
Vol 2 Chapter 1032: Woman's conspiracy

"Don't Senior Don't even believe such outrageous words?"

Tang Manqing sighed loudly.

"Oh my god!" Liu Yue was surprised, and said, "Did Tang's predecessor believe the liar with the old name like that? Mo said that he was just a fake, even if he was a real king, he would not be able to compete with Sanqian Avenue, Tang. What the **** is going on. "

"I now wonder if Grandpa is confused or confused by the deceitful means of that liar? Otherwise, how could it be believed, and ... Do you know, the **** liar, and said that the fairy is here? When he was in the Northwest, he didn't mean to cover him, but really thought he was dead. "

"Xun Xianzi is famous all over the world. She was a nine-day goddess in her previous life, and she is also a nine angel in this life. Based on her experience, if she says that a person is dead, then she is really dead. How could she think that the liar is dead? . "

"Do you know how the scammer explained this? It would scare you to say it, and the **** scammer said that he accidentally spawned two ancient taboos, which led to the sacred judgment between heaven and earth."

Hear the words.

Liu Yue and Lin Xianger froze on the spot, even wondering if they heard it wrong.

"God, divine judgment between heaven and earth?"

"Yes, it is the most terrifying legend among the legends, the gates of ancient times, the bells of Xuanhuang, the divine judgment of the wrath of heaven and earth ..."

"My God!"

Liu Yue was stunned, and Lin Xianger was shocked.

After a while, Liuyue came back to God, and said, "Don't Seniors Don't ... Do you also believe in such outrageous nonsense?"

Tang Manqing wanted to cry without tears. When she remembered this, she collapsed, and said, "So I suspect that Grandpa is either old and confused, then he is deceived by the liar by any means."

"Did you not investigate the old man?"

"After exploring, Grandpa's consciousness is clear, the logic of thinking is normal, and there is no sign of being confused. At least, I don't see it."

"If the old man wasn't deceived, and his consciousness was clear, how could he believe the ghost of the liar surnamed Gu, really foolish?"

"Probably, I heard that the longer people live, the slower their brains become, and gradually they will become a kind of idiot. Shouldn't grandpa and grandfather really be confused?"

"This is not possible. Although many old predecessors have been unable to withstand the devastation of years, they have gradually become obsessed with geriatrics, but mostly because of isolation from the world and years of retreat. Old Tang elders have remained in the cemetery and rarely closed It can be regarded as a spiritual practice after joining the WTO.

"If grandpa isn't old and confused, and he's not deceived, how can he believe the liar?"

Tang Manqing didn't know this issue, Liu Yue didn't know it either, Lin Xianger didn't even know it.

"Now the relationship between the Yan Luo Royal Family and the Xian Dynasty is so tense, and this guy is making trouble everywhere in the name of a king. Grandpa still believes in his identity. What makes me even more worried is that Grandpa wants to let him To face Fu Xianchao ... I really don't know what to do ... "

Tang Manqing's worries are also the worries of Liu Yue.

The relationship between the Yan Luo royal family and the Xian Dynasty was tense.

The relationship between their deficit heads and the Xian Dynasty was equally tense.

If the guy with the surname Gu has been acting in the name of a king, the Xian Dynasty will definitely use this as an excuse to deal with the deficit head.

"Man Qing, what are you going to do?"

Lin Xianger smiled slightly: "You are here today, I'm afraid it's not just to talk to us. You must have thought of a way, right?"

Tang Manqing smiled and said, "Still, Xianger knows me."

"Man Qing, what do you really think of?"

"Since Grandpa is convinced of his identity, I don't intend to persuade any more. I can only start with the scammer named Gu. In order to avoid further deterioration of the situation, I want to lay him down for a while and wait until the fairy Xian arrives. .

"Trapped him? Why not?"

Liu Yue frowned and said cautiously: "Man Qing, I advise you to dispel this idea. The surname Gu's strength is unfathomable, and you may not be his opponent."

"Of course I can't do it alone, so I asked you two to discuss it. With the strength of the three of us, can't I be stumped?"

"I think it's a little daunting."

Lin Xianger said: "Man Qing, when he was in Linglong Villa, he shattered the hearts of hundreds of people, and you and I were no exception. Even the ancient **** Wei Wei was in front of him. None of them stood still, and the three of us were afraid ... it was difficult. "

"Yeah." Liu Yue also persuaded: "You must not be impulsive. When I was at the helm of the mountains and rivers, I saw with his own hands that nearly a hundred people in Mingyu's rudder were wiped out. Among them, Lian Hao and other celestial beings were arrogant. More than a dozen Chixiao people, such as the ancient immortal and Mingyu's Tantong, also stood still in front of him. Even if the three of us joined forces, they may not be his opponents ~ ~ I He has never been able to figure it out. He obviously does not have any practice, nor is he doing anything. He is weak and weak, how can his strength be so strong. "Lin Xianger wondered:" I heard that he was the same when he was in the Northwest. It seems to have some indestructible absolute body, but also the indestructible absolute power. "

"Xiang Er, do you believe this?"

"I don't believe it, but that seems to be the case, at least, it looks like this."

All three have heard legends about the Absolute Body and the Absolute Power.

According to legend, the absolute body is said to be the most physical, indestructible, immortal and unshakable, and the world cannot move.

In legend, the absolute body is also known as the most powerful. It is indestructible. It can shake the sky from above and shake the earth from below.


Legend is legend after all.

No one has ever seen it before.

From ancient times to the present, neither ancient nor ancient times have appeared.

There are no billions of worlds, no three thousand roads, and nowhere between heaven and earth.

"If it is said that he is the best, it is impossible, I think ..." Liu Yue groaned for a moment, and said, "Don't you forget that he has merged the remnant knowledge of the king, want to come, have any adventures in the body, That's why it is so powerful. "

Having said that, Liu Yue faced Tang Manqing again and persuaded: "Man Qing, I know the worry in your heart, and I can understand it, but it is really difficult for us only to try to trap them. thing."

"Do you think that if I am not sure, I will make a blind decision?"


Liu Yue and Lin Xianger glanced at each other, wondering what relationship Tang Tang was selling.

"You see what this is."

Talking, Tang Manqing raised a purple cyan rope in the palm of his hand, and when he saw the rope, Yueyue screamed, "This is the female immortal's bundle of immortal cord?"

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