
Vol 2 Chapter 1173: Shixian Zhen

The two-headed lion-and-tiger salamander that Fei Kui was driving was once the car of the Lord Black Buddha. It was definitely more conspicuous and more conspicuous in the Yan Luo country. Not as unique and prominent as in the Yan and Luo Kingdom, the luxurious cockroach pulled by the two-headed lion and tiger seemed to have become unpretentious after entering Weiyang's Great Territory.

The cranes here are everywhere.

There are also many Jin Cancan unicorns.

There are also flying horses with wings.

The big bird, which has spread its wings and has a length of 20 meters, also occasionally galloped by.

The big lame pulled back, it is more luxurious than one, with all kinds of brilliance, you can't open your eyes.

It deserves to be the most spiritual center in the world, and it is really eye-opening.

What makes Fei Kui sigh is that in the Yan and Luo dynasties, he could not be so outstanding. Anyway, it is also the land immortal. Although there are many, there are definitely not many.

After arriving at Weiyang Dayu, he found that there was more than one Dixian in this place. Since entering the territory of Weiyang Dayu, at least six of the ten people he met were Dixian, and the remaining four were repaired as not. Gao, all of them are creatures, and it feels like Weiyang Dayu is an individual, like Dixian.

The most amazing thing about Fei Kui is that he has lived for hundreds of years and has seen the number of immortals. He can count them with both hands. After coming to Weiyang Dayu, it took a while to meet up with more than ten immortals. More than he had seen in centuries.

This gave Fei Kui a feeling.

It feels like a real life in this life.

No wonder people say that the land in China is full of dragons and tigers, and the territory of Weiyang is even more immortal.

This time it was completely eye-opening.

It's not just him.

Even Gu Qingfeng, who was sitting in the big aunt, felt this way.

In his impression, in ancient times, although this Weiyang Great Territory was also a spiritual practice center, it was far from prosperous, but it was far from reaching the level of such immortal spirits and beasts flying all over the world, and all over the land and immortal. Just entered the Weiyang Great Territory, the ancient Qingfeng even At one point I wondered if I had reached the Great Wasteland.

This is too crazy.

If you think about it, you have been away for more than three hundred years, and the changes have been too great.

In ancient times, once all things were revived, once destiny came, and once again, the spirit of nature came to a sudden. It really pushed the spiritual civilization of this world to a zenith. Even when the sun and the moon in ancient times were the most prosperous before falling, I am afraid It is far better than it is now.

"Gongzi, shall we go directly to Shangzong, or ..."

"Since you have arrived in Weiyang, you are not in a hurry at this time and a half. You have been tiring for so many days in a row and you are tired. Let's find a place to rest for a few days."

"Grandpa, young is not tired."

"Why can't you hear good words? You're not tired, Grandpa is still tired."

Gu Qingfeng was indeed a little tired. He was a little tired sitting in the big cock. He jumped down from the big **** and stretched a lazy waist, asking, "Where is this place? It looks quite lively, and it seems a little familiar. "

"Grandfather, I just heard people say that it looks like Xianxian Town in front. Otherwise, let's go and set foot there?"

"Oh? I said why this place is a little familiar, I dare to be a fairy town! Good place! Walking."

Gu Qingfeng had not questioned the Immortal Warriors Throne before, nor had he founded the Qixiao Sect before. He was a wanted criminal in the immortal dynasty, and was also a notorious evil devil in the world.

Although it was escaped by the imperial siege many times and finally escaped, but on one occasion, after the exposure of this Weiyang area, it was surrounded by various masters. It was not only repaired but also almost killed. Finally, it went on. Master Qingzong Zhenjue came forward and saved his life.

Seeing that he was pathetic, Father Zhenjue resisted all the pressure and put away as an apprentice, and Gu Qingfeng was also fortunate to have practiced in the Qing Dynasty for nine years.

and so.

He is no stranger to the Shang Qingzong, especially to this Weiyang area.

Especially the food fairy town in Weiyang Dayu.

When practicing in the Shang Qingzong that year, he would come to Shixian Town every three to five.

The reason is very simple, because there is the best wine in Tianxianjian and the best food in Tianxianjian.

The name of Xianxian Town has a long history.

It is said that a long time ago, there was a stranger who, by chance, entered the door of a Danxian. This stranger has high qualifications. After a short practice, he became a master of alchemy in the world. Alchemy is not very interested. Instead, he is more interested in all kinds of wine and food. He always believes that no matter how good the panacea is, there are sequelae. Instead, it is better to start with the mouth and adjust the food.


He did not study alchemy the most, and he was too lazy to cultivate. He studied all kinds of food and wine all day.

The final result can be imagined.

The robbery failed and was expelled from the division.

The stranger was not reconciled, and continued to study various wines and delicacies, and experimented with himself. He just conditioned while experimenting. Finally, he was not dissatisfied. Using the wines and delicacies, he not only conditioned his body, but finally stiff Also 'eating' became Sanxian.

Later, the stranger passed on the recipes of Xianxian to the grandchildren, and went away freely.

And his children and grandchildren passed on to their children and grandchildren.

According to rumors, the people in Shixian Town are the descendants of that strange man. The people in the town almost do not need to cultivate. Every day they drink small wines and eat delicious food, they can become Taoism.

Although this statement is a bit exaggerated, it is not outrageous. At least, the people in Shixian Town began to use various foods from the mother's womb. After growing up, even if the qualifications are not good, there is nothing great about it ~ ~ But in the end, they can all get their way.

Moreover, it has been circulating for so many years that it turns out that the food and food in Xianxianzhen is indeed a mysterious and wonderful conditioning recipe for spiritual practice. Maybe there is no such thing as a panacea, which is not effective, but it is a panacea If you eat too much, it is equivalent to pulling the seedlings to promote it, and it is easy to make troubles. If you use the food and food of Xianxian Town to adjust, you will not only pull the seedlings to promote it, and you will not have any trouble in cultivation. The only disadvantage is that it is slow.

of course.

Everyone comes to Shixian Town to enjoy food and wine, not to rely on this gadget to improve their cultivation.

More are coming in the name of Shixian Town.

There is also a fine wine in the town of Xianxian. It is a real wine. Take a sip and it will definitely make you fascinated. The taste is also really delicious. Take a sip and want a second sip to make you linger.

Whenever the practitioners of Weiyang Dayu practice almost all of them, they are drinking the fine wine of Shixian Town, eating the delicious food of Shixian Town, and practicing all the way. All the big realms in Divine Land will also come here. After closing, the first thing to do is to go to Shixian Town and take a drink of pure old wine.

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