
Vol 2 Chapter 1066: Prepare for the funeral

Huang Yuan is the old Qixiao ancestor of the Qixiao Sect. Many of the banner masters and incense masters were pulled up by his hand. He knows better than anyone that he can live today, and countless Chixiao brothers use blood. It is also the body of the blood-sharp dragon elephant, and it is also replaced by the king's life!

If you turn to the fairy dynasty, how can you stand up to those red brothers who died?

How can it be worthy of the blood-sharp dragon that died to protect all the brothers of Chixiao?

How can it be worth it, the king alone bears all the guilt and sacrifices his life in exchange for the peace of all the Chixiao brothers?

Let him take refuge in the Xian Dynasty?

Huang Yuan couldn't do it.

He also did not allow any Chixiao person to do so.

Over the years, he has not only persuaded his children and grandchildren, but also persuaded Zhou Taihe and other Chixiao people.

Although no one listens to his advice.

But he never gave up, and still insists on it, hoping that one day, Zhou Tai and these Chixiao people will turn around.

"Lao Huang, what do you think about this?"

A Chixiao person whispered and said, "Would you say that person would be a king? I heard that he is not a reincarnation, and he is not even a rebirth. When the king was judged by Xiandao that year, if he returned, It must be reincarnation, but that man ... "

"If he wasn't saying anything, how could it make the Blood Dragon as awesome as that?"

The Chixiao people gathered in the hall have been discussing this issue, but after so much discussion, no one dare to say that the person is real, and no one dare to say that it is false.

Regarding whether the professed monarch is true, Huang Yuan has never seen it, and naturally he dare not judge it arbitrarily.

He was sitting on a chair, looking a little old, holding a cane, looking at these frightened people, could not help shaking his head, and sighing, "Why did you know that today, if you have not betrayed Chixiao, you have never Why do you worry about whether the man is a true king when he trusts in the imperial dynasty? "

Huang Yuan's words made all the Qixiao people have red ears, red ears, and internal psychology, but they dared not say anything.

It can be seen that some Qixiao people still have some regrets. It is not because now that the Yan and Luo Kingdom has emerged an unrecognizable Chixiao King who has drawn Shilingkai, Tantong, etc. Elephants make them feel scared and regret.

There are also reasons for this, but only one.

Perhaps it is the persuasion of older Huang Yuan that has made some Qixiao people condemn the hearts of them. They also feel that the Qixiao brothers who have relied on the Xian Dynasty can't help but die, and they are even more sorry for the survival of the king's life. Many Qixiao people are not sacrificing their own blood-shaven dragon elephants, and they dare not face each time they sacrifice, because all of them know that the blood-shaven dragon elephants were tried by Xiandao to protect them.

Inside the body was the blood scourge formed by the brothers Chixiao.

Carrying the dragon elephant spirit who died to protect them.

Now relied on the Xian Dynasty.

This has caused many concubines to suffer.

It's just that this is the end, as if the arrow is on the string, and can no longer turn around, but can only go this way to the end, even if it is not for the sake of prosperity and wealth for themselves, but for the sake of future generations, after all, they are all Chixiao people, who overthrew the Xian Dynasty It can be described as a sinner of immortality. Although he promised the king nine days that year, he would not pursue the matter, and the king was willing to be tried.


Who can guarantee that the Xian Dynasty in the ancient times will never find the post account?

If you are alone, you have no fear.

What about my own descendants?

Many Chixiao people are thinking about the future of their children and grandchildren. They can only ignore their consciences, receive moral condemnation, and rely on the Xian Dynasty.

For the sake of children and grandchildren, willing to stand in the name of a traitor.

of course.

There are also many Qixiao people who don't think so much. They turned to the Xian Dynasty for their own sake and for future generations. They were not condemned by the morals, nor were they conscientious in their conscience. Instead, they felt right.

A word of current affairs is Junjie.

A sentence does not perish for himself.

That is the reason they should take refuge in the Xian Dynasty.

"Lao Huang, what's the point of saying this now?"

"Yeah, Huang, at this time, why do you still say these things?"

Some Qixiao people couldn't help but stun Huang Yuan, and some even ridiculed Huang Yuan, ironically that his own children and grandchildren had all turned to the Xian Dynasty.

Huang Yuan wasn't angry. He was used to it all these years, but just looking at the Chixiao brothers who were born and died together, he felt a bit intolerable, and said, "People are doing, heaven is watching, not not reporting, but time Before it arrives, whether you want to listen or not, the old man still has to say something, before he makes a big mistake, look back. "

Although these people who follow Zhou Taihe have all taken refuge in the Xian Dynasty, they have not openly accepted the canonization of the Xian Dynasty. This is also Huang Yuan's final bottom line. He is very clear that once these Chixiao people accept the canon of the Xian Dynasty, then I ca n’t really look back.

Huang Yuan also knew in his heart that this year ’s temple fair, that is, not long after, Zhou Taihe would take these Chixiao people to openly accept the canonization of the Xian Dynasty. From then on, he is no longer a Chixiao person, but an official of the Xian Dynasty.

About it.

He was powerless to stop it.

The injuries of that year have not been recovered so far. Not only that, but after learning that Zhou Taihe and other Qixiao people and their children and grandchildren turned to the Xian Dynasty, they became even more angry and the injuries became more serious. Today, he is no longer as good as he was then. Only relying on Jiulianxianling's painful support, once Jiulianxianling's oil is exhausted, it is the day of his return to heaven. Today, he can clearly feel that his time is running out.

He stood up, leaning on a cane, and said, "I want to say a few words now, while the big guys are all there. I was going to wait for Tai He to come, and it looks like he won't be here for a while. Coming back, in this case, the old man talked first. "

At this time, ~ ~ someone said, "Huang Lao, if you still want to speak those nonsense, you don't have to speak respectfully."

Said this is also a Qixiao person, named Ma Hai, who is also the deputy helm of the dedication of the rudder, was Naihei master Zhou Taihe and Zuo Shi under the seat. Among the Chixiao people, he was the most supportive of Zhou Taihe Yes, it has always been firmly supported, and Zhou Taihe is able to win over so many Qixiao people, many of which are his credit.

"Ma Hai, rest assured, you will not be persuaded by old age."

Perhaps he did not expect Huang Yuan to say this suddenly, and Ma Hai was quite surprised.

"In order to persuade you these years, you have said everything you should say, and everything you shouldn't have said, but you haven't looked back, and you are already frustrated and don't want to persuade you any more."

"You can rely on the immortal dynasty, for the sake of glory and prosperity, and for the sake of future generations. This is the path you choose, whether it is life or death, happiness or disaster, and everything is your responsibility."

"This time, the man who claims to be a king has never seen him, and I do n’t know if it is true or false, but there is a saying that he must warn you carefully if that person is false, if he is a king, Let's prepare for the funeral earlier. "

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