
Vol 2 Chapter 1250: transaction

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"The gang of people in the Wudao era?" Gu Qingfeng was puzzled, and asked, "Which group of people? Aren't all the people in the Wudao era lost?"

"It's just getting lost," Ye Tianlan said calmly, "they just lost themselves, and that doesn't mean anything. When you met Jun Xuanzhen, she was normal, wasn't she?"

After listening to Ye Tianlan's words, Gu Qingfeng thought about it for a long time. Indeed, Jun Xuanxun was a man of the Taoist era. Although she is crazy and unconscious now, when she first met her, everything was normal.

"Where are the people in the era of injustice?"

"do not know."

"I don't know? What do you say they have noticed me?"

"Jun Xuanzhen told me."

"Jun Xuan?"

Hearing Jun Xuan's name, Gu Qingfeng couldn't help but ask, "Have you seen her?"



"Occasionally we get fucked."

"Divine power? You're playing pretty flowers." Gu Qingfeng asked again: "She told you what to do?"

"Just gossiping."

Looking at it, Ye Tianlan didn't want to say too much.

"Is it ..." Gu Qingfeng rubbed his chin, groaned for a moment, and continued to ask, "You just said that the people in the Wudao era have begun to pay attention to me. What do they pay attention to? What do you mean?"

"I said that your existence is a mistake, a mistake of original sin, and a cause and effect error, and now it is not only the Three Thousand Avenues, but also the people in the era of infidelity that want to correct you.

"That is to say, it's not just the Three Thousand Avenues that want to kill me now. The people in the Wudao era also want to kill me?"

Ye Tianlan nodded, which is the default.

"I'm wondering, how can my mother-in-law's honest behavior be a mistake in your eyes? Who am I to provoke?"

"You shouldn't ask me this question, you should ask the non-nude woman, because she used the blood of the original sin to conceive you."

"I would like to ask, but where is his mother-in-law's no-wife-in-law?"

Ye Tianlan didn't answer this question, but continued to say, "You shouldn't merge the blood of original sin nine years ago."

"Crap! Do you think I'm willing to fuse that thing? Lao Tzu can't escape or get rid of it, and, nine years ago, it wasn't me who fused the blood of the original sin, but the blood of the original sin actively fused me."

"So this is fate. Many times, you do n’t believe in fate, it does n’t mean that fate does not exist. Since ancient times, you have to lower your proud head as much as you can to face fate, and you have to yield to fate in the end. . "

"Dirty fate!"

The word destiny.

Gu Qingfeng was very resistant when he was young, and he still hated it for no reason. From childhood to big, as long as he heard the word destiny, he was unhappy, and he didn't even know why.

As soon as I thought about it, I took out an altar wine from the storage fingers, grunted, and poured directly into the half of the altar, saying: "It's okay to be three thousand roads, God, and it's okay to add an era of innocence. Do n’t worry about ticks. ”

"You look good."

"Otherwise," Gu Qingfeng laughed. "Will you cover me?"

"I don't have that ability, just ..."

"But what?"

"As long as you cooperate with me, I can help you."

"Help me? What help me?"

"Help you escape this catastrophe."

"Just you?" Gu Qingfeng looked up and down Ye Tianlan, doubting it.

"What? Don't believe it?"

"How do you help me escape this disaster?"

"You don't care how I help you, I have my own way."

"is it……"

What kind of existence Ye Tianlan is, Gu Qingfeng can't see a little bit. He can only see that this Ye Tianlan in front of him is just an incarnation. What is his identity and who is he? He really doesn't know.

"Then how do you talk about cooperation law?"

"I said that I just wanted to find my causeless cause and effect."

"Wait, wouldn't you still want to be a fairy lover with me?"

"You can rest assured that it won't. I was too eager to seek success in the past. I just wanted to make a relationship with you. There is no cause and effect. I didn't consider the consequences at all. of."

"Oh why?"

"The reason is very simple. Although I really want to find my own cause and effect, I do n’t want to take this little life. Your existence is too dangerous. Although your existence at that time existed because of the original sin, it is just that. Now you With the blood of the original sin, you are already a person of the original sin. The causeless and causeless is terrible. If you cause the cause and effect with your original sinner again, I am afraid that I will not even know how to die. "

"Well, you tell me how to cooperate?"

"It's simple. Help me find something."


"It belongs to Wudao Mountain."

"Don't you show that Wu Daoshan will be alive soon? When it's alive, you won't be able to find it yourself, will you still need me?"

"Once Wudaoshan appears, it will inevitably shock the heavens and the earth, and the power that lies in this world will surely emerge. No one knows what will happen and who will appear."

"I see, you want to use me to grab you something, right?"

"What is exploitation? Are we talking about cooperation? If you help me, I will certainly help you."

"Okay, even if it is cooperation, you also said that once Wu Daoshan appears, what will happen to it? No one knows. Even if I want to help you to grab things, then it may not be able to grab them. Do n’t forget, you Just now I said that Sanqian Avenue is going to deal with me when Wudao Mountain is here. Whether I will be alive or not will be an unknown number. "

"I'll help you then, and you just have to assure me that you can do your best, even if you don't find it in the end, I won't blame you."

"so good?"

Gu Qingfeng squinted his eyes and looked at Ye Tianlan very suspiciously, and said, "Don't you want to use me again?"

"What do I want to use you again? Have I ever used you? I did deceive you at that time ~ ~ but I also paid a lot for it, and never used you, even once."

"That's true."

Gu Qingfeng drank the wine, considered it for a while, and nodded and promised, "Okay, no problem. I will do my best at that time. If I can help you, I can't help, you can't help complaining. As for you saying help me hide After a while, just forget it. "

"You still don't believe me."

"I don't believe you, I just don't want to owe you."


"No reason, of course, I can't help you for nothing, you have to do me a favor."

"What's busy?"

"I want to meet my master."

(End of this chapter)

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