
Vol 2 Chapter 1053: Right under the black Buddha

It was just discovered that there was no turbidity on Gu Qingfeng, and when he was not a reincarnation, the stone hanging in Shi Ling's happiness gradually fell, and he felt that Gu Qingfeng could not be the true king.


When he heard Gu Qingfeng tell him that he was colluding with the Xian Dynasty, a relaxed heart became nervous again, staring at Gu Qingfeng, and he couldn't understand how this person knew what was so private.

Just when Shi Lingkai was extremely suspicious, Gu Qingfeng's voice that was neither salty nor light like spring breeze came again.

"In those days, you were eating and eating, and you did n’t say that you were collusion with the Xian Dynasty, and you were planning to sell your brothers. I think it ’s not easy for you to practice, and you have n’t dealt with it. After all, it's not a glorious thing. If you say it, even if I will let you go, other Chixiao brothers will not spare you. "

Gu Qingfeng did not look at Shi Lingkai, but held a glass of wine and drank without a bite, as if recalling the events of that year, and sighed, "Now that I think of it, my grandfather was a little sweet and soft."

Speaking, I remembered something again, looked up at Shi Lingkai, and said, "If I remember correctly, those flag-holders who were kneeling on the ground and begging for swear were you?"


Shi Lingkai was frightened, his face turned blue and white for a while, staring at his eyes and staring at Gu Qingfeng.

What happened in that year still makes him vivid, he will never forget, after the collusion of the Xian Dynasty was revealed, how terrible the king ’s murderous power!

Only this time, only the king knew with their banner masters who were in collusion with the immortal dynasty, and those banner masters could never take the initiative to say this. Why does this person also know that it is true that he is really ...

Do not!


Shi Lingkai held up the fear in his heart, took a deep breath, and drank, "You ... who are you!"

"What do you say."

Shi Lingkai doesn't know. At this moment, he is even more confused, and he can't judge whether this person is the true King of the Qixiao.

This scene passed into the eyes of everyone in the venue, making everyone talk.

Although they did not know the Qixiao Sect of the year, from the conversation between the two, and from the reaction of Shi Lingkai, it can be inferred that Gu Qingfeng's words are probably true, if not. , Shi Lingkai will not be so panic.

The elders in the seven major gates of the four major families in this game were all unnatural in their faces.

They originally thought that they were another man posing as a king. Perhaps the Lord Black Buddha had found a fake and deliberately posing as a king to scare people.

It was only that Shi Lingkai panicked, and they all began to panic.

The name of a person, the shadow of a tree.

The prestige of the Emperor Chixiao is known to everyone.

When the king was not yet a king, he had swept across the four major families and six main gates in the Yan and Luo Kingdom, so that they had a deep shadow and fear of the King Qixiao, especially the kind of wind that naturally emerged from the ancient Qingfeng. Qingyun Dan, the fearlessness, even made everyone in the heart of the scene quite frightened.

Thinking of this, the elders of the seven major gates of the four major families have secretly warned that the gates of Tianzong should not be taken lightly, together with the purple wood fairy official tree of Yanluo Xianfu, which is already an immortal in ancient times. The immortal official also experienced the crazy times of ancient times. It is because of this experience that he knew the terribleness of the King of Xiaoxiao.

If other people, he may be able to see the clues at a glance, but nothing can be seen in Gu Qingfeng.

In the gazebo.

Tang Manqing, Liuyue, and Lin Xianger looked at each other. They all knew the identity of Gu Qingfeng, and they knew that Gu Qingfeng had merged a remnant of the king. In this case, he should also have some memories of the king. It should be intended to scare these people?

"This guy's ingenious ability is not small, it seems that they really scared these people."

Tang Manqing's voice came, and Liu Yue nodded, and said, "If this guy is really making a mystery, then he pretends to be too much, right? It can't be leaked, and I can hardly see any flaws. If I didn't know that he had merged I almost believe that the remnants of the king are true. "

"I don't think he's trying to make a mystery."

Lin Xianger said, Tang Manqing asked: "Xiang, don't you believe he is the king?"

"I don't know, I just think he doesn't seem to be playing tricks, and my sister said that he wasn't pretending to be calm. He was really calm, and he really didn't look at these people."

Regarding what Miao Sister said earlier, neither Tang Manqing nor Liu Yue believed it. She felt that Miao Sister said too much and was not reliable.

At this time, another group of people appeared in the Green Rose Garden, with dozens of people.

He is also a person with a deficit, but he is not desperate.

But there are more than ten Chixiao people at the helm of the mountains and rivers, there are old gentlemen and elder Luo Yi.

In addition to the more than ten Chixiao people at the helm of the mountains and rivers, there are also the Chixiao people at the helm of the Meishan town. The head of this is a prestigious old Chixiao man known to everyone in the country of Romania, Yuheng .

He is the old master of the Meishan sub-rudder, the old banner master of the Meishan Banner of Chixiaozong at the same time, and also the right ambassador under the seat of the black Buddha.

Xiu Wei has been a Yuan Dynasty immortal since ancient times. It is a magnificent festival, happy and kind, and enjoys a high reputation in the territory of the Romanian and Romanian states.

Along with them was a heavyweight.

It is the current helm master of Nai Meishan's rudder, and also a disciple of Master Black Buddha, and is also the father of Liu Yue, Ben Lei.

And Liu Yue's brother, UU reading Haoyang is also in it.

Hao Yang served as the commander of the Yanluo National Guard.

And his father was the well-known iron and blood general of Yanluo Kingdom, who was in charge of the nine-army military power of Yanluo. It was not easy to cultivate, and it was also the Guiyuan Dixian.

"Grandpa Yuheng, father, brother, how are you ..."

When these people appeared in the Green Rose Garden, Liu Yue felt a joy in her heart and ran away the first time.

"My grandfather Yuheng and grandfather Fengxu happened to talk about something in the garden. I heard that something big happened here, so please come and see."

This Ben Lei is a very mighty middle-aged man, standing like a Cangsong, with a voice like Hong Zhong. Even if he is not wearing the armor of a warrior, standing there at the moment has a very strong momentum.

"He's the man posing as a king?"

Ben Lei's eyes were as sharp as a hawk's eagle.

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