
Vol 2 Chapter 1051: Get ready

After listening to the perfect words, Tang Manqing and Liu Yue thought about it for a while.

If this guy really has the ability to kill these people, then pat them on the buttocks and leave, Yanluo Xianfu, Zhou Tai and the gangs, as well as the four major families of the four major families, will never give up, and the people who found him are fine What if I ca n’t find it?

Well, as wonderfully said, many people now say that this guy is a liar that Master Black Buddha deliberately impersonates as a king. There is no doubt that the spearhead will be aimed at Master Black Buddha. Such a deep source, I am afraid, cannot escape the relationship.

You must know that these people include Zhou Tai's grandson, as well as the personal lineage of Feiyu Xianjue and the seven major families of the four major families.

Think about it with your toes and know that if something happens to these people, giants such as Yanluo Xianfu, Zhou Taihe, and others will become angry.

Tang Manqing and Liu Yue really didn't dare to continue thinking, and they did not believe that this guy really had the ability to deal with so many masters!

But then again.

Leaving aside whether this guy has this ability, even if he does not have this ability, as soon as he ran away today, the pot would have to be carried by Lord Black Buddha and Yan Luo Royal Family!

Thinking of this, Tang Manqing Liuyue realized a serious problem.

That is, if they rescued the ancient breeze today, Yanluo Xianfu and Zhou Taihe and others would not let them go.

And if Gu Qingfeng shot to kill these people, Yanluo Xianfu and Zhou Taihe would not let them go.

In other words, unless this guy dies here today, otherwise, the Yan Luo Royal Family and the Lord Black Buddha will be implicated.


After all, this guy has merged a little knowledge of the king, and is nominally the only heir to the king.

Neither Tang Manqing nor Liu Yue will let the ancient Qingfeng die here.

But what if he didn't let him die here?


Tang Manqing and Liuyue are about to collapse, and they are in a dilemma. They have no idea what to do.

Right now.

Little Green Rose Garden is already overcrowded, and many people still rush to hear it.

In the park.

Lu Tianze, Zhou Ting, Li Juncai, Qiao Yu and others are all about to move. It seems that they want to step on Gu Qingfeng under their feet to prove their strength. More importantly, they want to make a name for themselves.

Who is the King of the Sky?

No one knows the world.

No one knows if the true King of the Sky is dead.

Even if it is a fake, if it can be stepped on it, it is definitely a great thing.

This is an opportunity, an opportunity that cannot be found, and anyone who wants to make a name for himself is not wanting to miss this opportunity.

of course.

Don't want to miss it.

Although they were all about to move, they were just about to move.

No one dares to take action.

After all, in the rumors, this newly emerged King of the Red Sky could dispel the hearts of hundreds of people with a single blow, and wiped out the hundred masters of the deficit head Mingyu sub-rudder with a few fingers, among which Lian Hao was born. Tianjiao is no shortage of ancient land immortals. What's more terrible is that it has been reported that more than ten blood-stained dragon elephants such as Tan Tong have been taken away, which makes them even more apprehensive.

"Juncai, don't fool!"

Elder Xu Jun of Taiji Sect called Li Juncai and warned: "This matter has nothing to do with our Taiji Sect. You must step in."

"Elder Xu Mu, although this matter has nothing to do with our Tai Chi Sect, but as a Yanluo, how can I let a fake sell in our Yanluo?"

Obviously, Li Juncai did not want to miss this rare opportunity.

And how could Elder Xu Mu see through his mind, persuading, "This person is not as simple as the surface, you must not be impulsive."

"Elder Xu Mu, you are too underestimated Li Juncai. Of course I know that he is not simple, but that's all, and where can he go. Besides, so many people are here today. Do n’t say he is a fake, even if It ’s true, it ’s a dead end! ”

Li Juncai knows well that he is not as good as Lu Tianze ’s more than three hundred heavy thunders of nature, nor as Zhou Ting ’s little destiny. As for the flying feather fairy with a humane scripture, he ca n’t be compared. However, this is precisely because there are so many With the presence of him, he also wanted to take this opportunity to take a share of the prestigious beauty.

Elder Xu Mu here is persuading Li Juncai, while Elder Li Yan of Nandouzong is also persuading Qiao Yu, begging him not to act lightly, saying: "Zi Bai, Qiao Yu, this is one of the two of you This is a golden opportunity that you should never miss, but you must not be impulsive. This person looks mysterious and must be careful. "

Xiao Zibai and Qiao Yu both nodded and motioned to know.

And Li Yan was still a little uneasy, and continued, "But do n’t worry too much, there are old people waiting to help you out, plus four great families, seven major gates, and so many masters of Yanluo Xianfu, all here to forgive him. Can't make any big waves. "

Lu Tianze of Yanluo Xianfu seemed to be unable to bear it. He wanted to be the first to step down Gu Qingfeng from the past, but just as he was about to move, two voices came.

One of them is Yanluo Xianfu, an official tree of Ziyun immortal for Guiyuan Dixian, and the other is Feiyu Yunjue with a humane scripture.

"Tianze, this person is not as simple as it seems. You must take the lead."

As soon as Fei Fei Xianjue's voice fell, Ziyun Xian Guan Qimu said again, "Fei Fei said well. This man is mysterious and inscrutable. He looks calm and peaceful, looks fearless, sure. What reliance does Tian Zemo have to be impulsive? "

Although Lu Tianze was very dissatisfied, he did not dare not listen to the words of Ziyunxian Guan Qimu and Feiyu Xianjue. Looking at Zhou Ting next to him, it seemed that he was worried that Zhou Ting would steal the limelight. Seeing that Zhou Ting showed no sign of action, she felt a little relieved.

Zhou Ting did show no signs of doing anything.

But that doesn't mean he doesn't want to.

on the contrary.

He also wanted to grab the limelight first.


After the incident of subdividing the mountain and river ~ ~ his grandfather, that is, the master of black heart, had warned him very carefully, and he must investigate this matter, at this moment, he looked at Gu Qingfeng with a fearless look. This made him more or less discouraged.


He will not miss this opportunity anyway.

Not only did he take revenge for the Mingyu subordinates, but also to prove his little destiny, he also wanted the name Zhou Ting to become famous. Most importantly, he always wanted to step down the King of the Sky and tell the whole world that the so-called The King of Qixiao is nothing more than that, even if it is just a fake King of Qixiao.

So he was waiting.

Waiting for a deficit headed man.

"This world is a king who has not been counterfeit for some years. I never imagined that another one appeared recently in Yanluo. It is really endless."

Hearing the sound, Zhou Ting's heart moved, his face leaped with joy, because he could hear that it was the voice of the desolate rudder deputy rudder master, who was for the spirit of the Qixiao people who were practicing for the Chaoyuan Dixian.

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