
Vol 2 Chapter 1105: He is the ancient Sirius!

"I tell you, he has an endless number of colorful spirits."

"Do you know what is endless? It's endless, endless, you know?"

What Wan Huaiyu said just now is outrageous.

At this moment, what Bei Changqing said was more exaggerated, more outrageous, and more incredible.

Endless Cai Ling?

is it possible?

The answer is yes.

I also know that it is impossible to imagine with my toes. No one can have an endless number of natural colored spirits, unless it is the mother of nature, and the mother of nature exists like a god. Is that ancient breeze a god? ? Don't think about it and know the answer.

Especially when he said this, Bei Changqing's insanity made him even think he was telling a joke.

"Changqing Jinjue, I hope you don't want to make such a boring joke again!"

Liu Guangtao reprimanded him.

"Just? You think you're kidding me ... hehe ... hehe!" Bei Changqing laughed, smiling and scared and grieved: "Do you know? I wish I were more than any of you You're kidding ... really ... but ... but I didn't! "

"If you weren't joking, how could you say such outrageous words of endless colorful spirits!"

"Is it outrageous? Oh ... is this outrageous?"

"Crap! Lao Shi can't detect a Cai Ling from that ancient breeze, and there's no end to it!"

"If you can't detect it, that's right. If you do, it's wrong. Do you know why you can't detect it? Because ... haha ​​... because he has created a Tai Chi with an endless number of colorful spirits ... Taichi Vientiane ... Zhu Sheng floating slaughter ... ha ha ha ... "

Tai Chi Vientiane?

Zhu Sheng floating slaughter?

What is this again?

Don't understand!

No one understands.

No matter it ’s Yunbao, Liu Guangtao, and lingering thoughts, the reincarnation powers of Qianhe and Qingyan do n’t understand, but both of them can see that Bei Changqing is not insane and it ’s not a joke And Wan Huaiyu doesn't seem to scare them on purpose.

If what they say is true, neither Qingyan nor Qianhe can't believe it.

"What is Tai Chi Vientiane? Do you know?"

"What are all the slaughterers? Do you know?"

"You don't know, you don't know anything ..."

Bei Changqing was like a real mental disorder. His expression on the pale face was complex and complex, with fear, fear, worry, remorse, and confusion. He shook his head and said intermittently: "About him You do n’t know everything, but it ’s okay. If I can, I do n’t want to know everything about him. I believe that ... you two think so too, right? ”

Wan Huaiyu and Qin Hao looked at Bei Changqing. Although neither of them responded, they deeply agreed with what Bei Changqing said.

If you can.

They don't want to know.

If time can go backwards.

They will never go to the bustling scene in the Northwest nine years ago.

Ignorance is fearless.

Fearless can maintain a normal heart.

Only by maintaining an ordinary mind can spiritual practice be unfavorable.

now what.

Wan Huaiyu and Qin Hao can no longer maintain an ordinary, deep inside can no longer practice as calm as before.

It's not that it feels unjust.

Nor is envy.

But really scared.

One tai chi vientiane, one living floating slaughter, one absolute body, one ancient taboo, one blood of original sin.

Any of these five kinds of existence can change the situation of heaven and earth in ancient times.

Now all five terrible beings are on him.

How can this make them feel safe and cultivate, and how can they not be afraid?


Who can guarantee that he has only these five terrible beings?

When thinking of this, Wan Huaiyu and Qin Hao both felt a kind of dark world.

They still are.

What about Northern Evergreen?

Her world was darker.

And she is already desperate, and the spirit of despair may be a bit frequent.

Maybe it was too much just said, so that I was thirsty. Bei Changqing sat on a chair and drank himself, and said, "And I can tell you that he has never merged with the king With a little knowledge, he didn't need it, and it wasn't necessary, because he overthrew the ancient sky wolf of the prince of the Xiao Dynasty in ancient times! "

The words are amazing!

A word from Bei Changqing once again trembled thousands of people on the court!


More people think that Bei Changqing may be suffering some evil or evil, and the spirit is stimulated, so it is so nonsense.


Cloud leopards, Liu Guangtao, Yan Nian and other immortals on the field could all see it, especially Qianhe. She was sure that Bei Changqing was neither enchanted nor evil.

As for what happened to Bei Changqing, she didn't know, she turned to Wan Huaiyu again and asked, "He really is the ancient king of the Chixiao King?"

Wan Huaiyu looked at her and nodded after a while.

His nod does not matter, he really scared the more than 30 fairies and hundreds of fairies in the field.

If Bei Changqing's mental disorder is nonsense, but Wan Huaiyu is not mentally disordered, but looks more rational than anyone else, and as Wan Huaiyu's person, he cannot open this with everyone at this time Boring joke.

Was that man really the King of the Sky?

Is it really even more terrifying than Wan Huaiyu said?

If Gu Qingfeng is just a blend of the king's consciousness, maybe everyone will not believe what Wan Huaiyu just said.

But if the ancient breeze is the ancient sky wolf of the ancient king of the sky, then it is another matter.

The King of Xiaoxiao was already terrible.

Many people have personally witnessed that he was killed by the ashes of the Xiandao trial ~ ~ But now he is alive, not only alive, but neither reincarnation nor rebirth. What does this mean? It shows that his ability is so great that he has been integrated into the world, transcended life and death.

If so.

Then his existence is definitely more terrible than imagined.


Prior to this, they also doubted whether the king emerging from Yanluo was real. After all, he could awe the blood evil dragon, and no one dared to say it was false.

However, with the emergence of the ancient breeze, everyone found that he was the one who claimed to have merged the monk ’s knowledge of the Northwest nine years ago, and the stone hanging in his heart gradually fell. Since he is not the Chixiao King, there is nothing to fear .

But now.

Wan Huaiyu said that he was the King of Qixiao himself, and his existence was even more terrifying than expected.

This caused the fallen stone in their hearts to rise again, higher, more suspended, more disturbed, and more frightened than before.

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