qingfeng went to the North to fight in the north, Tang Xun's mind was from wanting to forget to never forgetting.

From memory to thought.

She wanted to pursue, but hesitated.

That year, Gu Qingfeng was wiped out by the ashes of the Fairy Trial.

Tang Yan was overly sad, and the madman interrogated. After waking up, he never believed and could not accept it. Then he began to pursue and wait, day after day, year after year.

After reading the paintings of the full house, Gu Qingfeng also feels as if he has experienced more than 400 years. There is an unspeakable discomfort in the heart, but more of guilt and self-blame ~ www.wuxiaspot .com ~ Although he is the supreme freedom of Buddhism, he will never feel comfortable in terms of emotion.

The word of emotion is the biggest variable between heaven and earth. It is neither in retribution nor in the cycle of destiny. The state of mind can never be surpassed.

Gu Qingfeng stayed in this Dongfu Beiyuan for a long time, and when he left, he arranged another array, so that as soon as Tang Yuan came back, he would know the first time.

Coming out of Dongfu, the setting sun was just outside.

In the sunset, Mo Lanhua, which is full of mountains and mountains, looks more beautiful, and Mo Lanfeng is more like an elegant woman, as elegant as Tang Luo.

It is learned that Tang Yan is still alive and Gu Qingfeng is in a good mood. Since he woke up in the northwest, his mood has not been as good as it is today.

It is said that people are refreshed at every happy event.

Mo Lanfeng and his party this time are definitely a happy event for Gu Qingfeng. He was weak and seemed to be exuberant.

In this way, when it floats a big deal.

"Leave, Fei Kui, find a place and have a drink with Grandpa."

"Master, where do you want to go?"

"Now that we have arrived in the garden, let's find a place here. We are not drunk today. We will have a good time with your grandfather, and my grandfather will fulfill your wish."

Hearing that, Fei Kui was so excited that he should hurriedly said, "Master, please arrange for you when you are young."

The sunset went down again, and the sunset was near dusk.

As the evening passed, darkness gradually came.

The moonlight is beautiful tonight.

The night of Yunchuan Tour is even more lively. The young people go together in pairs. As Fei Kui said before, there are buddies accompanying the buddies to play, and those without buddies also want to find a way in this place. Couple, who can tell the truth about this life, in case of encountering something like that, isn't it quick?

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