
Vol 2 Chapter 1210: Crouching Dragon

late at night.

Gu Qingfeng walked alone on the 81 mountains and 300 peaks of Shangqingzong.

Before I came here, I heard that the Tibetan dragon and crouching tiger of the Qing dynasty were dormant, and there were many mysterious and unknown powers. Until today, the ancient Qingfeng was considered a true tutor. From the moment he entered the Qing dynasty, there were hundreds of thousands of gods to lock it. Only before the ancient breeze vanished deliberately, cast off those consciousnesses that enveloped him.

Perhaps because the ancient Qingfeng can no longer be detected by the gods, the masters of the gods came out from the dark one by one, looked around the Shang Qingzong, and wandered like phantoms in the night.

Gu Qingfeng thought about it, leaped forward, and rushed directly to the cloud, followed by a strange phantom followed him to the cloud.

On the cloud.

The howling wind like a blade screamed.

Gu Qingfeng stood in the void, black hair was dancing around, and white clothes snoring in the wind, he carried a pot of wine and drank without a bite.

In his vicinity, there are more than thirty ways of phantoms swaying in the wind like candlesticks in the wind, phantoms of misty clouds, and phantoms of mirror like flowers and moon.

Obviously, these people do not want to reveal their identity.

"A small Shangqing ancestor in a large world really made me and my eyes wide open."

Gu Qingfeng picked up a glass of wine, drank it gently, and glanced at it, even though it was him, he couldn't help feeling a little surprised.

None of these people is a good mess.

It's not that how high these people are and how they are created, but that these people's temperament and even their spirits are unpredictable.

Gu Qingfeng's eyes, called golden eyes of fire, swept past, and found that most of these people were reincarnation, and some of their nets were bright and holy, and sacred. This mother-in-law was a master of the fairyland in the great wilderness.

There is also thick turbidity, and it is still carrying judgment, and there is even more than one, this mother-in-law should be the reincarnation of the old demon in the great wasteland.

Not only that, there is also a master of Buddhism and Taoism in the Great Wasteland.

Among them, there are three kinds of spirit breath on the phantom. The thick and complicated even the ancient breeze is a bit stunned. What is more terrifying is that one of them is not a reincarnation.

There is also a spirit breath on the phantom, which is vague and vague, looming and visible, but it cannot be detected.

Such people make Gu Qingfeng can't help thinking of the so-called innocent people.

Could it be said that Shang Qingzong was still hiding in a man who was innocent?

Not sure.

What surprised Gu Qingfeng even more was that, in addition to the more than thirty phantoms who appeared, there were even more than ten gods who have been locking themselves up.

No wonder Su Shi said that the water of Shang Qingzong was very deep.

This **** is not ordinary.

"Are you a wicked person?"

One of them asked.

The voice is like his phantom, as if coming out from all directions.

After this person asked, Gu Qingfeng didn't speak, but some people said, "He is not a wicked person."

The person who spoke was the faint and faint phantom, Gu Qingfeng asked, "Are you a wicked person?"

The other party did not respond.

However, the phantom who asked Gu Qingfeng earlier said, "He is not a wicked person."

Immediately afterwards, there was another phantom saying, "How do you know he isn't, I say he's a wicked person."

"You know how big the world is!"

"Doubtless mystery, do you know geometry?"

"Junior! The old man has endured you for a long time. Don't think the old man dare to touch you."

"Oh, old man, the deity doesn't care about you, do you think that you can't do it?"

Although these people seem to know the existence of each other, it seems that no one knows who they are, and they look very scared of each other.

Not far away, Gu Qingfeng looked at the two who were arguing, and couldn't help igniting the flames: "The two good friends are both masters, and they have a whimsical meaning, go straight up and kill one less."


The hazy phantom stared at Gu Qingfeng and yelled, "How can you be qualified to speak here!"

"Old seniors," Gu Qingfeng said with a grin, "We are still in the same class."


The phantom with a murky body snorted, looked up at Gu Qingfeng up and down, and laughed: "How can the old man not see that you are a fellow in the same circle?"

"You can't see it, it doesn't mean that I am not, me, maybe not a demon, but how can it be a sinner of immortality, if so, isn't it stumbling?

"Ha ha ha ha! That's good! Everyone is a sinner, of course, all fellow fellows!" The haunted phantom laughed, laughing, and as if aware of something, said: "No, if your kid is true Being judged by Xiandao will certainly leave the breath of judgment, but your kid does not have any breath of judgment. "

More than one person was puzzled, and then someone said, "In rumors, three hundred years ago, he had indeed been subjected to a trial of immortality in this world, and it was still a trial of purification for immortality."

"He is not a reincarnation."

"Even if it is a reincarnation, it is impossible to eliminate the breath of judgment on the body. The trial on the road is physical, but the soul is judged!"

"Not only did he have no breath of judgment, not even a trace of turbidity."

"Mo said the turbidity, he had nothing but the inherent human interest."

"I've never seen such a weird person."

"Neither does my husband."

More than thirty phantoms surrounded the ancient breeze, and you guessed and questioned every sentence.

"Junior, my husband asks you, how did you escape the sanctions of the Fairy Light Purification Trial in this world? What happened to you for more than 300 years?"

Gu Qingfeng smiled slightly, responding: "Sorry, old man, this is personal privacy."

"If my husband wants you to speak today ~ ~"

Gu Qing was happy, and laughed: "Look at this posture, I want to play hard." He said, put away the jug, looked at the crowd, and said: "Anyway, it is idle, otherwise, our big guy Gesticulate? "

"Junior, you have a good breath."

As Gu Qingfeng continued, the old man who was trembling and stunned was suddenly shocked, and suddenly became cautious.

"No way, I'm used to it, Grandpa and I have been here since childhood." Gu Qingfeng unbuttoned his collar and rolled up his sleeves, and said, "Are you one by one, or are you planning to come together?"

In the void, more than thirty phantoms looked at each other, and it seemed that no one had thought that Gu Qingfeng was so arrogant, and the meaning of it seemed that they did not take them at all.

"Come on, don't hold your arms." Gu Qingfeng rolled up his sleeves, twisted his neck, looked at the crowd, and found that these people didn't mean to do anything. He looked at the sullen old senior again, and smiled: "Old man, or else, let's play two games first? Warm up? Get a sample?"

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