
Vol 2 Chapter 1120: 1st husband is off

Maybe unwilling.

Maybe they are not convinced.

Perhaps it was because Long Qianbian and Liu Guangxi started to do it again. Instead of being banned again, Gu Qingfeng did not fight back.

More than two hundred princes of the Xian Dynasty also joined the clan.

Even the five immortals who wanted to stop them from acting as the principal of Liu Guangtao were still there and did not continue to stop them.

They are the immortals who are high above them, and they are also the immortal officials of the immortal dynasty, and they are the chief princes of this immortal.

to be frank.

I rushed over and was inexplicably restrained in the air. Although the frightened soul was scattered and very frightened, the deep inside was more dissatisfied, especially in the large court, so that their immortal faces were dull.

Just as they hesitated to take action, a loud shout came.

"All the immortal officials of the Xian Dynasty obey orders! Do it! Give me all!"

Not others, it is the cloud messenger of the fairy ambassador!

He leaped forward, his brilliance flashed, the power of the fairy erupted, his eyes glared, his face flushed, his spirits screaming and hissing.

Not to be reconciled.

He was less reconciled than anyone present.

The previous life was torn apart by the King of Xiaoxiao.

This time, if he did not dare to face an unknown King of the Sky, he would not be able to lift his head in this life.


Just over a thousand people, such as Liu Guangyan and Long Qianbiao, were inexplicably confined in the air, which made him afraid and afraid to move.

At this moment, I found that no matter how long Qianlong and others acted, the ancient breeze did not fight back. Yunbao's heart even more determined that he must be fearful of the imperial power of the imperial dynasty, and did not dare to fight back, remembering this, and never hesitated, regardless of Qianhe The objection of Nian, as the messenger of the imperial dynasty, ordered all people of the imperial dynasty to take action.

"No! No hands! No hands!"

I missed it quickly, but it was too late. With the order of the fairy ambassador Yunbao, hesitant Liu Guangtao and other five immortals shot in succession. After that, other immortals and even hundreds of scattered immortals also joined the battle. group.

Xianchao took a hand here.

The cabinet ancestors, suzerains, and elders of the four major families and the seven major gates also took their hearts and joined the war group.

"Kill! Kill him!"

"This is a demon! Can't stay!"

"Everyone do it! Don't be afraid, there is a fairy support for us, this demon dare not hurt us at all! Kill him !!!"

More and more people are joining the war group.

The scene was chaotic.

On the Tai Chi Sect, the old Sovereign and dozens of cabinet ancestors also had their hands on it, and the current Sovereign Cang Kong and Elder Xu Mu desperately persuaded: "Old Sovereign, ancestors, then we promised to settle this matter, and only Willing to let go of the clouds, we can't say nothing without faith! Let's not go against it! "

"Yes! Old Sovereign, the ancient breeze is mysterious and unpredictable, and it has warned us that if we do, we will anger him with unthinkable consequences!"

The old lord of Taiji Sect turned a deaf ear and shouted, "What if you warn him, and how to anger him? The consequences are unthinkable? It's a joke, there is a fairy dynasty, the old man doesn't believe he dares to kill anyone at will today!"

After all, this old suzerain no longer cares about Cang Kong Xu Mu's objection, he waved his hand, and led a group of elders of Taijizong rushed to the past.



It's messy.

No one knows exactly how many people are doing it, nor can they count.

I only know that the glory of the sky is flashing!

The fairy art is flying!

The fortunes of the sky are rampant!

There are all kinds of fairy arts, all kinds of creations, all kinds of brilliance, and there is a continuous explosion.

That man in white.

That Chiyan son Gu Qingfeng.

The Chixiao King, who didn't know the truth.

From the beginning to the end, he stood with his hands on such a cold face. There was no sorrow, no joy, no anger, no worries, no emotion, nothing, and some just calm.

In the face of thousands of immortal arts, he was indifferent, even without opening his eyes, so he closed his eyes and let all kinds of good arts hit him.

It's incredible, and it's unbelievable, that so many powerful fortune arts have swept through, and it hasn't even shaken him.


Nothing shakes.

The clothes don't move.

Hair was not raised.

His expression remained unchanged.


He didn't even open his eyes, and all the magical arts hit him, one after another, disappearing without trace like a mud ox entering the sea, without making waves.

Together yes.

Ten ways are.

Thousands and thousands of things are all.

No matter how powerful the creation, no matter how mysterious Xianyi, he cannot shake him.

Looking at this scene.

Those who gathered at the foot of Panlong Mountain to watch the lively practice could hardly believe their eyes, all stunned and dumbfounded, their minds were completely blank, and they had never seen such a crazy scene.

To know.

These people are the four families, the elders of the seven ancestors, and the ancestors of the cabinet.

There are thousands of immortal officials of the Xian Dynasty.

Together, there are dozens of immortals.

Thousands of scattered immortals, more than 10,000 ancient immortals.

It was such a group of masters, with full firepower, and besieged together to make every effort to fail to shake the ancient breeze.

Oh my god!

Is it true that he is the King of Chixiao?

Do not!

I am afraid that it is the true King of the Xiaoxiao, and it cannot be so powerful!

Not only those who watch the crowd think so, but even more than 300 Chixiao people such as Heishui and Black Buddha think so.

When they wanted to come, with the horror of the king's strength at the time, it was not a matter of erasing these people at the fingertips, but to say that like the ancient breeze in the field, there was neither cultivation nor creation, and it was totally carried by the physical body The prince of magic arts, the king is afraid he can't do it!

The king cannot.

Who can do it?

Faced with the encirclement of more than 10,000 masters, and the immortal magical powers of the sky, who dares to carry it with the flesh? Who has this ability?


Absolutely not!

At least, never heard of it.

It's almost ...

It's not human!

Chixiao people such as the Black Buddha and Heishui stared at their eyes, opened their mouths, and panicked.

Is scared.

The scalp frightened by this crazy scene was creepy, and his mind was shaking.

Even the demon Xianmei, who hadn't practiced for many years, looked at the scene and couldn't help holding her breath.

The Tang Yunhao couple over the Yanluo Royal Family were also scared by this scene. Some of them couldn't breathe.

Not even them.

Liu Yue and Tang Manqing were paralyzed on the ground by this scene.

They don't know if Gu Qingfeng is the King of Chixiao.

really do not know.

But they all know that Gu Qingfeng's strength is weird and powerful, especially the flesh, which is outrageous.

In Linglong Villa.

Divide the rudder in the mountains and rivers.

In the tour of Yunchuan, both Tang Manqing and Liuyue have witnessed the strength of the ancient breeze.

They knew that Gu Qingfeng was strong, and they always knew it.

Just how strong the ancient Qingfeng is, no one of them has a specific concept.

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