
Vol 2 Chapter 1069: Blackhearted Master

When Zhou Wangan talked about the three princes of the Xian Dynasty, the atmosphere inside the hall was no longer heavy. Everyone had a lot of discussions and thought about it. They all thought that the grandson Zhou Wangan was quite reasonable.


There are three princes of the Xian Dynasty who support themselves, even if the real king returns?

His ancient Sirius can overthrow the Xian Dynasty in the ancient times. Even in the ancient times, even ten or even one hundred Sirius cannot be the opponents of the Xian Dynasty.

Thinking of this, these people who were originally scared were somewhat relieved.

Just then, two people suddenly appeared in the hall.

A middle-aged man who looks a little deep, and an old man with a humpback.

It was a shock to see everyone in the field because the middle-aged man was not someone else. It was the black-hearted master Zhou Taihe, and the hump-backed man was also a master who was cultivated with unfathomable strength.

No one ever thought that Zhou Taihe would suddenly appear. Everyone was a little stunned, did not dare to neglect, and immediately saluted, and Zhou Wansheng even shouted in excitement: "Father! Your old man must be fair for your children!"

The words didn't fall, Zhou Taihe suddenly shot, raising his hand was a slap fan on Zhou Wansheng's face. This slap was extremely fierce. He pulled Zhou Wansheng to the ground on the spot. Zhou Wansheng was covering his swollen cheeks, incredible and dare not Believing staring at his father, he couldn't figure out why his father would hit himself without saying a word.

"I warned you not to look for that person! Why didn't you listen to me!"

"Father, it's Ting himself ..."

This time Zhou Wansheng's words are still not finished, Zhou Taihe raised his hand and slapped again, swearing: "How did your father behave, and why didn't he discipline him!"


Zhou Wansheng never dared to say more, for fear of being beaten again.

In the hall, no matter the Zhou family, the ancient masters, or even the Qixiao people looked at each other, and the atmosphere did not dare to breathe. They all knew Zhou Taihe's temper, and he knew Zhou Taihe's methods more deeply. Taihe was a little afraid.

Zhou Taihe had a somber face, his eyes were full of murderousness, his eyes glanced over each person, and he yelled, "I repeat, this is the end of this matter, and no one will ever go to that person again!"

Everyone on the field looks at me, I see you, big eyes and small eyes, but want to speak but stop talking.

Earlier, more than ten Chixiao people, including Tan Tong, were beaten to death, so Master Heixin said so.

Why now Shi Lingkai and Zhou Ting were beaten to death, Master Heixin still said so.


Is it hard to say that Master Heixin is afraid that man is the real king?

Otherwise, why this time even the half-death of his beloved grandson was beaten, life and death are unknown, and even the little destiny was taken away, so that everyone should not be held accountable.

"Father, why? In the end ..."

Zhou Wangan finally couldn't help but want to ask the reason, but just spoke, when he touched Zhou Tai and his sharp eyes, he never dared to say any more.

"The matter of the temple fair is extremely important to us. No mistakes can be tolerated. Everything works as planned. As for the man who claims to be the ancient Sirius, the Xian Dynasty will deal with him."



After Zhou Wangan was reprimanded, he did not dare to speak again.

"Go back and prepare."

Now that Zhou Taihe has said so, others don't dare to say much and leave one after another. The Zhou family is, the ancient master is, and the Chixiao people are also.

After everyone else left, only Huang Yuan's senior was still standing in the hall. He looked at Zhou Taihe, sighed and said, "Zhou Taihe, do you think clearly?"

Zhou Taihe stood in the hall, turned his back to him, closed his eyes and remained silent.

"If you look back now, everything is too late. As long as you sincerely repent, the king reads the feelings of the past, and it will not be too difficult for you to think about it. If the king really wants your life, the old will stand up and accept it for you.

"Huang Lao! You worry too much, that person is not and cannot be him!"

"What if it was a king?"

"In no case, I said that the person could not be him, even if he is really an ancient Sirius, I am not afraid of Zhou Taihe!"

Huang Yuan shook his head slightly and sighed again, and said, "Don't be afraid? Taihe, Taihe, you can hide from others, but you can't hide the aging eyes. Although your mouth is not afraid, but deep down, How can you not be afraid? "

"If you're not afraid, why have you been hiding in the dark all these years?"

"If you aren't afraid, why have you tried so hard to practice this avatar in recent years?"

"If you're not afraid, why don't you even mention it after you learn that Tan Tong's blood-sharp dragon was drawn."

"You're not afraid, but you're too scared. You are so scared that you don't even have the guts to verify that the man is a real king !!"

"You are too scared that he is the real king."

Zhou Taihe still stood with her hands closed, her eyes closed, and although her face was still expressionless, she was already trembling deep inside.

The fact is as Huang Yuan said.

He is not not afraid, but too scared!

This fear never ceases, and whenever he hears the news of the return of the king, his mind will not be at peace.

Because of fear.

Therefore, he has been hiding in the dark all these years, and dare not show up.

Because of fear, I have been practicing this avatar.

Because of his fear, he did not dare to verify the truth.

He's scared!

Fear is the real king!

He knew better than anyone that if the true king returned, everything he had run over the years, including his life.

Take a deep breath and try to calm down your panic.

Unfortunately, it is useless ~ ~ At this moment, his mind cannot rest at all, and he cannot rest. After a long time, he said, "Is that man really an ancient Sirius, I do n’t know, nor Do n’t want to know, but one thing is certain, whether he is an ancient Sirius or not, the Xian Dynasty will not let him go. ”

"Hehe, the Xian Dynasty ..."

Huang Yuan laughed and shook his head with a smile, and said, "Oldness admits that the immortal dynasty in the ancient times can not be compared with the ancient times, and also knows that the three princes of the fairy dynasty are great godsenders, but oldness knows better that if the king wants to kill In your words, I cannot save you.

"The power of the Xian Dynasty is beyond your imagination. Who is the three princes is far beyond your imagination."

Huang Yuan still wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Zhou Taihe's scream, "Enough! I know what you want to say, but I don't want to listen now."

"That being the case, you should do it yourself."

Huang Yuan didn't say any more, sighed and turned away.

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