
Vol 2 Chapter 1139: Sink

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Su Shi has always been lost since he knew that Gu Qingfeng was the Red King.

Because she really couldn't associate a lazy and casual guy with the world-famous hero King Aoki.

But after hearing Gu Qingfeng's words, she suddenly made some changes.

Especially in that sentence, even if the Three Thousand Avenues can no longer tolerate me, I will not harm the millions of people in this world.

Let Su Shi's heart be shocked.

Emotions are also quite complicated.

There was even a ripple.

Looking at the Gu Qingfeng here, I was a little obsessed.

"What's wrong, don't believe it?"

The voice of Gu Qingfeng came, and Su Shi just looked back, a perfect face with a flawless face, inexplicably shuddered, shook his head, and responded: "No, I just ... suddenly found that you and I imagine something different. "

"It's just different."

"If, I mean if, if Three Thousand Avenue can really tolerate you, you really won't go against the sky, right?"

"You also said just if, if you feel like me, might San Qian Da Avenue accommodate me?"

"There is no absolute thing in the world, isn't this a sentence that has always been said before?"

Su Shi smiled and said, "You believe me, please give me some time, and I can try it."

"try what?"

"Convince them."

"Persuade them? Three thousand avenues?" Gu Qingfeng shook his head and smiled: "I said, sister, you have been a nine-day goddess in your past life, how do you say such naive words."

"I ca n’t be naive. If you really give up competing for the king, I think this matter is very promising. After all, the ancient times have just begun. The origin of the Three Thousand Avenues is still being re-enacted. Before, they would n’t move much, let alone you survived the sacred judgment. I think Sanqian Avenue also jeopardized your existence by three points. At least, I did n’t dare to take any chance against you, so I took this opportunity. See if you can convince them. "

"That's three thousand avenues."

"It is said to be three thousand roads. In fact, you only need to persuade Shifang Avenue such as Tiandao, Xiandao, Buddha Road, Demon Road, and Demon Road. As for other roads, they always look at Shifang Avenue as the head of the road."

"You can talk to Xiandao, I believe. As for the Buddhist Taoism, the demon Tao, the magic Tao, the heavenly Tao and even Shifang Avenue ... how can you convince them?"

Su Shi smiled unpredictably: "I have my own way."

"Oh, I didn't see it."

Gu Qingfeng squinted his eyes and swept around Su Shi, looking at Su Shi's mysterious creation, and smiled, "I forget it, you are really not a small creature."

Su Shi made a fortune.

And many of the creations can't see through the ancient breeze, but he knows that these great creations on Su Shi are related to both the Tao of the Immortal, the Tao of the Buddha, the Heaven, and even the Shifang Avenue.

It can be seen that Su Shi is definitely the man who should be robbed in the legend, and it should be related to the disaster of the Three Thousand Avenues. The meaning of pulling together also means showing good intentions, as well as the meaning of investing and protecting Su Shi.


Even so, Gu Qingfeng did not think that Su Shi could persuade Sanqian Avenue, because he knew better than anyone that his existence was an intolerable threat to Sanqian Avenue, and even heaven and earth.

"For you, for me, and for all of us, no matter what the result, I want to try it."

As Su Shi said, Gu Qingfeng didn't bother to say anything more, shrugged his shoulders, said nothing, and it didn't matter to him anyway.

"But before that, can you stop any conflict with Sanqian Avenue and stop fighting like this with the immortals of this world?"

"This is just like I like toss. If they have to bother me, what can I do, then I can only be beaten?"

"You know I didn't mean that. I would try to persuade the Three Thousand Avenues, and I would warn them not to provoke you."

"Okay, no problem. If they don't bother me, I won't take the initiative to find them. If they don't know whether to die or not, then I can only let them know what is dead and what is alive."

Su Shi opened her mouth and said what she wanted to say.

She knew that Gu Qingfeng was willing to give up the title of king, and she had already made a concession. If she asked for something else, it would be too much.

"Okay, you should have said everything, you should have said everything you should not have said, all right?"

Gu Qingfeng stood up, glanced at Dangkong, it was already noon unknowingly.

"Do I ... really make you feel annoying?" Su Shi stared at the impatient Gu Qingfeng, his eyes resentful, and a hint of sadness in her heart.

"I never said that."

"You haven't said that, but you've been doing it."

Su Shi never felt that way. He was disgusted, disgusted, and impatient was impatient. If he didn't want to say a word, he would be disgusted.

She didn't like the feeling, especially she didn't.

"Sister Su, I am for your good. I am an ominous person. Not only is it a scourge to Sanqian Avenue, it is also the same to heaven and earth. It is not good for you to get involved with cause and effect. Don't be afraid, don't worry, but it's just talking about your mouth. Things haven't come to your head yet. Therefore, you are fearless. When that day comes, you wo n’t even cry. "

Although Gu Qingfeng did not know how bitter the original sin was.

But he knew that Yun Nishang's buried soul could be reborn, the wind would fall a month, and the seal of Tang Yan would fall asleep, and Jun Xuanyu would be lost. The so-called bitter sea must be more horrible than imagined.

He may not know Yun Nishang, Feng Zheyue, Tang Yan ~ ~, but he knows Jun Xuanyi very well.

It can be said that he practiced for five hundred years. He was not afraid of the heavens, nor was he afraid of the earth, nor did he fear immortals and demons, nor was he afraid of monsters and monsters. Only Jun Xuanyu felt a kind of cyanosis in his heart.

Think of a woman like Junxuan Ran who would rather lose herself than touch the sea of ​​bitterness, how terrible this thing should be.

do not know.

Ancient Qingfeng could not imagine.

"Perhaps as you said, because I don't know the horror of the sea of ​​suffering, I am fearless." Su Shi said faintly, "But I don't care and don't care."

"You're high, you're terrific, okay? Then, what else is there to explain? Can I go?"


Su Shi pointed at Gu Qingfeng and was very angry. He turned around and didn't want to look at it anymore. He said, "If you want to go, just go."

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