
Vol 2 Chapter 1231: 3 Destinies 3 Stars

"If you really want to ask for advice, think of me for advice."

Su Shi didn't want Gu Qingfeng and Yulong Meteor to do it.

For a while, she was worried about Gu Qingfeng's physical condition. Although she didn't know how strong Gu Qingfeng's physical body was and how much Gu Qingfeng existed, she was very sure that Gu Qingfeng's interest was very weak, and her weakness was very serious. Maybe not at stake, but it is definitely exhausted.

of course.

Even so, Su Shi was not worried about the threat that Yulong Meteor could pose to the ancient Qingfeng. When she wanted to come, even if the ancient Qingfeng still had a breath, she would easily kill the Yulong Meteor. Even if he had already asked Ding Xingjun, he was not Gu Qingfeng's opponent.

What really worries him is whether Gu Qingfeng will kill Yulong Feixing in anger.

After all, the Yulong Feixing is a person with a great destiny.

Behind this kind of people, there are roads to support in the dark, and there are many masters investing in him. Others don't say that behind this jade dragon flying star is Xiandao. Many masters of Xiandao have invested a lot in him, and they will never let them easily. He died in the hands of Gu Qingfeng.

The most terrible thing is that the man of destiny is Nao Tao, which is the star place appointed by God.

What would it mean to kill God's hand-picked stars?

This is not just as simple as disrespecting the Lord, but provoking the prestige of the Tao and the authority of the Lord.

This has been a taboo since ancient times, and it will be condemned.

Now Sanqian Avenue, and even the relationship between Tiandao and Gu Qingfeng, has eased a bit. If Gu Qingfeng publicly beheaded and killed the people of Tianxing Xingsu, it would be too bad. Maybe Sanqian Avenue and even Tiandao are not ancient. The breeze can do this, it will only aggravate the contradiction between the ancient breeze and Sanqian Avenue.


Yulong Feixing didn't know this.

After witnessing the thousands of immortals joining forces to protect the ancient Qingfeng, he dared to stand up and openly ask the ancient Qingfeng for advice, just to see that the ancient Qingfeng was weak and endangered. At this moment, Su Shi stood out. Preparing to play instead of Gu Qingfeng made him more certain that Gu Qingfeng had weakened to the extreme, which made him jealous of Gu Qingfeng, weakened it again, and became fearless.

With a smile: "I'm sorry, Fairy, I just want to ask the king for advice."

After waiting for Su Shi to speak, another voice sounded, saying: "The name of King Qixiao is indeed a thunderbolt. As a person with a deficit head, I grew up listening to the legend of King Qixiao from a young age. It is said that the King of Xiaoxiao is arrogant and arrogant, and has no one else in the world, and is known as a man like God. Oh, I really admire it today, and I admire it extremely. "

In response, another man appeared, not anyone else, and it was Zihua Pavilion, who had a deficit head, Zihua Pavilion, who also had a great destiny.

The Yulong Feixing saw that the ancient Qingfeng was weak and endangered, and Wanhuayu also saw it.

Yulong Feixing wanted to take this opportunity to step on the name of King Chixiao, and Wanhuayu also had this idea.

They all know that this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Even if this opportunity is very remote, they don't want to miss it, and don't want to give up. The reason is simple. Even if they lose to Gu Qingfeng, it won't help them, and their reputation will not be affected much. If they win, their status and influence will reach an unprecedented level.

What's more, today's opportunity is not slim, but hope is huge. So how can the two of them not take it easy?

As for life and death, the two were not worried at all.

It is not that they are not afraid of death, but they are confident that even if they are not Gu Qingfeng's opponents, they absolutely have the ability to protect themselves. The most important thing is that when they want to come, even if Gu Qingfeng wants to kill them, I am afraid they have no courage.

As Su Shi said, they all have a road behind them and many masters in the secret support. Masters on the road will not let them die in the hands of Gu Qingfeng anyway.


Whether it is Yulong Feixing or Wanhuayu, they know that they are born with destiny.

Born to be blessed by nature.

Killing them is tantamount to confronting the Tao of Heaven. They are acting against heaven. They will be condemned and judged by Heaven.

This is their dependence and their fearless capital.


It's not just Yulong Feixing and Wanhuayu who want to step on the top of the Emperor Xiaoxiao. After they stood out, the third person also stood out. It was also the son of the destined Xingsu, which was the Qing Dynasty. The inner disciple of disciples, boundless.

Endless has been hesitating.

He wanted to take a shot, but was worried again.

Worried while not wanting to lose such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.


Impulse defeats reason.

Therefore, despite the strong opposition of Gui Lao, stood up.

When he wanted to come, if he missed this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity today, he would regret it for life. He did n’t expect to kill the King of Qixiao, and he did n’t dare to do it. Enough, even if King Qixiao is in danger due to his weakness, and is afraid to fight, for him, it is also a rare opportunity to become famous all over the world.

life and death?

Like Yulong Feixing and Wanhuayu, he is the son of a destined star, and he is blessed by nature, so he is not afraid.

What's more, besides the son of the great destiny, he also owns the book of fairy road, so he is more qualified and more capital than Yulong Feixing and Wanhuayu ~ ~ Fearing, he was in the inner gate of the Shang Qingzong, but he did not look at the horse head with a big palm, because of the double blessing of the great destiny and the immortal scripture.

There may be many powerful masters who secretly support the Yulong Meteor and Wanhuayu, but there are also many masters who secretly support him.

With all the three destined sons of the stars to stand up, the original quiet Weiyang area boiled again.

Perhaps it was the thousands of immortals who had surrounded the ancient breeze without failing to shake the slightest. This scene was too shocking. The shock made everyone invade them and couldn't extricate themselves. Until the three sons of the stars stayed out, everyone thought Get up, there are three sons of Xingsu did not take action.

Son of the Great Destiny Astrology.

It is definitely one of the most dazzling Tianjiao in modern times.

No one knows how powerful these three are. Since their fate came nine years ago, no one has ever seen them.

Because they are destined people, almost no one dares to provoke them. Since ancient times, a word has been circulating, killing destiny and being condemned by God. So who dares to provoke? The answer is yes, no one dares.

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