
Vol 2 Chapter 1131: Empress appears

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In fact, as Xuan Ze thought, Gu Qingfeng's arrival this time was indeed not a solution to the immediate needs, but a complete solution to the internal and external problems of the Yan and Luo countries. ??

He has always been a thorough person who either doesn't do it and does it.

As for offending the Xian Dynasty, he didn't care at all.

Anyway, it was a smooth thing for him, as easy as eating and drinking.

The reason for this is simple.

He regards Tang Yunhao as a friend, and Tang Laoguai as a friend.

Friends have trouble at home, and naturally he will not stand idly by.

The most important thing is for Tang Luo, the emperor of Yan and Luo Dynasty.

After all, Gu Qingfeng felt that she was a loser to her, and afterwards learned that after leaving that year, Tang Yan looked for himself and gave up Yan Luo, so that Gu Qing Feng had a bad taste in his heart. Now Yan Luo has trouble, how can he ignore it?

Whether it's righteousness, guilt, or debt repayment.

Ancient breeze recognizes.


I came to this temple fair today and have been waiting for Tang Yan.

Last time at the Lanlan Peak in Yunchuan Youyuan, Tang Dong personally opened a cave house. Gu Qingfeng knew that she was still alive, not only alive, but would return every once in a while. He wanted to come. Since Tang Yan is alive, now Yanluo Difficult, she couldn't ignore it.

I just waited and waited, but I couldn't wait for Tang Yan to go.

Until when he was about to leave, a mysterious phantom suddenly appeared. The phantom flashed away and disappeared instantly. Gu Qingfeng didn't know whether it was Tang Yan or hesitated, and chased after the first time.

When Gu Qingfeng chased all the way to Yunchuan Tour Park and Mo Lanfeng, he was almost sure in his heart that the phantom must be Tang Yan.

Standing at the foot of Mo Lanfeng, somehow, Gu Qingfeng began to hesitate again.

He was convinced that he wanted to see Tang Huan again, but when he was about to see Tang Huan, he had an inexplicable hesitation, and he didn't know why.

Shake his head without thinking.

After all, they set foot on Mo Lanfeng.

At this time, it was late.

The night sky is bright and the moon is bright, and the stars are bright. Against the background of such a night, the blue flowers on the blue sky appear more beautiful, but this kind of beauty is a kind of quiet beauty.

A woman stood at the top of Mo Lanfeng.

The woman looked ethereal, looming like a smog, swaying slightly in the night wind.

"I finally waited for you."

The woman's voice came, as if filled with countless helplessness, but also filled with countless puppets.

Gu Qingfeng frowned, and asked in wonder: "Well?"

He was a little unsure whether this woman was Tang Yue, because the woman was false and real, looming, ethereal and ethereal, which made him neither see nor see through, even the appearance, the only thing that could be seen was, This should be an out-of-body avatar.

"You have forgotten me, haven't you?"

The woman's voice seemed calm, without any doubt or blame.

"No, I just ..."

"Just what?"

This question really asked Gu Qingfeng, and for a while I didn't know how to respond.

"Don't call me anymore ..."


"No why, because I'm not Tang Yan anymore, at least, not now."

"What does it mean that it is not Tang Yan anymore, and if you are not Tang Yan, who is it?"

"Who am I now to you, does it matter?"


Seeing that Tang Yan did not respond, Gu Qingfeng continued to ask, "Where is your deity? Why use this avatar?"

"My deity is sleeping."

"Sleeping? Why?"

"because of you."

"because I?"

Gu Qingfeng was getting more and more confused, and he was anxious, but when he got closer, it was Tang Yan's voice: "Don't come near me, okay? I'm scared."

"Scared?" Gu Qingfeng asked dumbly, "I have something to scare you."

"do you know?"

Looking at the moonlight in the night sky, Tang Yue whispered, "Some things are already doomed. I used to think you were all to me. I cried for you, laughed for you, sad for you, and for you. Sad, letting you leave everything behind and chase after you desperately. During that time, I only had you in my heart and nothing else. "

"Until one day, when I woke up, I didn't know that all of this turned out to be just a dream. I didn't know if it was a fate arrangement, an accidental coincidence, or a cause and effect."

Cause and effect.

Cause and effect again.

Hearing about cause and effect, Gu Qingfeng finally realized why at the foot of Mo Lanfeng why he wanted to see Tang Yan, but hesitated inexplicably.

Since waking up in this world, starting from the Yunxia faction in the northwest, to the Bingxuan faction, then the Yaoyue Palace, and later the Yangyang Mountain, he increasingly feels that he has inexplicably embarked on a road of cause and effect, and this The road of cause and effect has not started from the ancient times, but from the ancient times, the road of cause and effect has been embarked on since the day he was born.

And people on this path, without exception, almost all come for cause and effect and go for cause and effect.

Gu Qingfeng was always worried whether it was because of so-called causation that he met Tang Yan in the Yan and Luo Kingdom.

It seems that it should be.

It is not difficult to hear Tang Tang's words.

She said that she is no longer the Tang Emperor of the past. She said that Tang Emperor was only a dream. She said that the dream had awakened, a dream of cause and effect.

"Can you answer me a question?"

"You said."

"Do you know all this before?"

"Do you mean cause and effect?"

"Otherwise, what else?"

"If you talk about cause and effect, you didn't know it before."

"I didn't know it before ..." Tang Yan muttered: "At least, this dream that belongs to us is still an innocent dream. Although this dream may lead to terrible consequences, I still do not regret it."

When I heard that this dream would cause terrible consequences, Gu Qingfeng couldn't help laughing, and he was extremely helpless and extremely depressed. He said, "I wonder, once you and me have cause and effect, you all say yes What terrible consequences can have terrible consequences? "

If this is the case ~ ~ Gu Qingfeng is not so depressed, but the problem is that there is more than one now.

Now that Yun Nishang has cause and effect with herself, she is afraid to bury her soul and be born again.

After the wind knows each month, it seals and sleeps.

And Jun Xuan, who lost her self.

Now that Tang Yun knows, he has also sealed his deity. Now he only uses an external avatar, and it is still a rigorous avatar that is sealed from top to bottom. The slightest relationship.

This feeling made Gu Qingfeng feel that he was just like the plague god, and was very upset.

"You shouldn't ask me this question, you should ask yourself."

Gu Qingfeng was very powerless and rubbed his face, saying, "Is it because my existence is related to the era of injustice."

"Your existence is not simply related to the era of injustice."

(End of this chapter)

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