
Vol 2 Chapter 1242: Who play who

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The power of the day dissipated, and when the night sky returned to tranquility, the big brothers of the major families and families stood up, leaving one by one like a walking dead.

The purpose of their coming this time was to defeat the ancient breeze, so as to recover the face lost in the hands of the ancient breeze in the ancient times, but in no case did they think that thousands of immortals joined forces to encircle them and failed to shake the ancient breeze.

What made them even more terrible was that the three sons of Xingsu, who are known as the ancient destiny, couldn't even stand up due to the mighty shock of the word Gu Qingfeng, especially the heart of the stars of Yulong Feixing, so that Gu Qingfeng was in the audience. It was ruined underneath.

Such unscrupulous trampling of Tianwei has never happened since ancient times.

But God did thunder and rain, but he only saw Tianwei but no trial.


No one knows why.

But one thing is clear to all of them, that the existence of Gu Qingfeng is not what they can understand, let alone they can provoke them. They never dare to smash Gu Qingfeng like this again, and at this time, they are completely scared. Now, I am afraid of being in my bones and my soul.

Su Shi didn't leave.

Still standing there stunned, long after Gu Qingfeng left, she still didn't calm down, still sinking into Fang Cai's incredible scene.

How could she not understand that Gu Qingfeng trampled on Tianwei so recklessly, he sent a **** and **** on the neck of God, and God just let him swallow him?

Is this still God?

Others may not know.

However, Su Shi, who was a nine-day goddess in the previous life, is very clear. Tiandao relies on the supremacy of the head of the avenue to dominate the world and everything has always been rampant in the great wasteland. Since ancient times, no matter how noble you are and how powerful you are, you are like ants in front of heaven.

As long as you dare to disrespect the heavenly way, heaven will come when it is condemned.

As long as you dare to resist against the sky, the sky punishment will follow.

Why did Gu Qingfeng trample on Tianwei and Tiandao instead chose to open and close one eye?

what is this?

Su Shi didn't hope Tiandao would have to come down for trial. On the contrary, Tiandao didn't go down for trial. She was happier than anyone. She just couldn't understand and couldn't accept this scene. It's like everyone has been doing things according to rules. Anyone who fails to follow the rules will be punished. It has always been the case, and it has never changed. But now there is a person who does not follow the rules, and God has not punished him.

This made everyone feel unconvinced and felt unjust.

"Is this God's attitude?"

Su Shi really couldn't accept it, whispered.

Nalan Chiaki responded: "Yes, this is God's attitude."


"Why? That's a good question."

Su Shi asked: "God chose to open one eye and close one eye for Gu Qingfeng's anti-heaven behavior. Is it unjust and unfair in heaven, will Sanqian Avenue be convinced?"

"Convinced? Sanqian Avenue, especially Xiandao, they're afraid their noses are now crooked." Nalan Qianqiu shook his head and said, "But what can I do if I'm not convinced? There's no place to reason, who to look for? Heaven and earth, God The oldest, his elderly people choose to open their eyes and close their eyes to this guy, what can other avenues do? "

"The ancient times have just opened, and the origins of heaven and earth are re-evolving. The same is true of the Three Thousand Avenues. Tiandao is no exception. Xiandao Modao has long been jealous of the position of the head of the avenue. At that time, fighting for the seat at the top of the avenue, Tiandao itself was already in a dangerous situation, but even so, God still turned a blind eye to Gu Qingfeng's anti-air behavior, so unfair, Tiandao is not afraid of borrowing three thousand avenues. Will this opportunity be against him? "

"Afraid, how can you not be afraid. Xiandao has been in the 3,000 world for so many years. Isn't it just to ban heaven and become the top of the avenue? Heaven is not fair today, and Xiandai will inevitably take this opportunity to condemn heaven."

Nalan Qianqiu said in a deep voice: "But it's just controversy. Although the origin of heaven and earth is regenerating, the heavenly path is as weak as other avenues, but after all, heavenly road is the head of the avenue that dominates all things in heaven and earth. Great, Xiandao would never dare to go against Tiandao. "

"Compared with the confession of Xiandao, I think God is more afraid of angering such a mysterious and unknown surname as Gu, and it is unjust. It is nothing more than the confession of Xiandao. At best it is the esteem of Tiandao. What kind of consequences would the surname of the ancients be? I am afraid that God will not be sure. "

"The surname Gu just said something right, Sanqian Avenue can't afford to lose, Tiandao can't afford to lose, and this surname is ancient, he has nothing, one barefoot, and barefoot who is not afraid to wear shoes. He has nothing to lose. Not great. "

Having said that, Nalan Qianqiu looked at the night sky and suddenly smiled, and continued to say, "Sister, do you know? Until now, I have little idea of ​​what tricks they are playing, to be precise, Xiandao tricks."

"Trick? What trick?"

"Xiandao's purpose this time is probably not to test Gu Qingfeng, nor to test God."

"what is that?"

"If I'm not mistaken, their real purpose is to use the hand of God to eradicate the old name, or to use the old name to disrupt the plan of the old man. From then on, Xiandao will be able to take advantage of the fishermen, whether it is God eliminated the old surname ~ ~ or surname Gu's plan to disrupt the old god. Both results are of great benefit to Xiandao. Eliminating the surname ancient, Xiandao lacks a threat and disrupts With God ’s plan, Xiandao is further from the top of the avenue. "

"However, I am afraid that Xiandao counts thousands of thousands of calculations. This is the result. There is no compromise on the surname of ancient, but God compromised." Nalan Qianqiu sighed: "God must have seen the conspiracy of Xiandao. After making a compromise, his old man knows better that the enemy's enemy is a friend. Xiandao has always looked down at the head of the avenue. God does not know that Xiandao wants to push such a threat of surname Gu to God, and God, Pretending to be invisible, he left the threat of surname Gu to Xiandao. "

"As long as there is such a potential threat to the surname Gu, Xiandao will have to be distracted to deal with him. In this case, I am afraid I can't help trying to win the seat of the top of the avenue."

"I have to say that this trick of Xiandao is very clever, and this trick of God is even more brilliant. But to say the highest, that is the guy named Gu. His mother has played Xiandao and also played Oh God! "

(End of this chapter)

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