
Vol 2 Chapter 1048: phoenix

In Linglong Villa a few days ago, after Lin Xiang'er found that the feeling of acquaintance became strong, it seemed as if a glimmer of light suddenly appeared in the endless darkness, and this time it was the same. Brighter.

Lin Xianger tried to chase the bright brilliance in the endless darkness.


She seemed to be chasing the glory of Guanghua. Without hesitation, she immediately sacrificed her insights and went away. Sure enough, she found the man in a garden in the maple forest.

It's him again.

He really is here.

Not only that, but Lin Xianger was surprised that his good sister Tang Manqing and Liuyue were also there, even the wonderful sister.

what's going on?

How could they be together?

do not know.

Lin Xianger didn't have any thoughts to think about this at this moment, all her thoughts were used to watch the ancient Qingfeng.

When she found that Gu Qingfeng was also staring at herself, her heart was jumping like a deer, somehow she became more flustered, and the kind of acquaintance became stronger.

"Who the **** are you!"

"Who are you again?"

"Why do I feel like you know each other."

"If possible, I want to know the answer to this question."

"Do you feel the same way?"

"Of course." Gu Qingfeng asked, "What's the name of this song?"

"do not know."

"You don't even know the name of the piece you play? Then how did you get involved?"

"I didn't realize it. I was born."

"It sounds fresh."

Gu Qingfeng looked at Lin Xianger, who was standing on Yun Lefeng with both hands, and looked more and more strange. He couldn't even see that Lin Xianger was a reincarnation.

Say she is, but she does not have any reincarnation.

If she isn't, then there is a little bit of reincarnation, at least, Gu Qingfeng can see that Lin Xianger's soul does not belong to the soul of a normal person.

Don't say normal people.

Whether or not the ancient breeze of the human soul is uncertain.

And it's not the soul of a demon.

Lin Xianger's soul is very weird. The weird Gu Qingfeng is the first time he meets him, and it feels like he has developed a self-awareness after something has become refined.

What is strange about Lin Xianger's past life? After the essence of the sun and the moon, self-consciousness was born? Become a Genie?

Then reincarnation?

This is also unlikely!

The elven stuff is not part of the life of the avenue, so it is impossible to talk about reincarnation.

What exactly is going on?

"Is this feeling causal?"

Lin Xianger's voice came, Gu Qingfeng shook his head, signaled that he was not sure.

"I don't know you in this life. If there is a cause and effect, then it must be the cause and effect of the previous life. How much do you know about your previous life?"

Gu Qingfeng answered four words very simply: "I don't know anything."

"You know nothing?"

"So, do you?"

"I don't know. I don't even know if I am a reincarnation or if I have a previous life."

Lin Xianger's words were also thought in Gu Qingfeng's heart, and he was the same, he did not know if he had a previous life.

The song is over, as if Ruyi is still over.

As Lin Xianger continued to play, she also interacted with Gu Qingfeng Shen. She seemed to want to understand the root of the feeling she knew. She did not hide anything and told Gu Qingfeng everything she wanted to encounter.

"Every time I play this song, I feel like I'm dreaming. In the dream, a woman dances in front of a man. Until I meet you, this feeling is stronger, but more ethereal and more blurred."

"It just so happened that when I heard this song, it was the same, and it was like a dream. There was also a woman dancing in front of a man in the dream."

"Are you the man in your dream?"

"do not know."

Gu Qingfeng really didn't know, because his sense of resembling acquaintance was relatively vague, and then he asked, "Are you that woman?"

"No, I am not."

"Are you so sure?"

"I've played this song since I was young. Every time I play it, it's like a dream. I don't know how many times I dreamed. I'm pretty sure I'm not the woman in the dream, but why do I feel like you are the man in the dream.

"Why do you say that?"

"I am not sure as well."

"I mean why you are so sure you are not the woman in the dream."

"Unclear, but I can feel that I must not be a woman in a dream."

After turning silent, another song is over.

Lin Xianger started to play the third song, which is also the last song she played this time.

"Do you ... know a woman named Phoenix? Perhaps you have heard of it?"


Gu Qingfeng shook his head slightly. He didn't know the name or heard of it.

"I think ... the woman's name in the dream should be Phoenix."

"how do you know?"

"Don't ask me, I don't know why I know, I just feel that her name should be Phoenix, and this name is also my only memory of previous lives."

Gu Qingfeng murmured the word Huang, if he thought he had heard it somewhere, maybe he had seen it somewhere, and he couldn't remember where he was, and didn't have any impression.

"Can you tell me who you really are."

"Ancient Sirius."

"Are you the King of the Sky?"

"What? Don't believe it?"

"I don't know, but even if you really are the King of Xiaoxiao, I have never met you. Why did I meet you so strongly?

"Since you can't figure it out, just think about it, let it be."

Compared with Lin Xianger's tangle, Gu Qingfeng looks calm.


Although he really wanted to understand what was going on, he just wanted to know it. He practiced for 500 years in his life and encountered all kinds of strange things. It was not like he knew this time. I have n’t encountered it, but I have tried to trace it after I encountered it, but unfortunately, I found nothing in the end ~ ~ I have encountered so much that Gu Qingfeng will be surprised, everything will go by nature, let it be, They always come, if you shouldn't, you should ask grandpa to tell grandma that it doesn't work.

After Lin Xianger played the third song, she couldn't wait to leave Yunle Peak. It didn't take long before she came to the Green Rose Garden.

When she saw her, she hurriedly told in secret that lest Lin Xianger, Tang Manqing and Liuyue could get hot, and then join forces to deal with Gu Qingfeng.

Knowing that the ancient breeze is not easy to mess with, and it is not beautiful to dare to mess with it. Now I just want to wait for the ancient breeze to eat and drink, and quickly leave Yunchuan Amusement Park. There is such an unpredictable existence as the ancient breeze. Wonderful not only does not want to provoke, but also does not want She got into trouble because she knew that Yanluo Xianfu and the deficit head, as well as many big brothers from the four major families and the seven major gates were here. Once this guy was found in Yunchuan Garden, things would be very bad. If she started, she, the main actor in Yunchuan Garden, would not want to participate.

It's just that sometimes the more you worry about what happens.

Here she was thinking about how to send Gu Qingfeng away from the park. After a while, someone entered the Green Rose Garden, and she was still from Yanluo Xianfu.

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